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复合钠盐 complex sodium salt英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-15 14:54:13


复合钠盐 complex sodium salt英语短句 例句大全

复合钠盐,complex sodium salt

1)complex sodium salt复合钠盐

1.The stress effects of different concentrations(0,20,50,100,200 mmol/L) ofcomplex sodium salt (NaCl, Na2CO3 and Na2SO4) on the germination of Hippophae rhamnoide seeds were investigated.研究了沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides)种子萌发对不同浓度(0、20、50、80、100、150、200mmol/L)复合钠盐(NaCl、Na2CO3和Na2SO4)胁迫的响应。


1.Stress effects of Complex Sodium Salt on the Germination of Hippophae rhamnoide Seeds复合钠盐胁迫对沙棘种子萌发的影响

2.inorganic carbonate of metals (excl, neutral sodium carbonate, natural carbonates and double or complex carbonates)无机金属碳酸盐(不包括中性碳酸钠、天然碳酸盐和复或综合碳酸盐)

mon salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine.食盐是钠和氯的化合物.

4.Diagnosis and Treatment of Cerebral Salt Wasting Syndrome Induced Hyponatremia (Review and Case Report);脑性盐耗综合征持续低钠血症诊治体会(文献复习及典型病例报告)

5.Efficacy and Safety of a Novel Low Sodium Compound Ion Salt on Blood Pressure Control in a Community Based Population Trial新型低钠复合离子盐降压作用的社区人群干预研究

6.ResultsPatients with CSW were cured through salt suppliment and volumic therapy.结果 确诊为脑性盐耗综合征所致低钠血症的患者经过补盐、扩容等相关治疗恢复良好。

7.Effects of a Compound of Phenytoin Sodium and Minocycline on Periodontal Wound Healing in a Fenestration Defect of Rats;苯妥英钠—盐酸米诺环素复合药物促进大鼠磨牙区牙周缺损愈合的研究

8.Glutamate [Sodium , Potassium]谷氨酸[钠盐,钾盐]

9.Benzylpenicillin[Sodium , Potassium]青霉素[钠盐,钾盐]

10.Heparin [Sodium ,Calcium]肝素[钠盐,钙盐]

11.a mineral that is a complex borosilicate and hydroxide of aluminum containing iron and magnesium and calcium and lithium and sodium; it is usually black but occurs in transparent colored forms that are used as gemstones.一种含铁、镁、钙、锂、钠的复合铝硼硅酸盐和氢氧化铝,常为黑色,透明有色的可用作宝石。

12.Calcium is present in casein micelles as bound calcium ions and as colloidal calcium phosphate (see Salts); sodium, potassium and magnesium ions are also bound to protein in the micelle together with.small amounts of citrate.酷蛋白胶束中的外层有离子和磷酸钙复合物两种状态,胶束内还含有钠、钾、镁和少量柠檬酸盐。

13.Rochelle salt罗谢尔盐, 四水(合)酒石酸钾钠

14.2, 6-dichloroindophenol sodium salt dihydrate二水合2, 6-二氯化苯酚钠盐

15.The Salt-tolerance of Sodium Nonyl Phenol Polyoxyethylene Ether Sulfonates and Their Mixtures with a Heavy Alkylbenzene Sulfonate壬基酚醚磺酸钠及其与重烷基苯磺酸钠复配物的耐盐性

16.Development of Compound Nefopam and Naproxen Sodium Sustained-release Capsules复方盐酸奈福泮萘普生钠缓释胶囊的研制

17.Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Tungsten Phosphates、Sodium Titanium Oxide、Sodium Tin Oxide;钨磷酸盐、锡酸钠、钛酸钠新化合物合成与结构表征

18.Prepartion and chararcterization of carboxyl methyl starch sodium and sodium alginate composite sponge羧甲基淀粉钠/海藻酸钠复合海绵的制备与表征



3)sodium compound fertilizer钠复合肥

4)ammonium paratungstate(APT)-sodium paratungstate(SPT) complex salt仲钨酸铵-钠复盐

5)Na2SO4 complex salt rare earth稀土硫酸钠复盐

6)sodium zirconium sulfate compound硫酸锆钠复盐


锂镁钠氟化物硅酸盐复盐CAS:64060-48-6分子式:F·Li·Mg·Na·W99中文名称:锂镁钠氟化物硅酸盐复盐;氟云母英文名称:Lithium magnesium sodium fluoride silicate;Fluorine Mica
