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民用 civil use英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-19 10:52:31


民用 civil use英语短句 例句大全

民用,civil use

1)civil use民用

prehensive comparison of the air conditioning systems for textile processing and forcivil use;纺织空调与民用空调的综合对比分析


1.Directorate of Civil Aviation民用航空局(民航局)

2.Industrial and civil architecture工业与民用建筑(工民建)

3.(a) all civil aircraft,(a)所有民用航空器,

4.A trademark used for a civilian motor vehicle.民用吉普车一种民用汽车商标

5.Civil Aviation Law of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国民用航空法

anisation de l"aviation civile internationale国际民用航空组织(民航组织)

7.Civil Aviation Training Centre民用航空训练中心(民航训练中心)

8.On Civilian Aviation Construction Led by Nanking Kuomintang Government, 1927-1937;南京国民政府民用航空业研究(1927~1937)

9.Code for sound insulation design of civil buildings民用建筑隔声设计规范

10.privately operated automatic alarm system民用自动火灾报警系统

11.citizens" band[美]民用无线电台频带(缩

12.Can we refrain from exercising the people"s democratic dictatorship?人民民主专政能不用吗?

13.Estabishing the Democratic System of Cader s Selection to Ensure the Masses Democratic Rights;论民主的用人机制与人民群众的民主权益

14.An Understanding of the New Immigration Regulations: Giving Guidance to Immigrants Actions As Per the New Immigration Regulations;用移民条例规范移民行为──新《移民条例》学习体会

15.I play folk music on the flute. Folk music sounds wonderful.我用笛子演奏民乐。民乐听起来很好听。

16.The democracy we have in our country is not copied from the West.我们实行的民主不是搬用西方的民主。

17.Those corrupt officials fattened themselves by drinking the people"s life-blood.那些贪官污吏用民脂民膏养肥了自己。

18.Strengthening Peasants Subject Consciousness and Playing Peasants Subject Function;强化农民主体意识 发挥农民主体作用


civil day民用日民用日

3)civil building民用建筑

1.Smoke management in a single storied large spacecivil building;单层大空间民用建筑防排烟设计初探

2.On the importance of the repetitive ground in thecivil building;浅谈民用建筑重复接地的重要性

3.Viewpoints on energy-efficiency design ofcivil buildings;对民用建筑节能设计的看法

4)domestic coal民用煤

1.Characteristics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons emitted from indoor combustion ofdomestic coals;民用煤室内燃烧条件下多环芳烃的排放特征

5)civil aviation民用航空

1.Application of carbon composite materials forcivil aviation;碳纤维复合材料在民用航空上的应用

2.The relation between development ofcivil aviation and advanced composite materials is introduced,including development ofcivil aviation and increasing in application of advanced composite materials,status of applying advanced composite materials to B787 and A380,demands ofcivil aviation on carbon fibers as well as materials technology and quality.介绍民用航空发展和先进复合材料的关系,包括民用飞机的发展和复合材料应用的增长,在B787和A380飞机上先进复合材料采用情况,民用航空对碳纤维的要求以及对材料工艺和质量的要求,指出民用航空应用先进复合材料要注意的问题和下一步发展方向。

3.This exposition elabrrates on the role, characteristics ofcivil aviation transportation development and the significance of its development strateg讨论了民用航空运输事业的作用、特点,论述了世界民航运输事业的发展历程,从而分析我国民航运输事业的发展战略的意义。

6)civil architecture民用建筑

1.The electric energy saving design ofcivil architecture;民用建筑的电气节能设计

2.The application of value engineering in construction cost control ofcivil architecture;价值工程在民用建筑施工成本控制中的运用

3.On the design elements of power supply and distribution system incivil architecture;浅析民用建筑供配电系统设计要点


民用1.民之器用。 2.民之财用。 3.人民生活所使用的。
