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现代企业管理 modern enterprise management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-11 01:43:30


现代企业管理 modern enterprise management英语短句 例句大全

现代企业管理,modern enterprise management

1)modern enterprise management现代企业管理

1.Brief comment on the position and function of the moral concepts“people as foundation” inmodern enterprise management;略论“以人为本”的伦理理念在现代企业管理中的地位和作用

2.With the increase in the competitiveness and antagonism in the various aspects of the society and in the pursuit of rationality and efficiency of individual s own behaviours and decisions, there are game ideas inmodern enterprise management.社会生活各个方面的竞争性和对抗性日益加强,人们对自身行为和决策的理性和效率的追求日益增高,现代企业管理充满了博弈的思想。

3.In the era of knowledge-driven economy,the work satisfaction management of knowledge-based employees has become an important subject inmodern enterprise management.知识经济时代,知识型员工的工作满意度管理已经成为现代企业管理的重要课题,企业应在充分认识知识型员工特点的基础上,通过提供富有挑战性的工作和宽松的工作环境、良好的激励机制、员工职业生涯规划和培训等方法提高知识型员工的工作满意度。


1.Theory of Firm s Healthcare: A New Branch of Modern Management;企业保健学:现代企业管理理论新进展

2.The managing principle of "Human-Centered Management" in the modern corporation;论“人本管理”的现代企业管理理念

3.Value Management: an Inevitable Choice of Modern Enterprise Management;价值管理:现代企业管理的必然选择

4.Ability-based Management--the Double-blade Sward of Modern Management;能本管理——现代企业管理的双刃剑

5.Knowledge Management-the Inevitable Choice of Modern Enterprises Management;知识管理——现代企业管理的必然选择

6.The Application of the Efficiency Management Science in Modern Enterprise Management;管理工效学在现代企业管理中的运用

7.Financial Management: The Key Point of Modern Business Management;财务管理:现代企业管理的中心环节

8.The Heart of Modern Enterprise Manage ment Model-Finance Management;现代企业管理模式的核心是财务管理

9.To Benefit from Management Theory of the Legalists to Chinese Enterprises" Meaning法家管理思想对现代企业管理的启示

10.Knowledge management :a new realm of modern enterprise modern enterprise theory based on knowledge;知识管理:现代企业管理的新境界——兼论基于知识观的现代企业理论

11.E-commerce Era under the Modern Enterprise Management of the New Initiatives;电子商务时代下现代企业管理新举措

12.On Modern Enterprise System and Modern Professional Business Administration;现代企业制度与现代职业企业管理专家阶层

13.Application of Modern Enterprises Cost Management in Power Grid Enterprises;现代企业成本管理在电网企业的应用

14.Modern Information-driven Management Innovation;企业信息化与现代企业经营管理创新

15.Discussion on Connotation of Enterprise Management under the Modern Enterprise System;现代企业制度条件下企业管理的内涵

16.Cultural Management of Corporation:the Pursuit and Symbol of the Modern Corporation;企业文化管理:现代企业的追求和标志

17.Cultural Function and Influence in Modern Enterprise Management;现代施工企业管理中现代企业文化作用和影响

18.On the Target of Finance Administration in Modern Companies;论财务管理在现代企业中的管理目标


modern business management现代企业管理

1.Strengthening the construction of enterprise culture was one of the important part of the westernmodern business management in 1980s.加强企业文化建设,是80年代以来西方现代企业管理中增添的一项重要内容,现已受到世界各国的普遍重视。

2.With such a conception and the new economic situation as background, the article concludes and exemplifies the seven features characterized ofmodern business management.本文首先从当前国际国内的管理理论和管理形势出发 ,阐述了新形势下管理的发展可能 ,并在此基础上 ,结合事例阐述了现代企业管理的七大特征。

3.First,inmodern business management it is essential to attach much importance to information.从现代企业管理要充分重视信息的重要性,现代企业在激烈竞争中要积极主动地掌控主导权,前线经理要懂得灵活机动等三个方面阐述了其现代应用价值,值得在企业管理中借鉴,提高管理水平。

3)management of modern enterprise现代企业管理

4)modern corporate management现代企业管理

1.Recently, with the development of modern market economy, there are many discussions about the relations between the traditional thought culture andmodern corporate management.近些年来,随着现代市场经济的发展,对于传统思想文化与现代企业管理关系问题的探讨也层出不穷,但是,对于儒家思想与现代企业管理的关系这一论题进行的研究尚有薄弱之处,有进一步加强的必要。

5)Modern Business Administration现代企业管理

1.On the Shaping of Legal Ideas inModern Business Administration;论现代企业管理中的法律理念塑造

2.The main characteristic of new period economy is that the knowledge capital has important function during modern business administration as the soft property, Knowledge is managed and becomes the new strategy which meets the macroclimate of knowledge economy The knowledge executive is the only way of modern business administratio新时期经济的主要特征是知识资本作为软财产在现代企业管理中具有重要的作用 ,知识经营成为适应知识经济大气候的新战略。

3.Market economy requires that ethics play a coordinating part in modern business administration.市场经济要求伦理在现代企业管理中发挥协调作用。

6)business management modernization企业管理现代化

1.Thebusiness management modernization is an important task to realize modernization for the devel- oping country,and is also a unique category in the economics and management fields in our country.企业管理现代化是发展中国家实现现代化的重要任务,也是我国特有的经济学与管理学范畴。


