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彩色调光玻璃 colorful and switchable windows英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-17 00:12:09


彩色调光玻璃 colorful and switchable windows英语短句 例句大全

彩色调光玻璃,colorful and switchable windows

1)colorful and switchable windows彩色调光玻璃

2)Full-color photosensitive glass彩色光敏玻璃

3)colour glass彩色玻璃


1.stained-glass representations of saints彩色玻璃的圣徒画像

2.Stained glass: Coloured glass used to make decorative windows and other objects through which light passes.彩色玻璃:装饰窗户和其它对象的各色玻璃。

3.Cameo glass: Glassware decorated with figures and forms in coloured glass carved in relief against a glass Background of a contrasting colour.宝石玻璃: 用彩色玻璃雕刻的图案或造型装饰在色彩对比鲜明底色上的玻璃器皿。

4.The stained - glass windows gave the room a churchy look.彩色玻璃窗于房间看起来像教堂。

5.Bill Gates went into Stained-Glass Windows,比尔?盖茨进入彩色玻璃视窗系统,

6.The next day Microsoft developed Stained-Glass Windows,第二天,微软开发出彩色玻璃视窗系统,

7.The church"s east window has beautifully colored glass.那教堂的东边窗户,有著美丽地彩色玻璃。

8.The tall, pointed windows glow in a thousand colours;还有,一扇扇尖形长窗,尽是光怪陆离的彩色玻璃;

9.The crude reds and greens and blues of that coloured glass held us there.彩色玻璃天然的红色、绿色、蓝色把我们吸引在那里。

10.monochrome painting or stained glass etc., in shades of gray imitating the effect of relief.独色的绘画或彩色玻璃等,在模仿浮雕效果的灰色阴影里。

11.It combined clear glass with squares, rectangles, triangles and circles of brightly colored glass.这种窗户是由透明的玻璃和正方形、长方形、三角形及圆形的彩色玻璃构成的。

12.A new exhibit at the Smithsonian Institution"s Renwick Gallery shows forty-eight of these stained glass windows.史密森学会伦威克陈列馆新近展出了48件这种彩色玻璃窗。

13.Its stained-glass windows shielded the interior from heat, it would be cool there, a place to rest.窗子上的彩色玻璃是隔热的,教堂里面很凉快,是个休息的好地方。

14.At one side of the house is a huge stained-glass window in the shape of a keyhole.房屋一侧有一扇巨大的彩色玻璃窗,形状象是钥匙孔。

15.coloured acrylic handle for lady"s umbrella彩色有机玻璃女伞柄

16.a stained glass window,ie one made of pieces of glass of different colours,as seen in many churches彩画玻璃窗(由各色玻璃拼成,常见于教堂中).

17.They decorated their palaces with glass mosaics(pictures made by putting together small bits of colored glass).他们还用玻璃镶嵌图案(把许多彩色小块玻璃拼成图案)。

18.Wright used glass in bright colors like red, blue, yellow, green and black.赖特喜欢用色彩鲜艳的玻璃,比如:红色、蓝色、黄色、绿色和黑色。


Full-color photosensitive glass彩色光敏玻璃

3)colour glass彩色玻璃

4)colour light glass彩光玻璃

5)color glass windows彩色玻璃窗

1.Study oncolor glass windows of Gothic church;哥特教堂彩色玻璃窗之探究

6)colored plate glass彩色板玻璃


