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心血管病事件风险 the risk of cardiovascular disease events英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-23 15:43:07


心血管病事件风险 the risk of cardiovascular disease events英语短句 例句大全

心血管病事件风险,the risk of cardiovascular disease events

1)the risk of cardiovascular disease events心血管病事件风险

2)ambulatory diastolic blood pressure心血管病事件


1.Aortic valve sclerosis relates to cardiovascular events in patients with hypertension(a LIFE substudy)高血压病患者的心血管病事件与主动脉瓣硬化的联系

2.One person suffered a mild heart attack.有一个病人发生了轻微的心血管事件。

3.The Predictive Value of ST-Segment Changes on Preoperative Holter Recording in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease Undergoing Noncardiac Surgery;心血管病人非心脏手术前Holter ST段改变的术后心血管事件预测价值

4.The Characteristic of Blood Pressure and Its Relationship with the Incidence of Cardiovascular Event in Patients with Hypertension Essential Coronary Heart Disease高血压合并冠心病患者血压特点及与心血管事件的相关性研究

5.Influence of gene polymorphisms in predisposition to coronary disease on major adverse cardiac events after percutaneous coronary intervention冠心病易感基因对冠心病经皮冠脉介入术后心血管事件的影响

6.Prevention of Cardiovascular Events with Aspirin in Diabetic Patients: A Meta-analysis阿司匹林预防糖尿病心血管事件的荟萃分析

7.The Guanxinshutong VPB after CHD Support Technique Has Cardiovascular Event the Easily Factor Influence冠心舒通胶囊对冠心病支架术后发生心血管事件易患因素的影响


9.The Changes of Strategy in Diabetes--from Focus on Glycosylated Hemoglobin to Avoiding Cardiovascular Events糖尿病防治的策略转变——从关注糖化血红蛋白到着眼心血管事件

parison of new-onset cardiovascular disease between diabetes mellitus and non-diabetes mellitus patients in peritoneal dialysis and investigation of risk factors for its incidence糖尿病与非糖尿病腹膜透析患者新发心血管事件及危险因素分析

11.Risk Factors of Perioperative Cardiovascular Events in Diabetic Patients Undergoing Noncardiac Surgery: An Analysis;糖尿病患者行非心脏手术围术期心血管事件的危险因素

12.A Study of the Relation ship Between Mental stress,Social Support and Angiocardiopathy after Disaster;灾害事件后心理应激、社会支持与心血管病关系研究

13.A study of the relationship between mental stress, social support and cardio cerebral angiopathy after disaster;灾害事件后心理应激、社会支持与心脑血管病关系研究

14.The effect of niacin on HDL-C and cardiovascular events for patients with coronary heart disease烟酸对冠心病患者高密度脂蛋白和主要心血管事件的影响

15.Study the relationship between pulse wave velocity and coronary atherosclerosis cardiovascular events脉搏波传导速度与冠状动脉病变和心血管事件的关系

16.The Association Study of Cerebrocardiac Vascular Disease with TaqIB Gene Polymorphisms of Cholesteryle Ester Transfer Protein in the Patients with Primary Hypertension胆固醇酯转运蛋白TaqIB基因多态性与高血压病患者心脑血管病事件发生率的影响

17.Conclusion There is correlation between the platelet inhibition rate and main heart and brain vascular events in CHD patients during 6 months after stenting.结论冠心病患者支架置入术后的血小板抑制率与6个月的主要心脑血管事件相关。

18.Correlation analysis of resting heart rate with cardiac-cerebral vascular events in middle-aged and elderly patients with primary hypertension中老年原发性高血压病患者静息心率水平与心脑血管事件的相关性分析


ambulatory diastolic blood pressure心血管病事件

3)cardiac risk factor for cerebrovascular events心脑血管事件危险因素

4)cardiovascular event心血管事件

1.Value of preprocedural serum levels of lipoprotein(a) in predictingcardiovascular events and restenosis after coronary stent implantation in patients with stable angina;血清脂蛋白(a)与稳定性心绞痛患者支架置入术后心血管事件和再狭窄的关系

2.Effects of pravastatin on atherosclerotic plaque andcardiovascular events in patients with coronary disease;普伐他汀对冠状动脉硬化斑块及心血管事件的影响

3.The relation between depression and incidence of short termcardiovascular events was compared.方法将246例冠心病患者分为抑郁症组和非抑郁症组,比较两组患者近期心血管事件发生率,分析抑郁症与心血管事件的关系。

5)cardiac events心血管事件

1.Objectives: To investigate the relationship among the postoperative analgesia technique, stress response, andcardiac events, and the effect of combined ropivacaine and fentanyl postoperative epidural analgesia versus intravenous morphine analgesia on the stress response of mild to moderate risk geriatric patients that the ACC/AHA have described in 2002 guideline were studied.目的:观察术后罗哌卡因复合芬太尼硬膜外镇痛和吗啡静脉镇痛技术对ACC/AHA2002年指南所述中低危患者术后应激的影响,以探讨镇痛方式、应激与心血管事件的关系。

2.Objective To explore the value of MCG estimatedcardiac events during the perioperative periods of non- cardiac surgery for elderly patients.目的探讨心磁图(MCG)评估老年非心脏手术心血管事件的价值。

6)cardiovascular events心血管事件

1.Study on the relationship between hyperuricemia andcardiovascular events in hypertension;高尿酸血症与高血压发生心血管事件的相关性探讨

2.Value of preprocedural serum levels of C-reactive protein in predictingcardiovascular events and prognosis;血清基础C-反应蛋白预测心血管事件发生及预后

3.Study on the Association between Fasting Glucose and Cardiovascular Events with Acute Myocardial Infarction.;急性心肌梗死患者空腹血糖水平与近期心血管事件的关系研究


