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压铸缺陷 Die-casting defect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-08 07:37:28


压铸缺陷 Die-casting defect英语短句 例句大全

压铸缺陷,Die-casting defect

1)Die-casting defect压铸缺陷

2)foundry defect铸造缺陷

1.This paper analyzes the causes of turbine bladefoundry defects and their preventions.本文分析了水轮机组叶片铸造缺陷的产生原因和防止措施,水轮机组不锈钢叶片铸造裂纹的形成是由于铸造热应力和组织应力过大,超过材料的抗拉强度,通过对铸态下的金相组织分析,找出了水轮机叶片铸造与热处理缺陷产生的原因,并提出了改进措施。

2.The 16m3 skim-bob feeding system from traditional way may cause sonefoundry defects, such as : dirt inclusion, air hole, etc.用传统方法设计计算16m~3渣包的浇注系统,有时会存在夹渣、气孔等铸造缺陷,而且铸件清整工作量大。


1.Casting defects analyzing and prevention of aluminum alloy cast by traveling magnetic field铝合金铸件移动磁场铸造的铸造缺陷及防止

2.Analyzing the Causes of Foundry Defects andImproving the Quality of Castings;浅析铸造缺陷成因 加强铸件质量管理

3.Study on Investment Casting Defects of TiAl AlloyTiAl基合金熔模铸造缺陷的研究

4.Factors Causing Defects of EPC Castings Prevention Measures消失模铸造缺陷的影响因素及防止措施

5.Study on Mold Filling and Deffect of Casting of Titanium Alloys under Centrifugal Force Field;离心力场下钛合金充型流动及铸造缺陷的研究

6.Formation and Evolution of Defect during the Vertical Centrifugal Casting of Titanium Alloy钛合金立式离心铸造缺陷形成与演化规律

7.Failure and Casting Defect Analysis of ADI Spiral Bevel Gear奥贝球铁螺旋锥齿轮失效及铸造缺陷分析

8.Causes and Prevention Measures of Defect in Low-Pressure Die Casting K14B Cylinder HeadK14B缸盖低压铸造缺陷产生原因及防止措施

9.Closing and repairing process of Mg alloy casting imperfections in plastic deformation镁合金铸造缺陷塑性变形弥合与修复过程

10.Behavior of As-grown Impurities and Defects in Multicrystalline Silicon;铸造多晶硅中原生杂质及缺陷的研究

11.Research on the Casting Shrinks Properties and Air Hole of Ti-43Al-9V Intermetallic Compounds;Ti-43Al-9V铸造受阻收缩及气孔缺陷

12.Nondestructive Evaluation of Pinhole Defect of Cast Aluminum Alloy by Ultrasonic Method铸造铝合金针孔缺陷的超声无损评价

13.The Mechanism of the Mold Collapse Defect for Iron Casting in Expendable Pattern Casting Process with Dry Sand and Vacuum真空消失模铸造铸铁件铸型坍塌缺陷成因的研究

14.Burr defect often appears on the surface of investment casting and it is the main reason causing inferior produces.熔模铸造中经常出现毛刺缺陷,是造成铸件次品的重要原因。

mon Defects of Styrofoam Patterns for EPC Process and Prevention Methods消失模铸造用发泡模常见的缺陷及防止方法

16.Research on Common Defects of Low-pressure Expendable Pattern Casting Process for Magnesium Alloy镁合金真空低压消失模铸造常见缺陷分析

17.Investigation on the Typical Defects of Low Pressure-Lost Foam Casting (LP-LFC)Process with Mg Alloy;镁合金低压消失模铸造典型缺陷试验研究

18.Turbine Blade Foundry and Hot Treatment Defects Analysis and Preventions;水轮机叶片铸造与热处理缺陷分析及防止


foundry defect铸造缺陷

1.This paper analyzes the causes of turbine bladefoundry defects and their preventions.本文分析了水轮机组叶片铸造缺陷的产生原因和防止措施,水轮机组不锈钢叶片铸造裂纹的形成是由于铸造热应力和组织应力过大,超过材料的抗拉强度,通过对铸态下的金相组织分析,找出了水轮机叶片铸造与热处理缺陷产生的原因,并提出了改进措施。

2.The 16m3 skim-bob feeding system from traditional way may cause sonefoundry defects, such as : dirt inclusion, air hole, etc.用传统方法设计计算16m~3渣包的浇注系统,有时会存在夹渣、气孔等铸造缺陷,而且铸件清整工作量大。

3)casting defect铸件缺陷

1.In order to establish the relationship between ironcasting defects and clay mould sand properties used to provide in time forecast information of casting quality, a mould sand quality control system software based on C/S model was proposed.为了构建型砂性能与铸件缺陷之间的关系,用以及时提供铸件预测信息,提出了一种基于C/S结构的型砂质量管理系统软件。

2.From the angle of systematic analysis thecasting defects are regarded as systematic faults and are diagnosed and forecasted by the fault tree analysis (FTA) method.从系统分析角度,将铸件视为系统故障,进行铸件缺陷预报和诊断的FTA分析。

3.Based on these, from the angle of systematical analysis,casting defects were regarede as systematical faults, diagnosed and forecasted by the method of microcomputer aided analysis in fault trees.在开发微机辅助失效树分析软件的基础上,从系统分析角度,将液压件铸件缺陷视为系统故障,进行铸件缺陷的预报和诊断。

4)casting defects铸造缺陷

1.Casting Defects and Its Counter-measures on Motorcycle Damping Cylinder;摩托车减震筒铸造缺陷及预防措施

2.According to the simulation results,the origin ofcasting defects and hot spots was found,and the process could be optimized and improved by modifying the processing parameters.利用基于MAGMAsoft的铸造CAE技术,对阀盖铸件的热节部位,冒口的补缩能力等进行数值模拟,根据模拟结果,找出原工艺热节和铸造缺陷产生的原因,并通反复修改工艺参数对原工艺进行优化改进,得到较为理想的工艺方案。

3.Analyzed the major reason of side framecasting defects.分析了侧架的结构特点,找出了该产品铸造缺陷产生的主要原因,通过改变浇注系统的位置、表面刷涂料、放冷铁以及局部使用铬铁矿砂等工艺措施,提高了侧架的铸造生产合格率。

5)casting defects铸件缺陷

6)casting defect铸造缺陷

1.Study on a Expert System for Analysis of Casting Defect;铸造缺陷分析专家系统的研究

2.The effect ofcasting defect such as microporosity and the inclusions in the process of crack initiation,crack propagation and fracture was analyzed.系统研究了L114A合金疲劳损伤特征,分析疏松、夹杂物等铸造缺陷在疲劳裂纹的形核、裂纹的扩展以及瞬断中所起的作用,表明铸造过程中形成的铸造缺陷数量、尺寸、位置对金属的疲劳性能都有不同程度的影响。

3.Iron smelting and spheroidizing,casting defects prevention should be controlled effectively.根据球墨铸铁的基体组织、石墨形态、机械性能与化学成分的关系,对化学成分进行了设计选择;对铸铁熔炼、球化处理及铸造缺陷的防止等方面提出了控制措施,并应用于实际生产。


