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食用豆类 edible legumes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-10 20:48:46


食用豆类 edible legumes英语短句 例句大全

食用豆类,edible legumes

1)edible legumes食用豆类

1.Taking rutin as standard substance,the colorimetry methods with AlCl3 and Al(NO3)3 as color developing agent respectively were used to determine the total content of flavonoids in 15 kinds of commonedible legumes.以芦丁为标样应用氯化铝显色法、硝酸铝显色法分别测定15种常见食用豆类中的黄酮类化合物总含量,以染料木素做为标样应用直接比色法测定其中食用豆类样品中异黄酮的总含量,利用高压液相色谱法测定常见食用豆类中的4种大豆异黄酮单体成分的含量。


1.Antioxidant Activities of Common Edible Bean Extract常见食用豆类提取液抗氧化特性研究


3.Determination of Flavonoid Contents in Common Edible Legumes常见食用豆类中黄酮类化合物含量的测定

4."The mature seeds of the principal food Beans, except soybeans, are similar in composition, though they differ widely in eating quality."除大豆外,主要食用豆类的成熟种子,尽管食用的品质方面个别差异很大,成分却都很相似,

5.These oligosaccharides are also found in beans, are non digestable, and are the source of the flatulence associated with eating beans.这些低聚糖也存在于大豆中,它们不可以被消化吸收,与食用豆类食品产生的胃胀气有关。

6.pulse/pQls;pQls/n.seed(s)of various plants(eg beans,lentils,peas),that grow in pods and are dried and used as food豆类植物的种子;(用作食物的)豆子(如蚕豆、扁豆、豌豆)

7.Effect of Frugivorus Birds on Yew s Natural Population Regeneration;食果鸟类在红豆杉天然更新中的作用

8.High in fruit and vegetables, the diet also uses beans, breads and cereals.健康饮食指多食用水果和蔬菜,同时,也要摄取大豆、包和谷类食品。

9.green shell bean去荚(食用)青刀豆

10.Seeds of food crops--LeguminaGB4404.2-1996粮食作物种子豆类

11.the theory of promoting health and longevity by means of diet (especially whole beans and grains).特别是用豆,谷类食品以保健与延寿的食物营养理论。

12.In fact, studies hae shown that foods like soy flour hae a ery different effect.事实上,业已证实像大豆粉之类的食物具有非常不同的作用。

13.The applications of Soybean Polysaccharides and Lysophospholipids in food,drink and alcohol大豆多糖及酶改性磷脂在食品、饮料及酒类中的应用

14.eaten fresh as shell beans or dried.未成熟时豆荚可以食用,晒干后豆可以食用。

15.Bean products, potato, melon kind, legume take food overmuch, produce gas easily and happen bilge gas, want to notice to avoid.豆制品、土豆、瓜类、豆类等进食过多,易产气而发生胀气,要注重避免。

16.Soybean for soybean industryGB/T8612-1988豆制食品业用大豆

17.green peas with flat edible pods.绿色的豌豆,其扁平豆荚可食用。

18.The edible seeds of certain pod-bearing plants, such as peas and beans.如豌豆和豆类等某些结荚植物的可食性种子


Food legume食用豆

1.The resistance of the homogenate of eight food legumes to active oxygen was studied by chemiluminescence.运用化学发光分析方法研究了8种食用豆匀浆液抗活性氧的作用,结果表明8种食用豆类匀浆液对H2O2以及由酶体系和非酶体系产生的都有清除作用,并呈量效关系。

3)Edible bean食用豆

1.The comosition and contents of fatty acids of six species of edible beans,which were collected from all over Chain, including pea, kidney bean, mung bean, cowpea, red bean and broad bean, were analyzed, the results show all six species of edible beans contain linoleic acid,plamitic acid,linolenic acid,oleic acid,stearic acid and arachidic acid.本文对收集自全国各地的豌豆、菜豆、绿豆、豇豆、小豆和蚕豆进行了脂肪酸组成和含量的分析,发现在这六种食用豆中,普遍含有亚油酸、软脂酸、亚麻酸、油酸、硬脂酸和花生酸,除花生酸在六种食用豆中的相对含量很低没有差异性外(P>0。

4)Edible soybean食用大豆

5)dried-bean food干豆类食物

1.To study the distribution of dietary fiber in cereal anddried-bean foods for rural residents in China,the dietary fiber content data come from the database of ecological survey in 65 Chinese counties in 1983 were utilized.目的:研究了解全国不同地区农村,居民主要摄入的谷类和干豆类食物的膳食纤维含量分布特点,为评估我国广大农村居民的膳食纤维摄入提供了科学可靠的基础数据。

6)edible soy meal食用豆饼(粕)


食用豆类(food legumes)食用豆类(food legumes)以收获籽粒供食用的豆类作物的统称。均属豆科蝶形花亚科,多为一年生或越年生。大豆和花生习惯上不包括在食用豆类之中。中国主要有蚕豆、豌豆、绿豆、小豆、豇豆和普通菜豆等。栽培种类因用途不同而异。食用豆类作物均有根瘤菌共生、根瘤菌固氮,使其在各种轮作制度中占有重要地位。其根瘤菌分为三个互接种族,即:豌豆族Rhizobium leguminosarum,共生作物有豌豆,蚕豆,小扁;豇豆族R.spp.,共生作物有豇豆,绿豆,小豆,木豆,鹰嘴豆,利马豆,四棱豆和刀豆;菜豆族R.phaseoli,共生作物有普通菜豆,多花菜豆。从植株生长习性划分为直立、半蔓生、蔓生和攀缘四种。叶羽状,三出或掌状复叶;初生叶一般两片,均为单叶,有限或无限花序;多为自花授粉,少数豆类作物如蚕豆,多花菜豆为常异花授粉。每荚含种子多粒,种子由胚、两片子叶和种皮组成,无胚乳。发芽时由子叶供应养分。种脐一般明显,有色或无色,圆形、椭圆形或长椭圆形。种皮有多种颜色和花纹与花斑,籽粒形状多种多样。发芽时,下胚轴延长的豆类,子叶出土,如绿豆、豇豆,普通菜豆,利马豆;下胚轴不延长的豆类,如蚕豆、豌豆、小豆、多花菜豆、饭豆、小扁豆、木豆、鹰嘴豆等。子叶不出土,对光周期反应分为三类,属于短日性的有绿豆、小豆、豇豆、木豆、饭豆等;属于中日性的有多花菜豆;属于长生的有蚕豆、豌豆、小扁豆、鹰嘴豆;普通菜豆和利马豆属于短日性或中日性。食用豆类籽粒和茎叶蛋白质含量均比禾笨科作物高,多为全价蛋白质,籽粒蛋白质含量一般为20-30%,四棱豆为36%左右。许多食用豆类生育期短,可作为补种作物。
