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火药武器 gunpowder weapons英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-18 00:56:25


火药武器 gunpowder weapons英语短句 例句大全

火药武器,gunpowder weapons

1)gunpowder weapons火药武器

1.In the 14th century, the great power ofgunpowder weapons was not brought into full play, because the gunpowder was expensive.14世纪,欧洲火药的价格非常昂贵,火药武器的巨大威力也没有得到充分发挥。


1.The conception of stealthy packaging box design for ammunition was put forward to meet the stealth requirements of high value ammunitions,such as cruise missile,rocket projectile,aerial bomb,from radar and infrared sense.针对巡航导弹、大型火箭弹、特种航空炸弹等高价值武器弹药在作训、运输过程中防雷达、红外侦测的需求,提出了在现有弹用包装箱体结构中引入编织型毯类吸波材料,在箱体外表面涂覆红外迷彩涂料的设计构想,实现武器弹药的隐身化目的。

2.Cook-off Test ofAmmunition;热烤试验(Cook-off test)是评估武器弹药热安全性的一个重要的实验。


1.special weapons ammunitions supply point特种武器弹药补给站

2.They captured large quantities of arms and ammunition.他们缴获了大量武器弹药。

3.The soldiers replenished the supplies of arms and ammunition.士兵们补充武器弹药的储备。

4.Application Research of Generalization,Serialization,and Combination of Ammunition Packaging of Ground Suppression Weapon地面压制武器弹药包装“三化”应用研究

5.Convention on Supervision of International Trade in Arms and Ammunition and in Implements of War监督国际武器弹药和作战工具贸易公约

6.(of weapons) not charged with ammunition.(关于武器)没有弹药的。

7.To fire or explode(a weapon or an explosive charge).发射或使爆炸(武器或爆炸性弹药)

8.The soldiers were well equipped with weapons and ammunition.士兵们装备好了武器和弹药.

9.One that smuggles firearms and ammunition.军火走私者走私武器和弹药的人

10.Yes, RWS does apply to scopes and ammo.是的,远程武器专精同样作用于瞄准器和弹药。

11.A leather bag or case for carrying powder or small-arms ammunition.(皮制)弹药袋,弹药盒用来装枪药或小型武器之弹药的皮革袋子或箱子

12.They have so far restricted their military support to small arms, antitank weapons, mortar, and ammunition.他们一直把军事援助限于小型武器,反坦克武器,迫击炮以及弹药。

13.a store house (as a compartment on a warship) where weapons and ammunition are stored.储存武器和弹药的仓库(在战船上的车厢)。

14.Military materiel, such as weapons, ammunition, combat vehicles, and equipment.军械军事物质,包括武器、弹药、战车及装备

15.First, the Red Army has no sources from which to replenish its arms and especially its ammunition;原因在于:第一,红军的武器尤其是弹药没有来源;

16.Our home fronts have given us an overwhelming superiority in weapons and ammunitions of wan and placed at our disposal, great reserves of trained fighting men.后方弹药充足、武器精良、部署得当、后备力量丰富。

17.Laser Weapons for Anti-unexploded Ordnance and Anti-improvised Explosive Devices反未爆弹药和简易爆炸装置的激光武器

18.A compartment in a firearm, as in the breech of a rifle or the cylinder of a revolver, that holds the cartridge in readiness for firing.弹腔、药室武器的弹腔,如步枪的弹腔或左轮手枪的旋转弹腔,内装子弹以备射击



1.The conception of stealthy packaging box design for ammunition was put forward to meet the stealth requirements of high value ammunitions,such as cruise missile,rocket projectile,aerial bomb,from radar and infrared sense.针对巡航导弹、大型火箭弹、特种航空炸弹等高价值武器弹药在作训、运输过程中防雷达、红外侦测的需求,提出了在现有弹用包装箱体结构中引入编织型毯类吸波材料,在箱体外表面涂覆红外迷彩涂料的设计构想,实现武器弹药的隐身化目的。

2.Cook-off Test ofAmmunition;热烤试验(Cook-off test)是评估武器弹药热安全性的一个重要的实验。


1.Simulation Research on Damage Probability of Multiple Launch Rocket System Intercepting Aircraft;火箭武器防空反导效能研究与系统仿真

2.A model of the damage probability of a certainrocket intercepting cruise missile was established and the corresponding simulated software was developed with Matlab language.建立了某火箭武器拦截巡航导弹的毁伤概率模型,分别研究了在集火射击和多射击诸元的情况下对目标的毁伤概率,采用MATLAB语言编制了仿真软件,用蒙特卡洛法进行了仿真计算。

3.A model of the hitting probability that a certainrocket intercepting cruise missile is established, and a numerical simulation is carried out by using the method of Monte-Carlo.建立了某火箭武器系统拦截巡航导弹的命中概率模型,并采用蒙特卡洛法进行了仿真计算,仿真试验结果表明,在一定条件下,该火箭武器系统能够以较大概率命中巡航导弹。

4)Artillery,Automatic Gun and Ammunition Engineering火炮、自动武器与弹药工程

5)weapon with side chamber侧装药武器

1.According to the structural characteristic of theweapon with side chamber,an equivalent model is proposed.针对侧装药武器的结构特点,在提出等效物理模型的基础上建立了双一维两相流模型,并对主膛的气、固相方程组分别采用二阶精度TVD算法进行了模拟,结果与12。

6)light arm ammunition轻武器弹药


火药武器中国古代四大发明之一。古代炼丹家制药时,逐渐发现硫黄(S)、焰硝(KNO3)和木炭(C)的混合物有燃烧和爆炸能力。唐末天祐年间(904~906),在战争中开始出现火药箭,还出现"发机飞火"的记载,即用抛石机投掷火药包,作燃烧性兵器。宋朝东京开封府(今河南开封)设广备攻城作,其中有生产火药的部门。《武经总要》一书记载了火药的三种配方,生产火药已达相当规模。尽管生产技术严格保密,仍传入辽朝,故从日本大量进口硫黄的同时,又严禁硫黄和焰硝向辽出口。宋神宗赵顼时,边防军中已大量配备火药弓箭、火药火炮箭等兵器。辽道宗时,也已在南京析津府(今北京)"日阅火炮"。南宋时,水军也配备了霹雳炮、火炮、火箭等兵器,在建康府(今江苏南京)、江陵府(今湖北江陵)等城市都设有火药兵器制造业。早期火药兵器威力有限,不可能取代冷兵器。但自南宋中期以后,火药兵器在兵器中的比重显著增大(见彩图)。金朝火药制造技术来源于辽,金军攻宋之初,已使用火炮。此后,在宋、金、元之间的战争中,火药的使用愈益频繁。金末抗击蒙古军时,曾使用震天雷、飞火枪等火器。宋代出现了类似近代炮弹的铁火炮,却仍用抛石机投射;又发明了突火枪,以巨竹为筒,发射"子窠",类似于后世枪炮,却尚未使用金属发射管。这是辽、宋、 金代火药兵器进步的极限,却已决定了后世火药兵器的发展方向。总之,辽、宋、金代可算是人类使用火药的奠基时期。到元、明又发现了铜铁铸造的管状火器──铳和炮。参考书目冯家昇:《火药的发明和西传》,上海人民出版社,1978。王曾瑜:《宋朝兵制初探》,中华书局,北京,1983。
