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低级别 Low grade英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-29 03:01:39


低级别 Low grade英语短句 例句大全

低级别,Low grade

1)Low grade低级别

1.Clinicopathologic study of low grade central osteosarcoma:2 cases report and the literature review;低级别中央型骨肉瘤的临床、影像学和病理学特点(附2例)


1.To reduce in rank, value, or price.贬低、降价减低级别、贬低价值或价格

2.Your Inbox will be protected on a minimal level.您的“收件箱”将受到最低级别的保护。

3.The operations and lower-level tasks that define this task:定义此任务的操作和低级别的任务:

4.Loss of 1p/19q in Low Grade Glioma低级别胶质肿瘤的1p/19q缺失研究

5.The following dimensions cannot be optimized because the lowest level does not have unique keys:由于最低级别没有唯一键,下列维度无法优化:

6.To reduce in grade, rank, or status.降级降低等级、级别或地位

7.His rank is under a captain他的级别低于上尉。

8.A captain is inferior to a major.上尉的级别低於少校.

9.A colonel is subordinate to a brigadier general.上校级别低于准将。

10.act of lowering in rank or position.职位或级别降低的行为。

11."WARNING: You have set your security level to low."警告: 您将安全级别设为低级。

12.Lowest in position, rank, or place; bottom.最下的;最低的位置、级别或地点最低的;最低的

13.To reduce in grade, rank, or status;demote.使降级,使降等在级别或地位上降低;使降级

14.Below another in rank, position, or authority.低级的在衔位、职位或权力上比别人低的

15.No one under the rank of captain may enter the room级别低於上尉者禁止入内

16.lower in rank than(sb);responsible to the authority of级别低于(某人); 隶属于...;听命于...

17.The gutter press, ie newspapers that concentrate on sensational stories about people"s personal lives低级报纸(专门宣扬别人隐私者)

18.Both Britain and the United States have slightly downgraded their terror threat levels.英国和美国都降低了安全警戒级别。


To reduce in rank.降低级别

3)low level pressure低级别压力

4)Low array低级别阵列

5)low priority traffic低级别业务

6)low grade materia低级别材料


