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指数回归模型 exponential regression model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-29 11:44:08


指数回归模型 exponential regression model英语短句 例句大全

指数回归模型,exponential regression model

1)exponential regression model指数回归模型

1.Tentative of reliability integrated assessment method based onexponential regression model基于指数回归模型的可靠性综合评价方法初探


1.Threshold Selection in Tail Index Estimation Based on Exponential Regression Model;基于指数回归模型的极值指数估计的门限选择

2.Exponential Regression Model Based on MCMC Method and Its Application;基于MCMC稳态模拟的指数回归模型及其应用

3.Tentative of reliability integrated assessment method based on exponential regression model基于指数回归模型的可靠性综合评价方法初探

4.The Exponential Regression Model for Readers" Satisfaction Degree to Universities Library高校图书馆读者满意度指数回归模型研究

5.Linear Regression Model for Composite Stock Index of Shanghai Stock Exchange Centre(Daily;上证综合指数(日收盘)线性回归模型

6.The fuzzy prediction of Economic Early Warning Indicators by Using Fuzzy Regression Analysis Model模糊回归分析模型对景气预警指数的模糊预测

7.Local Regression Estimation of the Semipar Ametric Models;半参数回归模型的局部回归估计方法

8.Unbiased Estimation and Application of Parameters of Powerand Exponential Functions;幂函数和指数函数回归模型参数的无偏估计及应用

9.General Regression Neural Network Forecasting Model of Stock Index Based on Behavioral Parameters of Investors;基于投资者行为参数的股票指数广义回归神经网络预测模型

10.The Research of Application of Semi Parameter Regression Model to Price Index of Housing for Sale;半参数回归模型在商品房价格指数中的应用研究

11.The Conditional Root Squares Estimation of Regression Coefficient in Restricted Linear Regression Model;约束线性回归模型回归系数的条件根方估计

12.The Estimation Theory of Regression Coefficient in Linear Regression Model under Balanced Loss Function;平衡损失下线性回归模型回归系数的估计理论

13.The Balanced LS Estimation of the Regressive Coefficient in Linear Model and Its Prediction;线性回归模型回归系数的平衡LS估计及预测

14.An Empirical Research on the Health Index Forecasting of Zhe Jang Province with Semiparametric Regression Model;半参数回归模型在浙江省卫生指标预测中的应用研究

15.Improved-through-stepwise-regression & Diffusion-index-based Model of Unemployment Warning and Its Application;基于扩散指数的逐步回归改进失业预警模型及实证分析

16.The Ordinal Data Regression and Its Application in Consumer Confidence Indicator Survey;定序变量的回归分析模型及其在消费者信心指数编制中的应用

17.The Application of Exponential Regression and ARMA Model in Annual per Capita Electricity Consumption of Households Forecast指数回归-ARMA模型在我国人均生活电力消费量预测中的应用

18.In vitro regression model of glycemic index for carbohydrate-riched foods富碳水化合物食品血糖生成指数的体外回归模型


Exponential autoregressive model指数自回归模型

1.A Nonlinear Time Sery Model for Flood Forecast——exponential autoregressive model;一类洪水预报的非线性时序模型——指数自回归模型

2.On the complex decay of Tongjizi reservoir induced seismicity,an exponential autoregressive model is constructed and seismic activity tendency is predicted.本文从铜街子水库诱发地震的基本地质条件着手,采用了水库综合影响系数、概率预测、信息量预测、模糊预测等方法对其最大诱震震级进行了评估,并针对铜街子水库诱发地震的复式衰减特性,建立了指数自回归模型,对诱发地震的活动趋势进行了预测。

3.The identification of exponential autoregressive model (EAR modal)is discussed in this paper.讨论了指数自回归模型的辨识问题,证明了该模型最小二乘估计的目标函数的非凸性,并给出了使该函数为凸的条件;最后给出了辨识该模型的算法及该算法的收效性,并以数值例子加以说明。

3)complex exponential autoregressive model复数域指数自回归模型

1.The closed boundary of an arbitrary 2-D shape is considered to be physically related to the locus of a 2-D orthogonal nonlinear vibration with equal period, and hence acomplex exponential autoregressive model is proposed to describe the 2-D closed boundary.一个二维任意封闭图形的轮廓在物理意义上可被看成是二维正交等周期非线性振动轨迹,并因此构造了复数域指数自回归模型。

4)Exponential type regression指数型回归

5)nonlinear exponential family regression models指数族非线性回归模型

1.This paper first presents a MBW geometric framework fornonlinear exponential family regression models with linear restriction.首先,本文给出了带线性约束的指数族非线性回归模型的MBW几何结构,并在此基础上,给出了带线性约束的指数族非线性回归模型的最大似然估计量的随机展开。

6)exponential regression指数回归

1.This paper presents an alternative VMT estimation approach that incorporates both traffic counts and link attributes through anexponential regression model in estimating 1ink volumes and VMTs,which are then further disaggregated over the speed and time domains.文中提出了一种VMT估算模型 ,该模型引入指数回归模型 ,结合采样交通流量和路段特征来估测所有路段流量和VMT ,并按时间和速度进行了进一步划分 ,在实际运用中 ,该模型在现有技术条件下也易于标

2.The theories of three regression analysis methods were illustrated, which are simple linear regression,exponential regression and weightedexponential regression.首先阐述了一元线性回归、指数回归、加权指数回归等3种回归分析方法的原理及各模型参数的确定方法。

3.This thesis gave the forecast models of patients survivor life based on learning from fuzzy examples andexponential regression,and got the joint forecast model through optimizing the two kinds of models.基于模糊示例学习与指数回归理论分别得到患者生存寿命的预测模型,并对2种模型进行优化组合,提出联合预测模型,其预测结果可为患者选择治疗方案提供必要的信息。


指数指数①表示一个数自乘若干次的数字,记在数的右上角,例如32,43, 6n,右角上的小数字2,3,n。②根据所测量值以表达不能精确测定值的公式。如*心指数。
