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足背静脉 Dorsalis pedis vein英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-03 09:25:08


足背静脉 Dorsalis pedis vein英语短句 例句大全

足背静脉,Dorsalis pedis vein

1)Dorsalis pedis vein足背静脉

1.Trans-jugular catheter-directed thrombolysis combined with trans-dorsalis pedis vein thrombolysis for the treatment of deep venous thrombosis of the lower limbs经颈静脉导管血管内溶栓联合足背静脉溶栓治疗下肢深静脉血栓


1.Trans-jugular catheter-directed thrombolysis combined with trans-dorsalis pedis vein thrombolysis for the treatment of deep venous thrombosis of the lower limbs经颈静脉导管血管内溶栓联合足背静脉溶栓治疗下肢深静脉血栓

2.Effects of conducting opisthenar intravenous transfusion for patients in two different kinds of body position两种体位行手背静脉输液的效果观察

3.Accuracy of Venepuncture of Superficial Vein Turgidity in Dorsum of Hand Through the Method of Arm Droop手臂下垂对手背静脉穿刺效果的影响

4.Studies of the Algorithm for Vein Far-Infrared Images of Dorsal Hand;手背静脉远红外图像处理算法的研究

5.Research and Achievement on Algorithm for Human Palm-Dorsa Vein Recognition;手背静脉身份识别的算法研究及实现

6.The Preprocessing Technology Research of Hand Vein Recognition Image手背静脉识别图像的预处理方法研究

7.Hand Dorsal Venous Imaging System Design Based on CMOS Imaging Sensor基于CMOS的手背静脉成像系统设计

8.Hand vein recognition using local SIFT feature analysis基于局部SIFT分析的手背静脉识别

9.Technology of Vein Recognition and Application of PDEs in Preprocessing of Dorsal Hand Vein Image;静脉识别技术及偏微分方程在手背静脉图像预处理中的应用

10.Modification of Foot Venopuncture Method for Angiography in Patients with Vein Drainage Disturbance of Lower Extremity下肢静脉回流障碍患者血管造影足部静脉穿刺方法的改进

11.The clinical importance of the relationship between the deep peroneal nerve and the dorsalis pedis artery on the dorsum of the foot腓深神经和足背动脉在足背位置关系的应用解剖

12.Effects of Clenching One"s Fist and Relaxing One"s Hold on the Venipuncture of Hand Back握拳与手放松对手背静脉穿刺成功率的影响

13.Study on Algorithm for Infrared Hand Vein Image Identification;手背静脉红外图像特征识别算法的研究

14.Research on Biometric Recognition Method Based on Hand Vein and Iris基于手背静脉与虹膜的生物特征识别方法研究

15.Canny operator and K-means cluster applied to hand vein recognitionCanny算子和K-均值聚类用于手背静脉识别

parison of two different kinds of intravenous puncture on back of hand.两种手背浅静脉穿刺方法结果比较分析

17.Development of an embedded image acquisition system for human dorsal hand vein嵌入式人体手背静脉图像采集系统的研制

18.Study on Enhanced Algorithm of Hand Vein Image Based on CLAHE and Top-hat transform基于CLAHE和top-hat变换的手背静脉图像增强算法


Manus(pedes)back vein手(足)背静脉

3)Dorsalis pedis artery足背动脉

1.Diabetic patients with unpalpable dorsalis pedis artery pulse have more macrovascular risk factors;足背动脉搏动消失的糖尿病患者有更高的大血管病危险性

2.Anatomic measurements and clinical significance of Chinese dorsalis pedis artery;国人足背动脉的解剖学测量及临床意义

3.Objective To investigate the difference and correlation between the measurements of blood pressure of dorsalis pedis artery and brachial artery in children.目的探讨小儿肱动脉与足背动脉血压值的差异性及其内在规律。

4)Dorsal artery of foot足背动脉

1.Objective: To provide anatomical basis for the coronary artery bypass surgery using the dorsal artery of foot and the anterior tibail artery.方法 :成人尸体下肢材料44侧 ,对足背动脉和胫前动脉下段进行了解剖观察和测量。

5)dorsal digital vein指背静脉

6)dorsal vein complex背静脉丛

1.Thedorsal vein complexes were made sure with continuous sutures.目的 :探讨根治性膀胱前列腺切除术中控制膀胱侧韧带和前列腺背静脉丛损伤出血的方法。


阴茎背深静脉结扎阴茎背深静脉结扎penis deep dorsal vein ligation通过结扎阴茎背深静脉治疗静脉漏性阳痿的手术。可在局麻下或腰麻下进行。在阴茎背侧自根部向下作一长3cm之切口。阴茎背深静脉位于阴茎筋膜上、下两侧海绵体形成的沟中,在其两侧可见阴茎背动脉。找到阴茎背深静脉后,即可将此静脉从阴茎根部向远端游离5cm,并将它的分支结扎,然后将主干两端结扎,并切下5cm长之背深静脉。静脉结扎切断后,立即可注射罂粟碱及酚妥拉明诱发人工勃起。先在阴茎根部扎一止血带,然后从一侧阴茎海绵体注入罂粟碱60mg,酚妥拉明2mg。2min后松开止血带,约10min后部分患者即有勃起现象。此时可用生理盐水100ml,以60ml/min速度注入海绵体,阴茎即可良好勃起,证明结扎手术成功。
