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行政过程论 administrative process theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-26 14:39:43


行政过程论 administrative process theory英语短句 例句大全

行政过程论,administrative process theory

1)administrative process theory行政过程论

1.Due to thin research situation on this subject nowadays, reconsideration on administrative action force by use ofadministrative process theory is of practical and theoretical significance.基于此种认识以及对行政行为特征的理性把握,本文提出引入行政过程论,以过程论的方法对行政行为效力问题进行再阐释,以期尽力把握行政行为效力的真义。


1.On the Function of Administrative Procedures:From the Perspective of the Administrative Process Theory论行政程序的功能——一种行政过程论的视角

2.Evolution of theoretical structure of the Japanese Administrative Law--Basis on the Administrative Process Theory of the Japanese Administrative Law;日本行政法学理构造的变革——以行政过程论为观察视角

3.Information Management in Administration Decision Execution Process;试论行政决策执行过程中的信息管理

4.Research on the Policy Implementation Process:The Social Constructionist Perspective;政策执行过程研究:社会建构论的视角

5.On the Government Behavior in the Process of Economic Transformation;略论我国经济转轨过程中的政府行为

6.Public administration ethics system arrangement in the government innovation period;试论政府转型过程中的公共行政伦理体系建构

7.The Analysis of Policy Process in China from the perspective of the Politics-Administration Dichotomy政行二分理论视野中的我国政策过程分析

8.The new type of administrative legislation heaved in the process of WTO Laws translation:Foreign economic administrative legislation;论WTO法国内转化过程中凸显的行政立法新类型——涉外经济行政立法

9.On the Supervision of Administrative Implementation Process in the National Autonomous County Level"s Government论民族自治县级政府行政执行过程中的监督制约

10.On the Process Supervision during the Execution of Frontier Defence Inspection Work;试论出入境边防检查行政执法工作的过程监督

11.Discussion on Responsibility Conflict and Its Resolution during the Process of Public Administration;试论公共行政过程中的责任冲突及其化解

12.On the Role of CPC in Implementing Public Policy;论中国共产党在公共政策执行过程中的作用

13.Discuss on the government s behavior in the course of the development of pioneering work s investment;论我国创业投资发展过程中的政府行为

14.An Analysis of the Deviations in the Administrative Execution of Educational Policies教育政策的行政执行过程之偏差分析

15."Government Failure" in the Process of Local Government s Administration--Based on Buchanan s "Government Failure";论我国地方政府行政过程中的“政府失败”——基于布坎南“政府失败说”的考量

16.On the Right to Know of Private Party in the Administrative Process;论行政相对人在行政程序中的知情权

17.Innovating to the Administrative Procedures Resulted From the Administrative Approval Law论我国《行政许可法》对行政程序的创新

18.Many of the issues we have been discussing are considered in far more depth in an administrative procedure class.我们正在论述的许多问题已在行政程序中做过深入的考虑。


administrative process行政过程

1.In today s law relationship aboutadministrative process, administrative subject and administrative counterpart s logical structure are in the dynamic balancing process.在现代行政过程法律关系中,行政主体与行政相对人的逻辑结构处于动态的均衡过程之中,行政相对人的内部结构发生分化,众多行政相对人通过单位或组织的形式,积极参与行政主体进而影响其行政行为的趋势日益明显。

2.Now the study of the private parties rights are in the legislative practice and judicial practice, theadministrative process for the comparative study of the private parties rights is no.而现在对行政相对人权利的研究大多是在立法领域与司法领域中,对行政过程中相对人权利的研究却不多,因此,有必要对行政过程进行界定,在此基础上,对行政相对人程序性权利的价值进行分析,目的在于明确其在行政法学理论与实践中不可缺少的地位。

3)behavioral process行为过程论

4)On the Negligence of the Administrative Crime论行政犯罪过失

5)theories of policy process政策过程理论

6)process of administrative law enforcement行政执法过程

1.Based on theprocess of administrative law enforcement,the administrative pr.以行政执法过程为主线,可以把行政程序性权利划分为发起权、知情权、参与权和防御权等内容,这种分类方式有利于理解行政程序性权利对于行政执法过程的不同推动作用。


