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火药革命 Gunpowder Revolution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-11 06:25:22


火药革命 Gunpowder Revolution英语短句 例句大全

火药革命,Gunpowder Revolution

1)Gunpowder Revolution火药革命

1.Gunpowder Revolution, which is an important part of this series, has not only changed European wars, but also had a far-reaching impact on European society.火药革命就是其中之一,它不仅使欧洲战争的面貌发生了急剧的变化,而且对欧洲社会产生了深远影响。


1.Gunpowder Revolution in the Late Medieval European Military中世纪晚期欧洲军事领域内的火药革命

2.The flames of revolution are raging.革命的烈火在燃烧。

3.Revolutions are the locomotives of history.革命是历史的火车头。

4.a person who uses dynamite in a revolutionary cause.用炸药从事革命的人。

5.The voluntary revolutionaries revolted like the outbreak of volcano.志愿革命者们象火山爆发一样起义了.

6.China"s revolutionary force was like a single spark which can start a prairie fire.中国革命力量是星星之火, 可以燎原。

7.The revolutionaries set fire to the American Embassy.这场革命惹火了美国大使馆。

8.Negro combustion slowly built up to the revolution point.黑人的怒火逐渐上升到采取革命行动的地步。

9.Parti Revolutionnaire d"Haiti海地革命党(革命党)

10.Live for the revolution and die生为革命生,死为革命死

11.This may properly be called the revolutions of a life between the fireside and the easy-chair.把这称为炉火边和安乐椅之间的人生革命,可能是恰当的。

12.In the country, the revolutionaries set fire to the nobles castles and burnt the to the ground.在乡村里,革命者放火烧毁了贵族的城堡并把它夷为平地。

13.In the country the revolutionaries set fire to the nobles" castles and burnt them to the ground.在乡村里,革命者放火烧毁了贵族的城堡,把综合症夷为平地。

14.People with revolutionary ideas may find themselves in collision with the forces of the law.想革命的人会发现他们自己与法律的势力水火不相容。

15.A revolutionary cultural worker who is not close to the people is a commander without an army, whose firepower cannot bring the enemy down.革命的文化人而不接近民众,就是“无兵司令”,他的火力就打不倒敌人。

16.A Review of Wei Wei s The Red Ribbon Of The Earth;革命浴火重生 历史如实再现——评魏巍的《地球的红飘带》

17.The Revolutionary Metaphors under a Fairy Model--A simple explanation of Zheng Zhenduo s Arrest of a Getting-Fire Person;神话模式下的革命隐喻——浅析郑振铎《取火者的逮捕》

18.Revolution, Improving and Revolution The Cause of Revolution in the Late Qing Dynasty;革命、改良与革命、晚清革命的起因


a seething revolutionary struggle火热的革命斗争


1.On therevolution of Yangtse River Delta culture;论“长三角”的文化革命

2.On Crop Yield Breeding and Agro-science Revolution;论作物产量育种与农业科技革命

3.Narrate Predicament of Study on Chinese Rural Revolution;中国乡村革命研究中的叙事困境——以“土改”研究文本为中心


1.By the discussion on the multi-relationships between films, war, revolutionary and the intelligences, this article reveals how the films in rear area came into being and, gives a rational explanation to it.本文旨在通过对抗战时代电影、战争、革命、知识分子多重关系的探讨,揭示大后方电影发生的深刻成因,并加以合理的解说。

2.The revolutionary theory was founded in the proletarian revolutionary,while,the construction theory was founded in peace and development times.无产阶级革命时代创立了关于革命的理论;和平与发展时代创立了关于建设的理论。

3.Chinese revolutionary historical novel is a literary style whichdevelops from the process of the Chinese revolution.革命历史小说是中国现当代文学中伴随着中国革命历史进程发生发展的文学样式,在20世纪中叶,革命历史小说(以“红色经典”为主要代表)曾经鼎盛一时。

5)IT revolutionIT革命

1.IT revolution changed me growth pattern of world economy in 1990s.IT革命改变了90年代的世界经济增长格局。

2.The paper has considered the ways in whichIT revolution affected the quantity and structure of Ja.平成萧条期以来接连攀升的失业率打破了日本长期保持的“稳定雇佣神话”,终身雇佣制和年功序列制作为日本式经营的“三大法宝”中的两个,都开始发生了微妙而深刻的变化,这与IT革命的进展不无关系。

6)revolutionary transformation革命性变革

1.By clearing up people s misunderstandings of the interrelationship between historical necessity and natural necessity, Marx managed to achieve therevolutionary transformation in understanding the historical necessity and reveal its essential functions upon human practice.马克思消除了对历史必然性与自然必然性关系的误解、实现了历史必然性观念上的革命性变革、揭示了历史必然性同人的实践及其结果之间的本质联系。


