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准确性 accuracy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-09 17:58:40


准确性 accuracy英语短句 例句大全



1.Test ofaccuracy for ISOCS measurement method by efficiency calibration without a radioactive source;ISOCS系统无源效率刻度测量方法的准确性检验

2.Analysis on the true and the false of the technology forthe sewage treatment project and itsaccuracy of monitoring and supervisory;对污水处理工程中技术真伪性及监测监督准确性存在问题的分析

3.Accuracy of Root Canal Working Length Measurement with Raypex5 Electronic Apex Locator;新型根尖定位仪测量根管工作长度准确性的临床应用探讨


1.Work in the planning area and ensure all plans are rational, efficient and accurate.确保计划的合理性有效性和准确性.

2.A high degree of accuracy is needed.需要有高度的准确性.

3.Ensure billing are accurate and complete.确定开出账单的准确性和和完整性的。

4.Verify the veracity and reliability of measurement system.确认测量系统的准确性和可靠性。

5.The accuracy and precision of the method are also discussed.文章还讨论了方法的准确性和精确度。

6.Fairness,Accuracy and Artistry of the Work by Pingpong Referees;乒乓球临场裁判:公正性、准确性、艺术性

7.Results The accuracy and precision of standardized phantom were ?0.1%? and 8.6%.结果自制标准体模精确性和准确性分别是0.1%和8.6%,性能可靠。

8.The method ensured accuracy and comparability of the experiment result.该方法确保了试验结果的准确性和可比性。

9.the quality of being precise in amount or performance.在数量或性能上具有的准确性。

10.The Improvement of RIS Accuracy and Fault-Tolerance under Linux;Linux下RIS准确性和容错性的改进

municative Approach to Language Accuracy and Fluency;交际法教学和语言的准确性、流利性

12.Check drawing for accuracy, material selection, proper machining techniques, finishes hardness, etc.确认绘图准确性,选材,妥善加工技术,饰面硬度。

13.Method for intraoperative confirming target localization accuracy in deep brain stimulation脑深部刺激术靶点定位准确性的术中确认方法

14.An Analysis of the Measures for Gene Prediction Accuracy;关于基因预测算法准确性度量标准的分析

15.The Accuracy of Risk Measurement model Base on Standard Residuals;基于标准残差的极值风险模型准确性研究

16.Regulate the reserve composition and improve the accuracy of money strata indexes;规范准备金的构成, 提高货币层次指标的准确性

17.I call in question the accuracy of these figures.我怀疑这些数字的准确性。

18.accuracy is about one order of magnitude准确性约有一个数位的差误



1.The Cause and Countermeasure of Effecting Resource to Check Veracity;影响手术物品清点准确性的原因分析及对策

2.Investigation on the correlated factors affecting theveracity of hospitalized patients satisfaction and its countermeasures;影响住院病人满意度调查结果准确性的相关因素及对策

3.How to increase theveracity of bid quoted price;如何提高投标报价编制的准确性


1.Some experiences of enhancingprecision of examing by TCD;提高经颅多普勒超声仪(TCD)检查准确性的几点体会

2.Discussion onprecision of biggest dry density and optimum water content;最大干密度和最优含水率的准确性探讨

3.It’s stressed that the flexible combinations of these methods in troubleshooting so as to efficiently ensure the reliability andprecision of the scale.电子汽车衡常见故障通常包括显示负超载、数字显示不稳定、零点漂移等等,故障解决的方法有观察法、替代法、敲击法、扯线法和仪器检查法等,在解决问题时要灵活而综合地运用这些方法以便有效地保证电子汽车衡的可靠性与准确性。


1.Its possibility,reliability,andaccurate has been proved in practice.超声波检测是一种典型无损检测,在实际应用中,已经验证了超声检测方法的可行性、可靠性和准确性。

2.Although there are many reasons to affect the detectingaccurate in test room,the main im- portan reason is the apparatus.影响检测试验室检测准确性的因素有很多,而仪器设备又是很重要的方面,对此应加强全方位的管理。

3.Through analysis to it s purpose and action, it was indicated that references should have charecteristic of open,accurate, read by yourself, limitation period and standardize.通过对其目的和作用的分析,指出其应具有公开性、准确性、自阅性、时效性和规范性。


1.Job analysis is based on peoples subjective judgments, and may be subject toinaccuracy of job information.职务分析以人的主观判断为基础,因而容易导致结果的不准确性。

2.There exist someinaccuracy sources in organizational personnel selection, which has a direct impact on the effectiveness of the organization s recruiting a nd placement.在组织人员选拔中存在着一些不准确性来源 ,这些不准确性直接影响组织人员招募与配置的效果。



