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光热利用 utilization of light and heat英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-08 10:15:11


光热利用 utilization of light and heat英语短句 例句大全

光热利用,utilization of light and heat

1)utilization of light and heat光热利用


1.Solar photo electricity application project and solar thermal utilization project in Olympic Park are constructed.建设奥运公园光电利用工程、奥运公园光热利用工程。

2.Laser can be used to hot work of high accuracy, high speed and low heat input.利用激光可以进行高精度、热输入、速度的热加工。

3.Design of Temperature Control System with Integrated Utilization of Solar Photovoltaic-Thermal(PV/T) Effects太阳能光伏/光热综合利用的温控系统设计

4.Study on the new method of measuring thermal diffusivity for solid materials by photothermal deflection technique利用光热光偏转技术测量固体热扩散率的新方法

5.Research on Photovoltaic/Thermal Comprehensive Performance of Solar Cell with Fresnel Lense Concentrator;菲涅尔透镜聚光型太阳能电池光电/光热综合利用性能研究

6.Indirect TL dating of bronze with their thermoluminescent clay/sand-cores利用陶范或砂范对青铜器进行间接热释光断代

7.Sufficiently Utilizing the Light and Heat Resources to Develop the Spatial Agriculture in the Equal Kidge-Val-ley Region充分利用平行岭谷区光热资源发展立体农业

8.There is a good tendency of solar energy photothermal and photoelectricity conversion.太阳能的光热、光电利用已经显示了很好的发展势头。

9.Thermal and photovoltaic use of solar energy already have shown very bright prospects.太阳能的光热、电利用已经显示了很好的发展势头。

bined using three kinds of energy, the electricity, light and far infrared ray radiation, the thermal efficiency can reaches above 98%.电能、光能、远红外辐射三能综合利用,热效率高达98%以上。

11.Experimental Study of Overcoming Laser Rod′s Thermal Effect with Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Phase Conjugation Mirror利用受激布里渊散射相位共轭镜克服激光棒热效应的实验研究

12.Principles and Methods of Reflectance Spectroscopy and Thermal Emission and Their Application to Lunar Exploration;利用反射光谱和热辐射探测月球表面物质的理论和方法

13.Studies on Purity Identification of Hybrid Rice Seed Using the Thermo-energy of Hotspring and Daylength-regulating Techniques;利用温泉热能与控光技术鉴定杂交稻种子纯度的研究

14.Using In-situ FTIR Spectrometer to Investigate the Reaction Mechanisms of BN in Solvothermal Condition利用原位红外光谱研究溶剂热合成BN的反应机理

15.Lower Temperature Experimental Research on Using the Fire-pit and Underground Hating Exchange System in Solar Greenhouse利用日光温室燃池-地中热交换系统夏季降温的试验研究

16.Method of Measuring Anisotropy Seeback Coefficient of Thin Film Based on Laser Induced Thermoelectric Voltage Effect利用激光感生热电电压效应测量薄膜的各向异性泽贝克系数

17.the use of spectroscopes to analyze spectra.利用分光镜分析光谱。

18.radiography that uses X-rays to produce a roentgenogram.利用x光制作x光相片。


Use of resources of light and temperature光热资源利用

3)solar energy photo-thermal utilization太阳能光热利用

1.The present status of solar energy utilization in the province includingsolar energy photo-thermal utilization and photovoltaic utilization is summarized.综述了该省太阳能利用现状,主要包括太阳能光热利用、光电利用。

4)integrated utilization of solar photovoltaic-thermal and generation光热光电综合利用

1.The technology ofintegrated utilization of solar photovoltaic-thermal and generationof solar energy is the technology integration of light concentrating and splitting,as well as combined thermoelectric utilization.文章介绍了太阳能光热光电综合利用系统的技术情况,分别对集中式和分布式两种技术路线作了阐述,分析了聚光PV/T系统以及与建筑一体化设计的PV/T系统的未来发展方向。

5)effective heat utilization of laser激光热有效利用率

1.WT5”BZ]This paper deals with the calculating method for theeffective heat utilization of laser during the broad beam overlapping,the microstructure features of overlapping cladding layer and the convection mechanism,which was used to explain the variation of the microstructure and the distribution of alloys in different areas.研究了搭接条件下激光热有效利用率的计算方法。

6)the light energy utilizing and heat dissipation of PSⅡPSⅡ光能利用和热耗散


