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吸引 attraction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-31 15:38:41


吸引 attraction英语短句 例句大全



1.In theattraction region particles speed up fly to the best position of the swarm and in the repulsion region they fly at normal speed.在吸引区域微粒加速飞向群体最优位置,在排斥区域按正常速度飞行。

2.Odors elicit a number of behavioral responses includingattraction and repulsion in Drosophila.气味可以引发果蝇许多行为反应包括吸引和排斥。

3.The sufficient conditions for theattraction of neutral stochastic differential delay equations with Markovian switching was esblished by the It formula and local martingale convergence theorem.利用It公式和局部鞅收敛定理,确立了马尔可夫调制的中立型随机时滞微分方程弱吸引性的充分条件;中立型模型的确立,增强了模型贴合工业实际的能力。


1.To capture and hold briefly(the attention, for example); engage.引起注意吸引并短时间吸引住(如注意力);吸引

2.To possess or use the power of attraction.有吸引力,有迷惑力拥有吸引力或运用吸引力

3.gain the audience"s attention吸引住听众[观众]

4.capable of arousing and holding the attention.能引起或吸引注意力的。

5.arousing or holding the attention.引起或吸引注意力的。

6.The power of attracting or of arousing interest.吸引或引起兴趣的力量

7.Something offered to allure or attract;an inducement, especially to buy.引诱,吸引提供引诱或吸引的东西;诱因,尤指购买

8.The earth attracts all matters;and all matters attracts the earth.地球吸引一切物体,物体也吸引地球。

9.magnetite that possess polarity and has the power to attract as well as to be attracted magnetically.具有磁极、能吸引也能被吸引的磁铁矿。

10.able to attract interest or draw favorable attention.能够吸引兴趣或者吸引赞许的注意。

11.animal magnetismph.1. 人格吸引力吸引人的能力

12.Circuses are alluring both to children and to adults.马戏既吸引小孩,也吸引大人。

13.Like a magnet attracted nails, make-up attracted her.像磁铁吸引钉子一样,化妆品吸引着她。

14.The earth pulls things to it just as a magnet pulls needles .地球吸引物体就像磁铁吸引针一样。

15.Bright colours attract babies.鲜艳的颜色吸引婴儿。

16."Still attracts a little, eh?"“不是还很有点吸引力吗?

17.The deposit attracts interest at 15% .该项存款吸引利息达15%。

18.He / His appearance is not at all prepossessing.他[他的外表]毫无吸引力.



1.Setting upattracting and encouraging system for the talented improving creating technology ability in enterprises;建立人才吸引激励机制 提高企业技术创新能力

2.Research on appraising managerial ability toattract and retain talents;企业吸引和保留优秀人才的管理能力评价研究

3.A Concise Study of the Policy on Attracting Northern Minorities toSettle in East Liao in the Early Period of Ming Dynasty;明初辽东吸引少数民族南下定居政策述略


1.Some conditions under which the periodic points of F b are stable,unstable orattracting are.本文中我们研究与一类时滞Logistic方程相关的区间上自映射Fb:x|→xeb-ax的动力性质,讨论了系统Fb的周期点个数及其稳定、不稳定或吸引的条

2.These differences include theattracting mechanism of the physical environment, theattracting mechanism of credit environment, theattracting mechanism of political environment, theattracting mechanism of traffic conditions, theattracting mechanism of economic capacity, theattracting mechanism of economic structure and other attrac.黑龙江省与江苏省、浙江省和广东省等沿海省份之间在吸引外商投资机制方面存在较大差异,这些差异可以从物质环境吸引机制、信用环境吸引机制、政治环境吸引机制、交通条件吸引机制、经济容量吸引机制、经济结构影响机制等方面进行考察。

3.Foreign investment mechanism is driven by interests,which including resourcesattracting,marketattracting,political guarantees,informationattracting,the physical environment.吸引外商投资的机制是利益驱动机制,具体包括资源吸引机制、市场吸引机制、政治保障机制、信息影响机制、物质环境吸引机制和利益吸引机制。


1.A prior bounds and theattractivity of solutions are considered in detail for the nonlinear Volterra reaction-diffusion systems with infinite delay.详细讨论了具有无穷时滞的非线性Volterra反应扩散系统解的先验界与吸引性,运用上下解方法和单调迭代方法,得到了在某些假定下当t→∞时解趋于先验界及在某些特殊情况下t→∞时解趋于正常数的充分条件。

2.In chapter 1, I mainly diacussI gain the asymptotic behavior of solution of this different equation when has different range: when 1 < a < 2 ,we gain the sufficent condition ofattractivity of different equation s solution, and when a = ∞,we gain gain the sufficent condition of asymptotic stability of different equation s solution.给出了 sun from n=o to ∞ a_n=a在不同取值范围内此差分方程解的渐近性态:当1<α<2时,得到此差分方程解吸引的充分条件,以及当α=∞时,得到了此差分方程解渐近稳定的充分条件。


6)trip attraction出引吸引


