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技术革命 technological revolution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-03 00:11:14


技术革命 technological revolution英语短句 例句大全

技术革命,technological revolution

1)technological revolution技术革命

1.How many times havetechnological revolutions had in history? Different people have different idea.人类历史上到底发生过几次技术革命 ?众说不一。

2.This is indeed another greattechnological revolution since the appearance of the printing machine during the Renaissance, but far more p.作者描绘了电子技术革命在跨世纪时期发展的面貌和趋向。

3.In accordance with documents and papers of Guangdong Provincial Archives,this thesis analyzes the background,the development and the specific way of thetechnological revolution movement,its impact on the economy and society during the Great Leap Forward Period.以广东省为案例,在大量档案资料的基础上,分析了大跃进时期的技术革命运动产生背景、展开阶段、具体做法以及对国民经济的影响。


1.This transformation has been due primarily to a technological revolution.这种变革主要是由于技术革命引起的。

2.1956-1976:The Rise and Fall of Thoughts on Technological Revolution and Cultural Revolution;1956—1976:技术革命与文化革命思想的扬抑轨迹


4.The 20th century"s revolution in infotechnology will thereby merge with the 21st century"s revolution in biotechnology.20世纪信息技术的革命将由此同21世纪的生物技术革命融为一体。

5.Technological revolution during the Great Leap Forward Movement“大跃进”运动中的技术革命评析

6.On Information Technology Revolution and Rebuilding the Flow Diagram of Credit Business论信息技术革命与信贷业务流程再造

7.German & the Revolution of Press Technology in 19~(th) Century;论德国人与19世纪的印刷技术革命

8.Preliminary Discussion on Potential Impact of New Technology Revolution on Life Insurance Industry;刍议新技术革命对寿险业的潜在冲击

9.New Technology Revolutionand the End of the Two-pole Stru cturein the Cold War;论新技术革命与冷战两极格局的结束

10.Reflection on Technical Revolution in the 1950s ;对20世纪50年代技术革命运动的反思

11.On Neo-technological Innovations and New Variations in the Modern Capitalist World;新技术革命与当代资本主义经济问题

12.The Modern Scientific and Technological Revolution from the Perspective ofthe National System of Creation;从国家创新体系看现代科学技术革命

13.Zhou Enlai s Intellectual Outlook on the Modern Scientificand Technological Revolution;周恩来的现代科学技术革命思想论析

14.The Reformation of IT Revolution and Archivistics Educatioral System;信息技术革命与档案学教育体系的变革

15.The Transformation of the U.S. Manufacturing under the Background of the Information Technological Revolution (1980-2000)信息技术革命背景之下的美国制造业变革(1980-2000)

16.New Agricultural Technology Revolution and SciTech Policy Adjustment in 21st Century;21世纪农业新技术革命与科技政策调整

17.The modern revolution of science and technology has shaken the religious belief and thought, and the industrial society created by technological revolution has separated traditional culture from nature.近代科学革命动摇了宗教的思想与信仰 ,技术革命造就的工业革命隔断了传统文化的自然基础。

18.And, the technologies for revolutionary change aren"t ready yet.目前尚不具备引起革命性变化的技术。


Technical Revolution技术革命

1.This paper analyzes on the essence of three technical revolutions and technology convergences in the world technical development history, points out that the new global technical revolution has the high convergence of trans-subject, and advances some countermeasures and suggestions of carrying out technology convergence in our country.分析了世界技术发展史上三次技术革命与技术融合的实质,指出新一轮全球技术革命具有高度的跨学科的融合性,并提出了我国实施技术融合战略的对策与建议。

2.The influence of technical revolution, government macro-control and economy globalization and so on has dual nature which not only causes new changes of the capitalist business cycle but brings about a further advance in the business cycle.技术革命、政府宏观调控以及经济全球化等方面影响的两重性,在引起资本主义经济周期新变化的同时,也导致了经济周期理论的进一步发展。

3)technology revolution技术革命

1.The paper introduces some correlation concept of sociology and science & technology firstly,and then reviews the developing history of information technology that was a symbol of the third timetechnology revolution.文章首先介绍了社会学与科学技术的相关概念,然后回顾了以信息技术为标志的第三次技术革命的发展历史,根据技术社会化的两方面—社会整合和社会调试,讨论了社会对信息技术的影响,信息技术对社会进步的作用和对社会生产关系变革的影响。

4)new technology revolution新技术革命

1.Thenew technology revolution and the construction of library;新技术革命与图书馆建设

2.We should learn the successful experience of the worldnew technology revolution in setting down goal、cultivating environment and changing main part of technology revolution to promote our country technology revolution into a new stage.新技术革命是推动生产力发展的主要动力,为此,我国要增强自主创新能力,建设创新型国家。

3.Considering the characters of the contemporarynew technology revolution, the influence of thenew technology revolution on Chinese passenger car industry is approached by referencing to the history and present situation of the industrial economy and automobile industry in developed countries.以世界发达国家工业经济及汽车工业、家庭轿车发展历史、现状为参照,结合当代新技术革命的特点,探讨了新技术革命对中国轿车工业发展的影响。

5)new technological revolution新技术革命

1.The development of thenew technological revolution and the emergence of the important thought of "Three Represents";新技术革命的发展与“三个代表”重要思想的产生

2.The thesis discusses the great trend of world economic trausformation brought forth bynew technological revolution,and point out that the reform and opening up in our country has been in the lead of the economic transformation.论述了新技术革命带来的世界经济转型的大趋势,指出我国的改革开放领世界经济转型风气之先。

3.This paper expounds the new functions of the library information work under the condition of thenew technological revolution,and puts forward some measures for opening the new situation of the library information work.阐述了新技术革命条件下图书情报工作的新作用,提出了开拓图书情报工作新局面的措施。

6)the new technology revolution新技术革命

1.The questions about the title and the historical status ofthe new technology revolution from the 1940s have been disputed bitterly for years.20世纪后半期的新技术革命,学术界对于其称谓和发展阶段有许多不同看法。


