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离职 turnover英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-15 10:21:23


离职 turnover英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on the Factors Influencing Senior Managers Turnover in Private Enterprises;民营企业高层管理人员离职影响因素研究

2.Research on the Relationship of New Employee Turnover and New Employee Training;新员工离职与新员工培训之间的相关关系研究

3.A Study on the Factors Influencing Young Employees Turnover Intention;年轻雇员离职意愿影响因素研究


1.Surrey was withdrawn in 1522.萨里于15离职。

2.Dismiss for因……解雇,使离职

3.lump-sum withdrawal一笔总付的离职偿金

4.separation and repatriation离职偿金和回国补助金

5.Colin left his job in May.柯林五月份离职了。

6.That decided me to leave my job.那件事使我决定离职.

7.I can"t understand resigning jobs so early.这么早离职,我不理解。

8.He was noticed to quit.他得到了离职的通知。

9.This event decided me to resign.这件事使我决心离职。

10.I am sorry - he "s not with this company anymore .对不起,他已离职了。

11.He left the joB for reasons of health.他因健康原因离职。

12.give one"s employee a month"s notice通知雇员一个月后离职

13.Did you check out of the office?你办了离职手续了吗?

14.He quit after an argument with the managing director.与总经理争论后,他离职。

15.Staying away too long from office will affect promotion.长期离职会影响晋级。

16.He had deserted the office without leave.他没有请假就擅离职守。

17.He was busted for being absent without leave.他因擅离职守而被降级.

18.You must not leave your post without permission.你不应该擅离职守。



1.Study on the Early Warning Mechanism for Core Staff Demission of the Airlines;航空公司核心员工离职的预警机制研究

2.Thedemission of the core staff weighs heavily against the stability and smoothness of the airlines companies safety and business operation.针对航空公司核心员工离职的现象,分析了其危害及成因,从组织层面提出了基本对策,构建了预警管理模型,提出了预控对策的思路,以改进我国航空公司现有的人才激励约束机制,稳定核心员工,保障安全生产运营系统的高效运行,从而促进民航业又好又快地可持续发展。

3.Inconsistently,thedemission rate for this year s graduates keep very high.但与此不协调的是,应届大学毕业生的离职率却居高不下。


1.An Empirical Study on Managers Dimission of Private-owned Enterprises;民营企业管理人员离职问题的实证研究


1.Both domestic and foreign researches shw that there exist two major reasons forresignation inclination and adjusting element forresignation from inclination to behavior.离职研究是企业人力资源管理领域一个重要的课题。

2.But it works on condition that the proportion ofresignation is reasonable.老员工走,外聘工进来,是一种替代,很多时候是对低素质员工的替代,创新性、灵活性和适应性都得到了提高,当然这是针对适当比例的人员离职率而言的。

5)employee turnover职工离职

6)1. Entry and Exit入职及离职。


