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定制 customization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-21 12:41:11


定制 customization英语短句 例句大全



1.Application of dynamic planning incustomization production of heavy and medium plates;动态规划法在中厚钢板定制化生产中的应用

2.Research on Model Driven Customization and Release of CAPP Information;模型驱动的CAPP信息定制发布技术研究


1.customizing applet settings定制小应用程序设定

2.custom shoes (clothes, etc)定制的鞋(衣服等)

3.Research on the Development of Time Quota Method for Mass Customization Enterprise大规模定制型企业工时定额制定方法研究

4.Research on Customization Ability Evaluation and Customization Diagnosis of Corporation for Mass Customization面向大批量定制的企业定制能力评价及定制诊断研究

5.shape one"s course制定方针,决定做法

6.control with fixed set point带有固定给定值的控制


8.time slicking时间限制[限定], 定时, 限时

9.Made to order.定做的按照定单制作的

10.To have a goal or purpose in mind."决定目的,制定目标"

11.Pricing (versioning, bundling)定价(版本控制、捆绑定价)

12.International Dairy Agreement《国际奶制品协定》

13.Lead development of corporate policies/practices领导制定公司制度/规范

14.formulate a rule, policy, theory, etc制定规则、 制定政策、 创立理论.

15.Control the MRP flow and make the orders to pick up the goods.MRP的执行路径控制和制定提货定单。

16.To punish by a fine imposed arbitrarily at the discretion of the court.强制罚款由法庭裁定强制罚款定

17.Develop a quality record keeping system, and develop procedures to maintain and control it. Develop procedures to:建立质量档案记录制度,制定维护管理制度的程序。制定程序是为:

18.someone who makes or enacts laws.制定或颁布法律的人。



1.The development of CAPP system prompt tocustomize based on Web integration environment;Web集成环境下可快速定制的CAPP系统的开发

2.A new information management mode based on the dynamic tree view is put forward in this paper to implementcustomized intelligent management system.基于动态树视图的概念形成了一种新的信息系统管理模式,利用这种管理模式,用户可以根据不同的管理目标,按被管理对象的属性动态定制个性化树视图。

3.Take the Word window composition as a foundation,from title,menu,tools to newly appears ribbon,systematically explained each interfacial part has custom the method of the Word2000 and Word,and how tocustomize existing function or add new function for the Word.以Word窗口的组成为基础,从标题栏、菜单栏、工具栏到新出现的功能区,系统地说明了Word和Word界面中各部分的定制方法,以及如何为Word定制现有功能或增加新功能。


1.Its modular design allows the customization from palm computer to consumer electronic equipment for special industrial controller.Windows CE是一个简洁的,高效率的多平台操作系统,它的模块化设计允许它对从掌上电脑到专用的工业控制器的用户电子设备进行定制。

2.18?滋m 1P4M CMOS technology with a custom design methodology.基于GF(24)域映射的方法,采用定制方式完成了AES加密算法中关键部件S-Box的设计与实现。

3.Then gives a method of customing work flow of office Automation System.在分析采用硬编码方式编写办公系统工作流程的不足的基础上,讨论了工作流程中的常见模型,并构建了工作流程的数据模型,给出了在办公系统中实现动态工作流程定制的实现方法。


1.Research on Extending andCustomizing Fundamental Product Data Object;扩展和定制基本产品数据对象方法研究

2.Customizing and Application of ″Open / Save As″ Common Dialog Box;对“打开/另存为”公用对话框的定制及应用

3.The basic process of programming,loading and customizing of developing AutoCAD with objectARX is also explained with examples in this article.结合实例说明用ObjectARX开发AutoCAD 2 0 0 0的程序编制、加载和定制的基本过


1.Talking aboutformulation of inspection specification in product standard;谈产品标准中检验规范的制定

2.Onformulation of pressure standards for water supply in some city某市城市供水工作压力标准的制定

3.The Formulation of National Policy of Guizhou Government during the Period that Yangsen as the Governor of Guizhou Province杨森主黔时期贵州民族政策的制定


1.Discussion on Role andEstablishment Problem of Memorandum of Association;公司章程的作用和制定问题浅探

2.Discussion on the establishment of public policy in urban planning;浅谈城市规划中公共政策的制定

3.The establishment and Research on national standard of "Means of Transport Arrival Advice Message Based on XML" is a basic work.国标《基于XML的运输工具到达/驶离通知报文》的研究与制定是一项基础性工作,它可为相关方提供统一的XML格式以进行数据交换,同时为信息的规范化提供指导。


定制1.拟定制度或法式。 2.确定的制度﹑规则。
