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校园和谐 harmonious campus英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-07 07:29:22


校园和谐 harmonious campus英语短句 例句大全

校园和谐,harmonious campus

1)harmonious campus校园和谐

1.The article analyzes that the basic factors ofharmonious campus are the following:the grim surrounding security situation of campus,the unreasonable college management mechanism,revealable psychological problems of students,the harm of the network harmful information,etc.文章从影响校园和谐的因素入手,分析影响校园和谐的因素有校园周边治安状况形势严峻,学校管理机制不合理,学生心理健康问题突出,网络有害信息的侵蚀等,针对影响校园和谐的因素,探析了从营造和谐校园的外部环境,搭建和谐师生关系平台,建立敏锐的信息发布和收集研判机制,加强大学生心理健康教育等方面构建和谐校园的路径。


1.On the Approaches to Promoting the Campus Harmony through he Party Harmony;以党内和谐推进校园和谐的途径研究

2.From Harmonious Society to Harmonious College--Analyzing the Formation of a Harmonious College;从和谐社会到和谐校园——浅析和谐校园的构建

3.Building a Harmonious Campus Insuring the Harmonious Development of a School;构建和谐校园 确保学校和谐发展

4.Taking Realizing the Harmonic Campus as Purpose and Constructing the Harmonic Campus Culture;以构建和谐校园为宗旨,建设和谐的校园文化

5.Exploring the Rule of Party Construction Building Harmonials Campus;探索校园党建工作规律 构建和谐校园

6.On basketball and campus culture;传播校园篮球文化 构建和谐校园

7.On the Function Innovation of Campus Media from the Angle of Harmonious School和谐校园视域下的校园媒体功能创新

8.Purifying the Internet Ethics and Constructing Harmonious Culture on the Campus净化校园网络道德 营建和谐校园文化

9.Construction of a Harmonious Campus in a Harmonious Culture;和谐文化视野下的大学和谐校园建设

10.On the Main Body of Harmonious Campuses;和谐校园的主体——论师生和谐的构建

11.Talking about Harmonious Campus Building under Harmonious Society;刍议和谐社会下的和谐大学校园建设

12.The Construction of a Harmonious College Campus in a Harmonious Society;和谐社会视野中的大学和谐校园建设

13.Good relationship is the key to establish a harmonious campus人际和谐是营造和谐大学校园的关键

14.Managing the University by Law and Virtue to Construct a Harmonious Campus;依法治校 以德治校 构建和谐校园

15.Deepening Open Campus Affairs,Improving Build a Harmonious Campus;深化高校校务公开 推进和谐校园建设

16.Governing Schools According to Law Is the Basis of Building Harmonious Universities and Colleges;依法治校是构建高校和谐校园的基石

17.Developing College Culture and Constructing Harmonious Campus of the Adult College;发展学校文化 构建成人高校和谐校园

18.The Campus Newspaper in Private College Serve for Promoting a Harmonious Campus浅论民办高校校报服务和谐校园建设


campus harmony校园和谐

1.Promotingcampus harmony with harmony within the Communist Party of China;以党内和谐促进校园和谐

2.As to the legal and rational basis, the improvement ofcampus harmony is the basic requirement and the respect to human rights is the essence.建设校园和谐关系,以法治理性的价值判断和价值选择审视并优化校园环境,是坚持以人为本、以民主法治原则建设校园和谐关系的关键所在。

3)harmonious campus和谐校园

1.Sticking to university building on quality and constructingharmonious campus;坚持质量立校 建设和谐校园

2.Construction on theharmonious campus;关于和谐校园建设工作的感悟

3.Garden plants educational function in the construction of aharmonious campus role——A Study of ShenZhen University;发挥园林植物在建设和谐校园中的教育功能——以深圳大学为例

4)a harmonious campus和谐校园

1.Buildinga harmonious campus and promoting the development of the university;建设和谐校园,促进学校发展

2.To builda harmonious campus is an important part of the construction of colleges and universities.和谐校园建设是高校建设的重要组成部分。

3.In the construction ofa harmonious campus,reasonable methods should be used to stick to the right orientation and supervise appropriately the public opinion in order to create a good atmosphere for the school reform and development.在构建和谐校园中,校园新闻宣传应充分发挥舆论引导和监督的作用,讲究其方法手段的合理运用,坚持正确的舆论导向、进行恰当的舆论监督,为学校的改革发展营造良好的舆论氛围,共创和谐校园。

5)The harmonious campus和谐校园

1.The key point is to advance the ability of execution in construction on the harmonious campus.构建和谐高职校园,一个关键的方面,是要提升高职院校构建和谐校园的执行力。

2.The construction of the harmonious campus has the important significance to the development of education and stability of society.和谐校园是和谐社会的有机组成部分,高校和谐校园的建立对教育的发展和社会的稳定具有重要意义。

3.By analyzing the situation of the current university students concept of honour or disgrace,the author expounds that carrying out the education of the concept of honour or disgrace among university students is the necessary requirement for constructing the harmonious campus and the important content of Party construction in universities.通过对当代大学生荣辱观现状的分析,阐述在大学生中开展社会主义荣辱观教育是建设和谐校园的必然要求,是高校党建工作的重要内容。

6)harmonious campuses和谐校园

1.Thinking about constructingharmonious campuses;关于构建和谐校园的几点思考

2.Buildingharmonious campuses is an important part of building harmonious society,the positive demand for bringing up socialist builders and successors,the essential way to implementing scientific development,and the practical needs of carrying forward coordinated growth of colleges.高等学校是"构建社会主义和谐社会"的重要组成部分,是培养社会主义高素质人才的重要基地,构建和谐校园是培养社会主义合格建设者和接班人的必然要求,是高校落实科学发展观的必要途径,是推进高校全面协调发展的现实需要,对实现全面夺取小康社会的宏伟目标具有重要的现实意义。


