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绿色革命 green revolution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-25 14:36:13


绿色革命 green revolution英语短句 例句大全

绿色革命,green revolution

1)green revolution绿色革命

1.Reflections on Green Revolution and New Green Revolution;对绿色革命与新绿色革命的若干思考

2.The newgreen revolution:the choice to solveChinese agricultural problems;新绿色革命:解决中国农业问题的再度选择

3.Progress in Photosynthesis Research:From Molecular Mechanisms to Green Revolution;光合作用研究进展 :从分子机理到绿色革命(英文)


1.The Green GDP:Green Revolution of the Measurement of Productive Achievements;绿色GDP:生产成果计量的绿色革命

2.Implementing Green Project Advocating Green Civilization--Profound Transformation of Green Revolution Practice in Dongfang City;实施绿色工程 倡导绿色文明——东方市绿色革命实践的深刻变革

3.America is on the verge of a second green revolution.美国处在第二次绿色革命的边缘。

4.Main Characteristics of Agricultural Modernization in India Since Green Revolution;论绿色革命以来印度农业现代化的主要特征

5.The Significance of Drawing Experience from "New Green Revolution" for our country s Agriculture development Zone;“新绿色革命”对我国农业开发区的借鉴意义

6.Can "Green Revolution" Be Viable?--Discussing choosing the way of agriculture development in our country;“绿色革命”可行吗?——兼论我国农业发展道路的选择

7.Bio-based Products Promote Second "Green Revolution" in U.S.A.;基于生物产品掀起美国第二次“绿色革命”

8.The new green revolution:the choice to solveChinese agricultural problems;新绿色革命:解决中国农业问题的再度选择

9.The rising of EA is a response in the aesthetic field of "the green revolution" led to by ecological crisis.生态美学的兴起是生态危机引发的“绿色革命”在美学领域的回应。

10.A Study on the Sikhs Movement and the Evolution of Political Situation in Punjab from Green Revolution;绿色革命以来旁遮普锡克教运动与该邦政局的演变研究

parison Study on "Second Green Revolution" in India and "New Rural Construction" in China;印度“第二次绿色革命”与中国“新农村建设”之比较研究

12.By providing the ability to peer into plants" genomes and the tools to harvest their hidden treasures, genetic science is opening the way to a new green revolution.拥有窥见植物基因组的能力和发掘植物藏宝的遗传学,正推动崭新的绿色革命。

13.These developing countries produced enough food to serve their people after green revolution.绿色革命后,这些发展中国家就生产出足够的粮食来满足国民的需要

14.This matters, because the green revolution"s triumph in Asia owed as much to political commitment as it did to technical ingenuity.这一举措有很大的意义,因为绿色革命在亚洲的巨大成功就是政府支援与技术创新并重。

15.Green Business:"Color Revolutions"of Enterprise Development绿色经营——企业发展方式的“颜色革命”

16.The "Green" Revolution of "Normal Form",from Reductionism to Wholism;还原论的整体论转向:范式的“绿色”革命

17.Construction of "Green Coal Mining" and "Discipline Revolution" in Coal Mining Institutions;“绿色矿业”学科的构建与煤炭高校的“学科革命”

18.Green is the color of life, thus green romance is the romance of life.绿色是生命的颜色,绿色的浪漫是生命的浪漫。


New Green Revolution新绿色革命

1.Reflections on Green Revolution andNew Green Revolution;对绿色革命与新绿色革命的若干思考

2.The new green revolution:the choice to solveChinese agricultural problems;新绿色革命:解决中国农业问题的再度选择

3.Analysis the characteristics and advantages of the "new green revolution",on this basis proposed of building green agriculture demontration zone,expect provide some expriences and enlightment for our country’s modren development.剖析我国农业开发区发展中存在的问题,分析"新绿色革命"的特点和优势,在此基础上提出建设绿色农业示范园区的思想,以期给我国现代化农业发展提供借鉴和启示。

3)the second green revolution第2次绿色革命

1.The initiation ofthe second green revolution was introduced.介绍了“第2次绿色革命”的兴起,阐述了现代农业生物技术的研究进展及其产业化进程,并展望了未来农业生物技术的发展前景。

4)multiply green revolution多重绿色革命


6)India"s Green Revolution试论印度绿色革命


