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县 county英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-16 02:23:02


县 county英语短句 例句大全



1.The Study of County Size of Inner Mongolia,in the Sight of Economy of Scale;规模经济视域下的内蒙古自治区县政区划研究

2.The Economy of Scale and The Reform of County s Administrative Region: An Empirical Study on Hunan Province;规模经济与县行政区划改革:对湖南省的实证分析

3.The comparison of the structure ofcounty and township at all times;我国县乡权力结构的历史比较


1.Autonomous prefectures are divided into counties, autonomous counties, and cities.自治州分为县、自治县、市。

2.Based in Pucheng County, Chunhua County, Xixiang County, Jia County and Yulin of Shaanxi Province.该职位在位于陕西省的蒲城县、化县、乡县、县和榆林工作。

3.in 20 districts and counties隶属于20个区县,

4.The periphery area includes Anyi county, Yongxiu county, Fengcheng city, Dean county and Jingan county;外围区城市包括安义县、永修县、丰城市、德安县和靖安县;

5.Father was the head of Kuanyuan County then, and we lived in the Official Residence.家父那时是广元县的知县。

6.The present leading body of the county Party committee should be dissolved and a new one set up.这个县的县委领导班子要解散,要重建。

7.All the counties except Linghsien had a few local armed units.地方武装,除酃县外,各县都有了少数。

8.The council is convened by the magistrate and meets in his office.这种会议,由县长召集,在县署开。

9.The head of an autonomous county is normally someone of minority nationality.自治县的县长一般都是少数民族同胞。

10.A building housing the offices of a county government.县政府大楼县政府办公室所在的大楼

11.States are subdivided into counties, which are divid- ed into cities and townships.州下面又分县,县下面分城市或镇。

12.Above the county committees there is the Special Committee of the Hunan-Kiangsi Border Area.各县县委之上为湘赣边界特委。

13.of or relating to or maintained or administered by a county.属于、关于县、郡的或由县、郡支持或管理。

14.(3) Counties and autonomous counties are divided into townships, nationality townships and towns.(三)县、自治县分为乡、民族乡、镇。

15.Hua long county is one of major destitute counties that the state exploiting and supporting the poverty.化隆县是国家扶贫开发重点县之一。

16.occurring or extending throughout a county.发生于一个县内或在一个县内延伸的。

17.(2) Provinces and autonomous regions are divided into autonomous prefectures, counties, autonomous counties and cities;(二)省、自治区分为自治州、县、自治县、市;

18.Research on the High Schools of the County Service County Economy;县域普通高中服务县域经济问题研究


Yuxian County region蔚县县域

1.Ecology-economic regionalization and project of ecology-constructing inYuxian County region;河北省蔚县县域生态经济区划及生态建设方案

3)urban area of Yun county郧县县城

4)Ye YASHU building叶县县衙

5)Mayor of XXX CountyXX县县长

6)Guxian County古县

1.Geological Characteristics of Bauxite DepositeJindui Area inGuxian County;浅谈山西省古县金堆铝土矿区北矿段地质特征

2.Discussion on the Project of Overcoming the Drinking Difficulty in Rural Areas ofGuxian County;古县农村饮水解困工程刍议

3.Practice and Consideration of Development of Bisporic Mushroom inGuxian County;古县规模发展双孢菇的实践与思考


