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点线面 points/lines/ faces英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-22 07:20:56


点线面 points/lines/ faces英语短句 例句大全

点线面,points/lines/ faces

1)points/lines/ faces点线面


1.Planning of the Rail Transit Network of Urban Agglomeration Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process of Points,Lines,and Planes基于点线面要素的轨道交通线网规划研究

2.The Study in City-wide Green Space System Planning about Points, Lines and Faces;市域绿地系统规划点线面相结合研究

3.Reflection on the Neutralization Beauty, Freehand Brushwork Drawing and Point-line-surface Art of Traditional Chinese Painting;中国画中和之美、写意及点线面之思考

4.Lines pierce the sphere in points.直线与球面相交为点。

5.A point, line, or plane.一点,一条线或一个平面.

6.Lack and Breakthrough of“Point”,“Line”and“Plane”;“点”、“线”、“面”的缺失与突破

7.The point at which a line, or the curve in which a surface, intersects a coordinate plane.交点,交线线与坐标平面相交的点或一表面与坐标平面相交的曲线

8.the pure mathematics of points and lines and curves and surfaces.关于点,线,曲线和表面的纯数学。

9.0 - None;1 - Flat;2 - Inset;3 - Raised;4 - Dashes;5 - Dots-无;1-平面;2-凹入;3-凸起;4-虚线;5-点线

10.Singularities of Parallels for Hyperbolic Plane Curves双曲平面曲线的平行曲线的奇点分类

11.a straight line joining the apex and a point on the base.连接顶点和底面上的一个点的直线。

12.3D points reconstruction based on the midpoint of skew lines common perpendicular algorithm异面直线公垂线段中点算法为基的三维点重建

13.The points x and y are where the bedding traces cut the horizontal surface.层面迹线与水平面相交于XY两点。

14.Understanding of "Point,Line and Surface" in Plane Design;平面设计中的“点、线、面”认识谈

15.A surface containing all the straight lines that connect any two points on it.平面包含面上所有连接任意两点的直线的平面

16.The line of intersection, inward concave and shallow area of curved surface are the difficult points in curved surface machining.曲面交线、面内凹区域及曲面中浅平面的加工是曲面加工中的难点。

17.The surface generated by a straight line, the generator, passing through a fixed point, the vertex, and moving along a fixed curve, the directrix.锥面由一条直线,即母线,通过一固定点,即顶点,沿一给定曲线,即准线,连续移动而产生的平面

18.Solid;Dashes;Short Dashes;Dots;Sparse Dots;Dash Dot;Dash Dot Dot实线;虚线;短虚线;点线;稀点线;点划线;点点划线


the point of intersection线面交点

1.This paper expounds the use of an auxiliary plane in seekingthe point of intersection between a straight line and a plane,using a comparative analytical method.采用对比法对辅助平面在求一般位置的线面交点中的作用进行了论述 。


4)contour points截面线点

1.This thesis centers on the issue of surface reconstruction in graph division, parameterization and construction from unorganized points,contour points and triangle meshes.本文针对散乱点、截面线点和三角网格构造曲面的问题,通过研究解决反求工程中的图形分割、参数化处理和曲面拼接三个部分的问题,给出了这三种数据的曲面重构算法。


6)point set of contour of cross-section plane截面线点集


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