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敏感程度 sensitivity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-10 02:44:07


敏感程度 sensitivity英语短句 例句大全



1.The types of hydrogen damages of materials in refinery wet hydrogen sulfide environment and corrosion mechanisms were described and the techniques for determining thesensitivity of different materials to hydrogen damages were presented.阐述了炼油厂湿硫化氢环境下材料氢损伤的表现形式、腐蚀机理 ,并提出判定各种材料对氢损伤敏感程度的方

2.Under the conditions of water-impoundment and running of Three Gorges Reservoir, thesensitivity of underground water level and displacement to the fluctuation of water level is different in different part of landslides induced by the fluctuation of water level (as the case of Shiliushubao landslide).在三峡水库蓄水和运行条件下,三峡库区水库型滑坡(以泄滩滑坡为例)不同部位的地下水位和位移表现出对库水位变化的敏感程度不同的特征。

3.The essay describes individual differences among vehicles by the conception "sensitivity" and quantifies it with a character in a standard normal school.研究实现了驾驶员行为的个性化描述,采用敏感程度的概念并用一个标准正态分布中的取值表示,分析了个性化行为和模型参数的联系,实现了模型的优化和优化后模型对启动车流和稠密交通流扰动传播的数值模拟。


1.Sensitive degree of instable factors of residual soil slope under rainfall infiltration降雨入渗下残积土坡失稳因素的敏感程度分析

2.The susceptibility of plants to such infections is the result of many factors.植物对于这种侵染的敏感程度是多种因素作用的结果。

3.Highly or excessively sensitive.高度敏感的高度地或过度地敏感的

4.A Positive Study of the Effects of Psychological Variables on the Sensitivity of the Agenda-setting of Mass Media;心理变量对议程设置敏感度影响的实证研究

5.Sensitivity and Bifurcation Analysis of Delay Integro-Differential Equations延迟积分-微分方程的敏感度和Hopf分岔分析

6.which all sensitive people feel at the progressive mechanization of life,所有敏感的人会对此产生的,生活中机械化程度越来越高的感觉。

7.Positive Analysis of Sensitivity between Executive s Effort and Performance --Based on Reckoning Method;基于测算法下经营者努力程度与企业经营业绩敏感度分析

8.Stochastic Estimation of Equipment Sensitivity to Voltage Sag Based on Voltage Sag Severity Index and Maximum Entropy Principle用电压暂降严重程度和最大熵评估负荷电压暂降敏感度

9.sensitivity of smoke detector感烟火灾探测器灵敏度

10.temperature sensitive mutant温度敏感受性突变体

11.more sensitive smoke detector高灵敏度感烟探器测

12.transverse sensitivity ratio横向灵敏度比 -传感器

13.thermistor temperature sensor热敏电阻式温度传感器

14.high sensitive smoke detector高灵敏度感烟探测器

15.measuring sensitivity of hearing.对听力敏感度的测定。

16.The analysis of the sensitivity of a relative system.关联系统敏感度的分析

17.Probability Density Function of Voltage Sag Sensitivity and Its Application敏感负荷电压凹陷敏感度概率密度函数及应用

18.Conclusion The IH indexes( ITI, IMR) are very sensitive tools to grade the degree of IH in the graft vessels.结论ITI和IMR是对移植血管内膜增生程度进行分级的敏感方法。


Ca sensitivity钙敏感程度

3)Sensitivity equation敏感度方程

1.The sensitivity equation of flowrate in the water distribution system was established on the basis of perturbation analysis,and the optimal location of flow monitoring stations was determined by sensitivity analysis.在摄动分析的基础上建立了给水管网的流量敏感度方程,通过敏感度分析给出了流量监测点的优化布置方法,并通过一小型给水管网算例验证了该方法的有效性和可靠性。

4)thermo sensitive degree热敏感程度

1.In this paper ,by using a group of auxiliary parameters ,We analyse the thermal characters of two rod symmetric resonators ,obtain the distribution of stable zones ,thermo stable coriditions(g_1= ,u ̄2_2>u ̄2_1)and thethermo sensitive degree ,and discuss these results in detail.本文使用一组辅助参量,分析了双棒对称谐振腔的热性质,得到了它的稳定区分布状况、热稳条件(g_1=-,u ̄2_2>u ̄2_1)及热敏感程度,并对这些结果进行了充分的讨论。

5)sensitive degree for inundation灾害敏感程度


1.Study on the Chlorate Firecrackers Sensitivity;关于氯酸盐炮敏感度的探讨

2.Study on Sensitivity of Factors Influencing Surface Movement of Underground Metal Mines;地下金属矿山地表移动影响因素敏感度分析

3.Reliability andsensitivity of the Bath ankylosing spondylitis metrology index;Bath强直性脊柱炎计量指数量表的信度和敏感度研究


