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人力资本定价 human capital pricing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-01 05:31:48


人力资本定价 human capital pricing英语短句 例句大全

人力资本定价,human capital pricing

1)human capital pricing人力资本定价

1.A study onhuman capital pricing based on the view of complexity;基于复杂性观点的人力资本定价研究

2.Research on Human Capital Pricing Mechanism of Chinese Enterprises;我国企业人力资本定价机制研究

3.A model based on system dynamics is designed which reflects the influence ofhuman capital pricing on corporation contract.构建人力资本定价对企业合约牢固度影响的系统动力学模型,运用博弈论对该模型进行动静态分析,发现只有当定价使人力资本与非人力资本对投资回报率均满意时,企业合约才是稳定牢固的。


1.The discussion about price making of entrepreneur human resources based on the property right;基于产权的企业家人力资本定价探讨

2.The Research on the Price Model of Entrepreneur Human Resource;企业家人力资本定价的计量模型研究

3.A study on human capital pricing based on the view of complexity;基于复杂性观点的人力资本定价研究

4.The Research on the Cost--Profit & Pricing of Human Capital Investment----Evidential Analysis on Human Capital Pricing in Western Region;人力资本投资的成本—收益及定价研究——对西部地区人力资本定价的实证分析

5.Human Capital Pricing in Corporation Based on Game Theory and System Dynamics;基于博弈论与系统动力学的企业人力资本定价

6.Analysis on Corporation Human Capital Pricing Based on Game Theory and System Dynamics;企业人力资本定价的博弈论与系统动力学分析

7.A Study on the Human Capital Pricing Model for the Top-managers of Enterprises;企业高层管理人员人力资本定价模型研究

8.A Study on the Human Capital Pricing of the Top-managers for the Listed Companies我国上市公司高层管理人员人力资本定价研究

9.Management Human Capital Pricing of Enterprise Based on Personal Brand基于个人品牌的企业管理型人力资本定价

10.Human Capital Pricing in Restructuring of Survey & Design Enterprise;勘察设计单位改制中的人力资本定价研究

11.Study on the Pricing and Incentive System of the Top Manager s Human Capital;企业经营者人力资本定价与激励机制研究

12.An Evaluation Model of Human Capital Based on Contractual Attribute Research;基于契约属性研究的人力资本定价模型

13.The Application of New Style Stock Index and Option Plan in Human Capital Pricing;新型股指期权计划在人力资本定价中的应用

14.List price for chinese entrepreneur human capital and design of incentive scheme;我国企业家人力资本定价与激励方案设计

15.The Performance Evaluation of Entrepreneur Haman Capital and Fixing Price of Stock Option;企业家人力资本业绩评价与期权定价

16.It is proper to evaluate human capital through its pay under the condition that it is unable to measure the human value.在无法准确核定人力资本价值的前提下,用人力资本的工资来评价人力资本是恰当的。

17.On the Measure of the Value of Human Capital Property Rights in China;我国人力资本产权价值确定方法初探

18.Indirect Pricing of the Human Capital and the Allocation of Residual Rights in Venture Capital;人力资本间接定价和剩余索取权安排


pricing entrepreneur human capital企业家人力资本定价

1.The problem aboutpricing entrepreneur human capital is a heated topic in human resource economics and human resource management theoretically and practically.企业家人力资本定价问题是一个人力资本经济与管理中理论与实践性很强的热点问题。

3)human resources pricing theory人力资本定价理论

4)human capital value人力资本价值

1.To further meet the need of measuring and estimatinghuman capital value of enterprises in the dynamic economic environment,the technological progress function is introduced into the factor funct.为了进一步适应企业在动态经济环境中计量和估算人力资本价值的需要,在还原的要素函数模型中引入技术进步函数,建立了人力资本价值计量的要素函数模型,并进行了初步的模型修订。

2.That how we measurehuman capital values on different levels through mathematical models and providing scientific basis for the human capital to gain profits from the enterprise are both heated and difficult programs for academic, industrial and commercial research.如何运用数学模型测度企业中不同层次的人力资本价值,为人力资本参与企业利润分配提供科学的依据是当前学术界与实业界研究的热点与难点课题。

3.It analyses thehuman capital value forms,put forward the appraisal ways of the professional sportsman and has brought forward the concrete methods to thehuman capital value of the professional sportsman about the different types and the purpose of appraising.通过对职业运动员人力资本价值组成进行分析,提出了评价不同类型及评价目的的职业运动员人力资本价值具体方法,建立了职业运动员人力资本价值计算模型,为客观、科学地衡量职业运动员人力资本价值,准确、合理地制订职业运动员的薪酬、福利、转会价格等方面提供科学的量化依据。

5)the human capital price人力资本价格

6)Value of Human Capital人力资本价值


