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古巴革命 Cuban revolution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-12 13:09:46


古巴革命 Cuban revolution英语短句 例句大全

古巴革命,Cuban revolution

1)Cuban revolution古巴革命

1.In the late 1950s,Cuban revolution was the epoch-making event in the Latin American history and gave great effects on developments of Latin America.20世纪50年代末的古巴革命是拉美历史上一次划时代的事件,其彻底反帝、反独裁的性质对拉美当代历史的发展产生了重大的影响,也极大地冲击了美国的外交决策。

2.The success ofCuban revolution in 1959 is the historical affirmation of the Cubans\" nationalism and struggle against autarchy for more than a century,and it is also the beginning of Cuban socialist revolution.1959年古巴革命的成功,既是对古巴人民一个多世纪以来争取民族独立运动和反独裁斗争的历史性肯定,同时也标志着古巴开始走向了一条独特的社会主义革命道路。


1.Cuban Revolution (1933-1935)古巴革命(1933—1935)始末

2.In1853, Cuban revolutionary Jose Marti was born in Havana.年,古巴革命志士马提于哈瓦那出生。

3.From Marti to Castro:the Practices and Ideology of Cuban Revolution;从马蒂到卡斯特罗:古巴革命的实践与思想轨迹

4.Fidel Castro (1926--)--Cuban revolutionary and leader of Cuba from959.菲德尔·卡斯特罗(1926-),古巴革命的领导者,自1959年以来一直担任古巴总理。

5.The Development and Influences of Sugar Industry In Cuba Before 1959;1959年革命前古巴蔗糖业的发展及其影响

6.Georgos considered some of the examples drilled into him during the Cuban revolutionary training.乔戈斯考虑着在古巴进行革命训练时灌进他脑子里的那些例证。

7.Zanzibar Revolutionary Council桑给巴尔革命委员会

8.Revolutionary Force of Palestine巴勒斯坦革命武装力量

9.Zimbabwe People"s Revolutionary Army津巴布韦人民革命军

10.A Probe to the Sun Yat-Sen"s Reformation Thought of Entrusting Traditions before the Chinese Bourgeoisie Democratic Revolution of 1911孙中山辛亥革命前托古革新思想初探

11.The Historical Changes of Shaanxi-Sichuan Area and Its Economic Development;古代秦巴地区的历史沿革与经济开发

12.On Cuba Medical Mode and Its Enlightenment to Medical Reformation In China古巴医疗模式对我国医疗改革的启示

13.The Social Security System in Cuba古巴的社会保障制度:发展、挑战与改革

14.Palestinian Revolution Force High Command巴勒斯坦革命武装力量总指挥部

15.General Command of the Palestinian Revolutionary Forces巴勒斯坦革命力量总指挥部

16.Popular Revolutionary Front for the Liberation of Palestine解放巴勒斯坦人民革命阵线

17.The Bastille was subsequently demolished by the Revolutionary government.后来革命政府拆毁了巴士底狱。

18.Fabvier was factious; Bavoux was revolutionary.法布维埃是暴动分子,巴武是革命党人。



3)revolutionary classicism革命古典主义

4)Mongolian People"s Revolutionary Party蒙古人民革命党

5)Inner Mongolian People"s Revolutionary Party内蒙古人民革命党


1.On therevolution of Yangtse River Delta culture;论“长三角”的文化革命

2.On Crop Yield Breeding and Agro-science Revolution;论作物产量育种与农业科技革命

3.Narrate Predicament of Study on Chinese Rural Revolution;中国乡村革命研究中的叙事困境——以“土改”研究文本为中心


