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规范道德 norm-orientated ethics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-22 17:32:40


规范道德 norm-orientated ethics英语短句 例句大全

规范道德,norm-orientated ethics

1)norm-orientated ethics规范道德

1.For a long time,we passively obey prescriptivenorm-orientated ethics,which is just a fundamental state of teacher ethics.长期以来我们多重视外部规定性的、非自我的、被动遵守的规范道德,这只是教师道德发展的基础境界。


1.On the Relationship between Morality and Man from the Perspectives of Hominization Morality and Standard Morality从成人道德与规范道德看道德与人的关系

2.The extramarital affair runs counter to the ethics婚外恋不符合道德规范

3.professional associations, codes of practice, conduct专业协会、 职业道德规范、 职业道德

4.In the Construction of Ethics, We should StrengthenEducation on the Moral Norm of "Honesty and Trust;在道德建设中加强“诚信”道德规范教育

5.On Administrative Officials Morality and the Way of Their Moral Education in Institutions of Higher Learning;高校管理干部的道德规范与道德养成

6.An Analysis of Three Moral Dilemmas in News Mora" Codes试析新闻道德规范中的三个道德难题

7.Moral Education and Moral Norms:Reflection on the Moral Theories of Kant and Durkheim道德教育与道德规范——对康德与涂尔干道德理论的反思

8.The Practical Value of Dynamic Morality System of “Rules-Character-Conduct”;论“规范-德性-德行”动态伦理道德体系的实践价值

9.A code of principles based on morality, conscience, or nature.道德规范基于道德、良心或本性之上的一套原则

10.Honesty and faith as the basic principle of society is the people"s baseline of morality.诚信是社会基本的道德规范,是公民的道德底线。

11.The second is morals standard construction whose content is democracy" s moralization.以民主的道德化为内容的道德规范建设;

12.Taking the Cultivation of Ethics and Etiquette Norm as Primary Mission of Moral Construction;道德礼仪规范的养成是道德建设的首要任务

13.To Promote the Moral Construction of the Network by the Civil Moral Basic Regulations;用公民基本道德规范促进网络道德建设

14.The Study on Sex Morality Values of Contemporary College Students in China and the Construction of Sex Morality Rules当代大学生性道德观念现状及性道德规范构想

15.Formulate the moral issues, moral questions, and moral norms in terms of justice.以公正为前提,提出道德争议,道德问题和道德规范。

16.conformity to high standards of ethics or excellence.与很高的道德规范相一致。

17.a single moral code for all.对所有人都适用的道德规范

18.Muslim, Hindu, Christian, etc morality回教的、 印度教的、 基督教的道德规范.


Moral Norm道德规范

1.The Certification of HONcode andMoral Norms of Domestic Medicine and Health Websites;HONcode认证与国内医学健康网站道德规范

2.Socialist market economy and moral norms;社会主义市场经济与道德规范

3.This paper expounds how university library to improve the service consciousness and strengthen the moral norm from three aspects.从3个方面论述了高校图书馆如何提高服务意识和加强道德规范的问题。

3)moral norms道德规范

1.Confucius proposed a basic system withmoral norms such as"intelligence, benevolence and bravery".中国道德文化源远流长,孔子提出了"智、仁、勇"之"三达德"基本道德规范体系。

2.This paper deals with its main aspects, including the first practical principle, basic human goods, first moral principle and intermediate principles (modes of responsibility or the basic requirements of practical reason), andmoral norms, etc.新自然法理论的主要内容包括其关于实践理性的第一原则、基本人类善、道德第一原则和居间原则(责任模式或实践理性的基本要求)以及道德规范等方面。

3.To construct themoral norms system is one of the taks in the construction of the socialist ideological civilization.构建道德规范体系是社会主义精神文明建设的任务之一。


1.Ethics and zoology;道德规范与动物学(英文)

2.Infiltration ofethics in sports industry;体育事业中道德规范的渗透

3.The importance of the education inethics concerning college students interpersonal contacts;要重视大学生的人际交往道德规范教育

5)moral standards道德规范

1.On the principle of moral education and the system ofmoral standards;论道德教育原则和道德规范体系

2.teachers professionmoral standards should be set up,the relationship between college P.改善湖北高校体育教师的职业道德状况,须构建与高等教育相适应的体育教师职业道德规范,引导体育教师正确处理干事业与自我发展的关系,并逐步完善考核评价与激励机制。

3.To deepen moral understanding, identify withmoral standards,define moral responsibility,strengthen consciousness and self-discipline,improve moral mechanisms,and so on are the effective ways for moral educational workers to train college students .道德需要的培养是高校德育工作中的一个重要课题,提高道德认识、认同道德规范、明确道德责任、加强自觉自律、完善道德机制等是高校学生道德需要培养的有效途径。

6)moral standard道德规范

1.In the process of the moral reconstruction,the relationship of moral ideal,moral standard and morals appraises c.并且在道德建设中,要注意处理好道德理想、道德规范和道德评价三者之间的逻辑关系,才能更好地使道德建设真正从精神上支撑起和谐社会。

2.What kind ofmoral standard a society carries out,however,is the basic reason for social development: the carrying out of finemoral standard is the basic reason for social development while the carrying out of abominable morals is the basic reason .一个社会的道德规范本身,并不是社会发展进步的基本原因;但是,一个社会实行何种道德规范,则是社会发展进步的基本原因:推行优良的道德规范是社会进步的基本原因;推行恶劣道德是社会停滞的基本原因。

3.Anymoral standards contain benefits andmoral standard,in the final analysis,are the adjusts to benefits.道德与利益虽然有矛盾,但从根本上来说应该是内在一致的,任何道德规范中都蕴涵着利益机制,道德规范归根结底是对利益的调整,因此,道德总是反映着一定社会历史时期人们之间的特定利益关系。


