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东北细辛 Herba Asari英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-29 22:08:34


东北细辛 Herba Asari英语短句 例句大全

东北细辛,Herba Asari

1)Herba Asari东北细辛

1.Analysis of the Volatile Oil ofHerba Asari of Tonghua by GC-MS;通化产东北细辛挥发油成分的GC-MS分析

2.Studies on the Trend of Accumulation about Three Element N、P、K in the Root ofHerba Asari;东北细辛根系氮、磷、钾三要素积累动态研究


1.Research on Dongbei Asarum and Seoul Asarum Authentication Method and Relationship Analysis;东北细辛和首尔细辛的鉴别方法及其类缘关系研究

2.Experiment on the Analgesia Effect in Different Localities of Three Kinds of Asarum北细辛汉城细辛华细辛不同药用部位的镇痛作用研究

3."The Incident of Gengxin" in Northeast China and the Response of Local Officials of Fengtian;东北“庚辛之变”与奉天地方官员的应对

4.Analysis of Strategies of the Foreign Powers on Manchuria in 1911 Revolution;辛亥革命期间列强对东北的政策分析

5.Excellence Comes from Hardships--Northeastern Culture Restricted by Diversified Culture;卓越出自艰辛——多重文化制约下的东北文化

6.Origin of Es4 Member Sandy Conglomerate and Its Hydrocarbon Accumulation Pattern in North Belt of Dongxin东辛北带沙四段砂砾岩成因及其成藏模式研究

7.The Experimental Study of Asarum Heterotropoides FR Schmidt, Clematis Chinensis Osbeck and Menispermum Dauricum on Renal Injury;细辛、威灵仙、北豆根导致肾损害的实验研究

8.Analysis of the use of Deng-zhan-xi-xin injection in Beijing Hospital北京医院使用灯盏细辛注射液情况分析

9.medium-sized spruce of northeastern North America having short blue-green leaves and slender cones.北美东北部一种中型云杉,蓝绿色短叶,细长球果。

10.Morphological Parameter of Blood Cells in Hynobius Leechii Boulenger and Salamandrella Keyserlingii;东北小鲵和极北鲵血细胞形态学参数研究

11.to, toward, or in the north-northeast.到北东北,向着北东北或在北东北。

12.A city of southeast Wisconsin north - northwest of Milwaukee.It is an industrial center in a dairy region.Population, 23, 916.西本德美国威斯康辛周东南、密尔沃基西北偏北的一城市。它是乳品业地区的工业中心。人口23,

13.Study and Optimization of Stocked Ewe Production System of Northeast Fine Sheep in Agro-pastoral Ecotone东北农牧交错区东北细毛羊基础母畜生产体系研究及优化

14.There Rosing recently detected the light carbon biosignature in rocks that he argues experienced a mere migraine compared with Akilia"s hellish past.它是位于阿基利亚东北方约180公里处的伊苏瓦,罗辛最近在那里侦测到轻碳生物印记。

15.slender fringed orchid of eastern North America having white flowers.北美东部一种纤细的流苏状兰花,花白色。

16.violet of eastern North America having lilac-purple flowers with a long slender spur.北美东部紫罗兰,花丁香紫色有细长的距。

17.Studies on Growth and Metabolism of Encapsulated Taxus Cuspidata;微胶囊固定化东北红豆杉细胞生长代谢的研究

18.Study on Optimizing of Environmental Conditions of Taxus Cuspidata Cell Culture to Produce Taxol东北红豆杉细胞培养生产紫杉醇环境优化技术


Asarum chinense川北细辛

1.The number and karyotype of chromosomes ofAsarum chinense and Asarum magnificum were studied.报道了2种细辛属植物——川北细辛(AsarumchinenseFranch。

3)Asarum heterotropoide北细辛

1.Morphological structure ofAsarum heterotropoides vegetative organ and histochemical localization of volatile oil北细辛(Asarum heterotropoides)营养器官的形态结构及其挥发油的组织化学定位

4)dongbei fine wool sheep东北细毛羊

1.DNA samples were obtained from blood of 20dongbei fine wool sheep and amplified by 12 primers,also the polymorphic makers were analyzed by SPSS.应用12条随机引物对20只成年东北细毛羊全血基因组DNA进行扩增,并利用SPSS对其多态性进行方差分析和T检验。

2.The wool samples of Xinji and Dongbei fine wool sheep were tested by OFDA2000.应用OFDA2000型羊毛羊绒纤维直径快速检测仪,对吉林省镇南种羊场新吉细毛羊种群、双辽种羊场东北细毛羊种群羊毛纤维品质进行检测,并统计分析。

5)Northeast fine-wool sheep东北细毛羊

1.The ten STR loci as a system of genetic markers were used to analyze genetic diversity and parentage relationship inNortheast fine-wool sheep group.以10个STR基因座作为遗传标记系统,分析东北细毛羊种群的遗传多样性和亲缘关系。

2.In order to explore the effects of cysteamine and daidzein on gene expression of IGF-ⅠmRNA in the tissue of liver, muscle and skin inNortheast fine-wool sheep.为了探讨半胱胺和大豆黄酮对东北细毛羊肝脏、肌肉和皮肤组织中IGF-ⅠmRNA表达量的影响,选取体重27~28 kg,5~6月龄健康的东北细毛羊育成羊21只,随机分成7组,每组3个重复,每个重复1只,采用实时荧光定量PCR法检测肝脏、肌肉和皮肤组织中IGF-ⅠmRNA相对表达量。

6)Northeast fine wool sheep东北细毛羊

1.The comparison betweenNortheast fine wool sheep and its F_1 Crossbred on the Aneurolepidium chinense grassland;羊草草原东北细毛羊及其与小尾寒羊杂交F_1代的比较研究


东北细辛(manchurian wildginger)东北细辛(manchurian wildginger)马兜铃科细辛属的一个种,学名Asarum beterotropoides Fr. Schmidt var. mandshuricum (Maxim.) Kitagawa。多年生草本植物。因根细味辛而得名。分布于中国、朝鲜和前苏联。中国主产辽宁、吉林和黑龙江等省。株高10-25cm。根茎横生,密生细长须根。茎短,基部有2-3枚鳞片。茎端生2-3叶片,全缘,绿色,有长柄。花单生于叶腋,花被筒壶形,紫褐色,蒴果肉质,半球形。野生于腐殖质土层深厚的林下,喜湿润阴凉环境,以疏松肥沃的壤土或砂质壤土栽培为佳。多在林下栽培,露地栽培需适当遮荫,郁闭度0.5左右为宜。以种子繁殖为主。一般采用播种育苗,在准备好的畦上按行距15cm开浅沟条播,覆土2cm,盖草、浇水。秋季叶枯萎越冬芽形成时,按行株距15×10cm穴播,每穴播栽3-5株。在种子充足时也可作畦直播,按行株距15×10cm穴播,每穴播5-10粒种子;也可分株繁殖,病虫害主要有菌核病Sclerotinia sclerotiorum 、黑毛虫Luehdorfia puziloi、小地老虎等。全草含挥发油,内含甲基丁香油酚(Methyleugenol)及黄樟醚(Safrole)。味辛,性温,有小毒。有祛风,散寒,行水,开窍之功效。
