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人力资本存量 human capital stock英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-25 14:16:38


人力资本存量 human capital stock英语短句 例句大全

人力资本存量,human capital stock

1)human capital stock人力资本存量

1.Based on the Lucas model(namely the outside endogenous model of the human capital) and regression analysis,this article computed the prouduction elasticity of capital stock,human capital stock and perhuman capital stock,and then,computed the direct and indirect contribution rate to economic growth of Henan during the year of 1978—.利用河南省1978—的相关数据,根据卢卡斯人力资本的外部性内生经济增长模型,运用SPSS软件对相关数据进行回归分析,得出了河南省人力资本存量、资本存量和人力资本水平的产出弹性,并在此基础上,计算人力资本平均增长率,以此分析人力资本对经济增长的贡献率。

2.In this paper,we modified and simplified the income-based measure ofhuman capital stock to corporate the China s reality,and estimate the money value ofhuman capital stock in 1952-,and compare it with physical capital and GDP.文章结合中国实际,对收入法进行修正和简化,估算出了中国1952~以货币计量的人力资本存量数据,并将之与物质资本、GDP等进行比较。


1.Assessment of Storage Capacity of Chinese Human Resources: 1952-;中国人力资本存量的估算:1952-

2.Measuring Human Capital Stock of China:An Income-based Method;中国人力资本存量估算:基于收入方法

3.Study on the Trajectory of Stock of Human Capital for Fertility Women生育女性人力资本存量变动轨迹研究

4.An Improvement and a Test of Human Capital Capacity Calculation人力资本存量计算方法的改进与试算

5.On the Analysis of Human Capital Storage and Investment in five Provinces of Northwest of China;西北五省区人力资本存量及投资现状分析

6.Measuring Method & Empirical Study on Stock of Human Capital;人力资本存量水平的计量方法及实证评价

7.Human Capital Stock Analysis of the Contribution Rate to China s Economic Growth;人力资本存量对中国经济增长的贡献率分析

8.Empirical Research on the Storage Quantity and Structure of Regional Human Capital in China;中国区域人力资本存量及结构的实证研究

9.The Studies on Dynamic Correlations between Urban-rural Human Capital Accumulations and Economic Growth of China;城乡人力资本存量与经济增长的动态效应分析

10.The Estimate of the Human Capital Stock Based on Education and Age;基于受教育年限和年龄的人力资本存量估算

11.Analysis on the Relevance between Ningxia Human Capital Existence Quantity and Economic Development;宁夏人力资本存量与经济发展水平相关分析

12.The Human Resources of China s West Guaranteed by System;用制度安排提升西部地区人力资本存量

13.The Causes of and Solutions for Regional Inequality of Human Capital in Rural China;我国农村人力资本存量地区差异的成因及对策

14.Empirical Study on the Relation between Human Capital Accumulation and Income of Farmer Household in Shanxi Province;山西农户人力资本存量与收入关系实证分析

15.Shaanxi Human Capital and Coordinated Economy Development;陕西人力资本存量与经济协调发展的对策研究

16.The Solution for Problems on Agriculture, Peasant and Countryside Lies in Increasing Quantity of Human Capital;“三农”问题解决出路在于扩大农村人力资本存量

17.The Influence of Stock of Human Capital on Chinese laborer s Income Stratification;人力资本存量对我国劳动者收入分层的影响

18.Using annual statistical data from1952 to2002, this paper calculates every year"s human capital stock and physical capital stock of Tianjin.文章利用1952~002年度统计数据,测算天津市历年物质资本存量和人力资本存量。


stock of human capital人力资本存量

1.The paper discusses the influence ofstock of human capital on Chinese laborer s income stratification using the theories of social stratification and human capital.本文利用社会分层理论和人力资本理论探讨了我国人力资本存量对劳动者收入分层的影响 ,分析了建国 50年来 ,在不同历史阶段人力资本存量对劳动者收入分层影响所表现出的不同特征 ,提出了市场经济改革是提高人力资本收益率的根本途

2.Fertility of women is likely to result in depreciation ofstock of human capital,and thus the trajectory ofstock of human capital for fertility women is different with that of men and women without fertility experience.由于生育行为可能带来人力资本存量贬损,故生育女性的人力资本存量变动轨迹不同于男性和不生育的女性。

3)human capital storage人力资本存量

4)stocks of human capital人力资本存量

1.This paper evaluates respectivelystocks of human capital of Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces during 1990-2002,comparative analyses the investment efficiency and wastage rate of human capital in three provinces,and illustrates the distribution characteristics of human capital in Yangtze Delta region.对长三角经济区的上海、江苏、浙江三省市1990—2002年期间的人力资本存量进行了估算,比较分析了三省市的人力资本投资、投资效率、资本存量状况、空间结构及其特点。

5)human capital人力资本存量

1.<Abstrcat>Shaanxi is a famous big education-and Sciece-and-terchology province of China andhuman capital volume is higher than average level of China ,but economic development is very backward.陕西是全国的教育大省和科技大省,人力资本存量高于全国平均水平,但经济发展却严重滞后。

6)Human capital stock level人力资本存量水平


