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国家认同感 national identity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-24 00:15:35


国家认同感 national identity英语短句 例句大全

国家认同感,national identity

1)national identity国家认同感

1.National identity is the personal recognition and acceptance of their own national culture and political identity which is a sense of belonging.国家认同感是指个人承认和接受自己的民族文化和政治身份,并产生归属感。


1.Confucianism in Yunnan and the Formation of Minority Peoples National Identity;儒学的传入与云南少数民族国家认同感的形成

2.The Relationship between Chinese Nation Identity and National Pride, National Stereotype of Adolescent;青少年的中华民族认同与国家自豪感和国民刻板印象的关系

3."Meanwhile, people got confused about their state and national identities."国家认同和民族认同产生混乱。

4.This view is shared by other governments.许多国家都表示认同

5.Over the years, what does one expect a young Singaporean to feel about his/her own national identity?对于一个年轻新加坡人对国家认同的感想,我们能有怎样的期待呢?

6.Ethnic Identity and National Identity in Transnational Labor Export Taking the Korean-Chinese of Long Shan 11th Village as an Example;跨国劳务输出中的族群认同与国家认同

7.The Reshaping of National Identity under Globalization--Based on the Positive Interaction among Regional Identity, Ethical Identity and National Identity全球化背景下国家认同的重塑——基于地域认同、民族认同、国家认同的良性互动

8.Is (sub-national) ethnic identity exclusive and divisive vis-a-vis national cohesiveness and national identity?(次于国家的)族群认同是否一定会分裂国民团结,排斥国家认同呢?

9.The Relation of Self-esteem of Ethnic and Nationality Identity Among Adolescents;“民族认同,国家认同”与青少年自尊的关系

10.Ethnic Identities and National Identities;族群认同与国家认同:以马来西亚为例(下)

11.The Conflict and Unification of the European Collective Identity and the Nation-state Identity论欧洲集体认同与民族国家认同的冲突与统一

12.Relationship between Ethnic Identity and State Identity:A Perspective from the Fundamental Characteristics of Identity;从认同的基本特性看族群认同与国家认同的关系

13.On National Identity,Ethnic Identity and Religious Identity of Uygur People试析维吾尔民众的国家认同、民族认同与宗教认同

14.Analysis of American Multiculturalism and National Identity;浅析美国的多元文化主义与国家认同

15.National Identity of Ethnic Chinese and the Constitutional Revolution of Thailand in 1932华裔国家认同与泰国1932年立宪革命

16.The War of Anti-Japanese Construct the Modern Nation Identity of Chinese Masses抗战对中国民众现代国家认同的建构

17.Anti-secession Law and the Construction of National Identity《反分裂国家法》与台湾社会“国家认同”的塑造

18.The feeling is neither ethnic nor national identification, but a sense of belonging.这种认同既不是民族认同,也有别于国家认同,我将它称之为一种“归属认同”。


National identity国家认同

1.The Construction of theNational identity from the Rescue Operation and Disaster Relief;从抗震救灾看国家认同的建构

2.The Evolution of International Consciousness and the Reconstruction of National Identity in Contemporary China当代中国国际意识的变迁与国家认同的重构

3.Due to the national identity of the Soviet Union mainly based on Marxist ideology,the early Marxist dogmatism and late deviation from Marxism made the official ideology become weak continuously and changed at last,leading to the people losing their identity of the country and the Soviet Union as a country difficult to keep on.由于苏联的国家认同主要建立在马克思主义意识形态基础之上,早期马克思主义的教条化和后期对马克思主义的背离,使官方意识形态不断削弱乃至最终变异,导致人民的国家认同感丧失,苏联作为一个国家才难以为继。

3)state identification国家认同

1.The era of globalization is a time when nationalism is upsurging,communication of different cultures results in interactions of national identification,culture identification andstate identification.全球化时代是一个民族主义高涨的时代,各民族文化交流的同时带来了民族认同、文化认同与国家认同之间的互动。

2.Its behaving forms involve ultra nationalism,terrorism and national splittism,they are catabolized national identifications and make against to thestate identification and state security for the nations in the national country.当今是民族个性张扬的时代,极端民族主义、恐怖主义和民族分裂主义是其外在表现形式,这是一种异化的民族认同,不利于各民族国家内部各民族对该国的国家认同和国家安全。

3.Since the founding of China as a nation-state,state identification has become a striking issue in the political area.国家认同是民族国家时代一个普遍性的问题。

4)national identification国家认同

1.So, maybe we can say, the immigrantsnational identification was the prerequisite to the conflict between the native.因此,可以认为,流民与土著产生冲突并形成各自心理认同的前提是,流民接受“国家”统治,开始具有与土著同样的国家认同意识。

5)state identity国家认同

1.The Lack of State Identity in Iraq’s Reconstruction;伊拉克重建中国家认同之缺失

2.Therefore,the correct understanding and proper treatment of the relationship between culture and subculture,ethnic identity andstate identity play a significant role in preventing national separatism and maintain.因此,正确认识和处理主文化与亚文化、民族认同与国家认同这两对关系对防止民族分离主义的产生,维护多民族国家的稳定与统一,具有重要的意义。

3.Being marked as one of most significant and profound events in 20~(th) century, the Second World War is frequently used as the material for the construction ofstate identity in feature films.第二次世界大战作为二十世纪最重大的历史事件之一,常常被艺术电影(故事片)用作建构国家认同的材料,但对于俄罗斯联邦而言,二战电影当中存在着一种“国家的错位”,如何能通过再现“苏联时期的一场战争”建构当下俄罗斯的国家认同?这种建构呈现出了怎样的特征?这种特征与特定历史条件下的政治、经济和文化逻辑又有着怎样的关联?本研究试图对此作出回答和解释。

6)concept of national identity国家认同观

1.With "China" as theconcept of national identity,Chiang Kai-shek and Chiang Ching-kuo adopted the "reunification" policy.从国家认同观的视角看待台湾当局两岸统独政策,是研究台湾政治发展和两岸政治关系的一个重要课题;在"中国"国家认同观下,蒋介石、蒋经国时期形成了"两岸统一"政策;在"台湾定位"国家认同观下,李登辉时期制定了"两岸分治"政策;在"台湾"国家认同观下,陈水扁时期推行了"台湾独立"政策;在走向"一个中国"国家认同观下,马英九时期确立了"两岸终极统一"政策。


