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国企改革 state-owned enterprise reform英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-02 14:17:16


国企改革 state-owned enterprise reform英语短句 例句大全

国企改革,state-owned enterprise reform

1)state-owned enterprise reform国企改革

1.Cases are also raised to prove the effectiveness of thestate-owned enterprise reform.在深刻探讨国有企业与现代高新技术产业特点的基础上,提出了用高新技术产业改造传统企业的若干原则性建议,并用实例说明用高新技术产业改造传统企业将是国企改革的有效途径。

2.We can finishstate-owned enterprise reform successfully when we wipe out the obstacle ofstate-owned enterprise reform, namely, settle indistinction of state-owned enterprise property and owner issue, and adjust inconsequence of state-owned asset structure.要排除国企改革进程的阻碍 ,必须解决国企产权不清晰 ,权责主体不到位、调整国有资产结构不合理等问题 ,才能顺利推进国企改

3.With the acceleration of China s entry into WTO, it s chance and challenge tostate-owned enterprise reform.随着我国加入 WTO,国企改革出现了新的机遇和更为严竣的挑战。


1.The International Experience and the Reform of Chinese State-owned Enterprises;国企改革的国际经验与我国国企改革

2.The Chinese State Owned, Enterprise Reform Experience and Its Enlightenment to the Laos State Owned Enterprise Reform;中国国企改革经验及对老挝国企改革的启示

3.The process of transformation of the state-owned enterprises is well underway.国企改革已经全面铺开。

4.Storming of Heavily Fortified Position in State Owned Enterprise Reformation Kicking up a Rumpus Over the System of Choosing a Person for a Job;国企改革的攻坚战:“用人机制”的改革


6.Deepen State-Owned Enterprise"s Reform to Improve Its Economic Results深化国企改革 提高国企经济效益

7.Establishing China s "Financial Capital",Deepening Reform of State-Owned Enterprises─Viewing the Reform of State-Owned Enterprises on the Basis of Establishing New Financial Enterprise Relations;组建中国“金融资本”深化国企改革──从建立新型银企关系看国企改革

8.The Reform Aim of State Enterprises Based on Corporate Social Responsibility;基于企业社会责任观的国企改革目标

9.Theoretical Thinking of State-owned Enterprise Reformation and Modern Enterprise System;国企改革与现代企业制度理论的思考

10.How to Regulate Enterprise Group by Antimonopoly Law UnderReformation of State-Owned Enterprises;国企改革中企业集团的反垄断法规制

11.Take the reform of state-owned enterprises as the central(/key)link in economic restructuring把国企改革作为经济体制改革的中心环节

12.The Focus of the 30-year Dispute for the State-owned enterprise Reform and Dimension of Deepening Reform;国企改革30年的纷争焦点与深化改革的取向

13.Step up efforts to reform State-owned enterprises加大国有企业改革力度

14.reforms and development of State-owned enterprises国有企业改革与发展

15.Reform of the Leadership System is a key in the Reform of the State-owned Interprises;国有企业改革的关键是领导机制改革

16.Strategic Composition of State-owned Enterprises and Its Deeper Renovation;国有企业的战略性改组和深化国有企业改革

17.Deepening Reforms of State-owned Enterprises and Establishing a New Relation be tween Bank and Enterprises;深化国有企业改革 建设新型银企关系

18.Enlightenment of Western enterprise merger for the reform of china s enterprises;西方企业兼并对我国企业改革的启示


reform of state-owned enterprises国企改革

1.Thereform of state-owned enterprises is both important and difficult.国企改革任重道远,其根本出路是完善公司法人治理结构。

2.This paper analyses the factors of influencing thereform of state-owned enterprises,pointing out the significance of controlling the cost in the reform of state-owned,standardizing the procedures and ways of asset evaluation,laying out,status replacement,commission and separation of non-producing capital to realize the ways of reducing the cost in thereform of state-owned enterprises.分析了影响国有企业改革成本的因素,指出了控制国企改革成本的意义,并从规范资产交易方式、规范不了资产核销的标准和程序、规范经营者期权设置方式、规范职工身份置换的标准和方式、规范各种提留和非经营性资产的剥离等角度提出了降低国有企业改革成本的基本实现的途径。

3.Through the 30 years ofreform of state-owned enterprises,we have made great achievements and accumulated valuable experiences and lessons.我国国企改革已经进行了30年,既取得了巨大的成绩,也积累了宝贵的经验和教训。

3)state-owned enterprises reform国企改革

1.We must make a clear distinction between these theories,and avoid the aberrance ofstate-owned enterprises reform,especially preventing waves of pocketing of state asset迫切需要明辨是非,防止国企改革发生变异,防止变成实际上消解国有企业和私有化的浪潮。

2.But during ourstate-owned enterprises reform,implementing stock option system faces a series of problems.但是,在我国国企改革中,实行股票期权制还面临一系列问题,股票期权制应当在实践中进行改革与创新。

3.Among the papers on thestate-owned enterprises reform in the past 22years.来对国企改革问题研究的文献很多,但对国企改革过程作系统的历史的分析尚不多见,很多深层次的问题尚未触及或未深入探讨,如(1)国有企业改革是如何发生的,政府为什么选在70年代末开始改革国有企业?(2)政府推动国企改革的基本动力是什么?(3)影响来国有企业改革的路径和趋势的主要因素是什么?等等。

4)SOE Reform国企改革

1.SOE Reform as Signaling and Credible Commitment;作为信号发送和可置信承诺的国企改革

2.Because of its social and economic attributes, it exists merely in the domain of "public products" and does not repel private ownership or "middle products", the SOE reform takes this theory as an important basis.国企改革既以之为理论支柱,针对业已显现的恶性路径依赖特征,改革路径的“应然”选择将内含产权的重新配置与最优治理结构的探索两方面。

5)reform of state-owned enterprise国企改革

1.This paper introduces the property right theory and enterprise theory of new system economy,analyzes on thereform of state-owned enterprise,and provides the new explanations on some common statements such as “the property right is not clear”.介绍了新制度经济学的产权理论与企业理论,分析了国企改革问题,对“产权不清晰”等常见说法提供了新的解释。

2.The whole thesis includes three parts consisting of six chapters, which deals with introduction , basic theory , theory ofreform of state-owned enterprises, separately.第四、五、六章探讨国企改革与发展的理论。

6)reform of state enterprise我国国企改革


