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精量播种技术 precision drilling technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-27 17:08:30


精量播种技术 precision drilling technology英语短句 例句大全

精量播种技术,precision drilling technology

1)precision drilling technology精量播种技术

1.The cottonprecision drilling technology does not only increase the agricultural laboring productivity, reduce the cotton planters laboring intensity, and realize saving the costs and improving the benefits, but also has an important significance to improve the varieties and quality of cotton and realize increasing both production and income.推广棉花精量播种技术不仅可以大大提高农业劳动生产效率、减少棉农的劳动强度、实现农业节本增效,而且对促进棉花品种、品质的提高,实现棉花增产增收、优质高效都具有十分重要的意义。


1.Present Situation and Application of Cotton Precision Drilling Technology in Xinjiang Alar Reclamation Area新疆阿拉尔垦区棉花精量播种技术现状及应用

2.Improving Corn Machinery Precision Seeding to Reduce the Production Cost and Increase the Income玉米机械精量播种技术在彰武地区的应用研究

3.Study on Seeding Accuracy Test Technology Based on Computer Vision;基于计算机视觉的播种精度检测技术研究

4.Study on the Detection System & Key Techniques for Seeding Quality of Precision Planter;精播机排种性能检测系统及关键技术研究

5.The Research and Experiment of Accurate-direct Planting Technology for Double-low Rape;关于双低油菜精准直播窝眼式排种技术研究

6.Research on Rice Bud-Sowing Precision Seed Metering Device Based on High Speed Video Technology;基于高速摄像技术的水稻芽播精密排种器研究


8.Allied to the breeding programmes are investigations into other associated techniques such as time of planting and seeding rate.与育种项目密切联系的是进行相关技术的调查,如播期和播种量。

9.Applied Researches of VI Techniques on Multi-Purpose Test-bed of Precision Seeder虚拟仪器技术在精密播种机综合试验台上的应用研究

10.Study on Precise Seed-meter of Loss Testing and Compensation Technique Based on Virtual Instrument;基于虚拟仪器的精密排种器漏播检测及补偿技术研究

11.Research and Application on Key Technologies of Precision Seeder for Tray Nursing Seedlings of Rice水稻秧盘育秧精密播种机的关键技术研究与应用

12.Precision-calibration Technique for Inertial Measurement Units一种小型惯性测量单元的精确标定技术

13.The Design of the 2BDX-1 Helm Shape Precision Pneumatic Seeder2BDX-1舵轮气吸式精量播种机设计

14.Design of the 2BFJ-6 Variable Rate Fertilization and Precision Seeder2BFJ—6型变量施肥精密播种机的研制

15.a generic term used to cover any application of measurement techniques to the quantification of mental functions.一种量化精神作用的、应用于各个领域的测量技术的专业术语。

16.Preliminary Study on Different Seeding Rates and Spacing Forms of Spring Soybean in Yili River Valley of Xinjiang新疆伊犁河谷地区春大豆不同播种量、行距配置栽培技术研究初报

17.Test and Study on Planting Technology & Their Utensil for No-tillage Sower in Paddy Stubble Field;稻茬田免耕播种机播种技术及机具实验研究

18.skillful and in high quality技术精湛,质量高超


precision seedling精播种量

3)precision seeding精量播种

1.In order to meet the modernization industrial seeding for vegetables and the development need of many automatically equipments,a directionalprecision seeding mechanism for big seeds,making the long axis direction of pumpkins keep in consistent,has been designed,providing the protection for the cotyledons direction of the entire seedlings keep in consistent.为适应现代化蔬菜工厂化育苗及许多自动化智能装备的发展需求,设计了一种大粒种子调向精量播种机构,使南瓜等大粒种子的长轴方向保持一致,为整盘秧苗子叶生长方向的一致性提供前提保障。

2.The paper deals with the advantages and the importance of the cornprecision seeding technology through analysis of some tests; it also expounds the key technology in the process of the machineryprecision seeding.介绍几年来彰武县玉米精量播种技术的推广应用情况,通过与传统播种方式田间对比试验,证明采用精量播种技术种植玉米具有节本增效、省时省工、增产增收的优势,并指出玉米机械精量播种技术实施过程中的关键环节。

4)precision seeder精量播种机

1.The rice aspiratingprecision seeder was design according to the technique of rice seedling growing in cupulate compartment tray which made of straw.气吸式水稻钵育秧盘精量播种机是实现“水稻植质钵育秧技术”的配套机械。

2.This article mainly analyses the differences between the gardenprecision seeder and farming ones,reviews the types and developing situation of seeders at home and abroad,and introduces the working principle and characteristics of all kinds of greenhouse gardenprecision seeders.对温室园艺精量播种机与大田精量播种机之间的区别以及国内外播种机的类型和发展现状进行了论述,并对各种温室园艺精量播种机的工作原理及特点进行了简要分析。

5)precision planter精量播种机

1.Development and study on 2BF-8 wheatprecision planter;2BF-8小麦精量播种机的开发与研究

2.Successfully manufactured the Model 2BX-550precision planter of rice seedlings.设计了水稻抛秧苗盘式育秧精量播种机,通过试验分析,说明了各因素对播种均匀性的影响,确定以排种轮转速、受种盘输送速度及排种轮投种高度为影响3因子,以播种均匀度合格率为指标,建立了播种均匀度的回归数学模型;以播种均匀度合格率为目标函数,进行了目标优化,得出因素的最佳组合,为水稻精播机设计提供了试验的依据。

3.According to the working principle of seeding set of pneumaticprecision planter seeding on plastic film,a singlechip measuring system measuring seeding quantity was studied.本文根据 2 BQM- 2型气吸式膜上精量播种机播种装置的工作原理 ,研制了 1种用于测试排种性能的单片机测试系统 ,将光电传感技术和单片机技术融于一体 ,既提高了测试的准确性 ,又提高了测试效率。

6)fine-seeding machine精量播种器

1.According to the requirement of using rice seedling throwing to plant rice and under the condition of using nutrition earthen bowl to raise rice with the geometric simulation principle, thefine-seeding machine was designedand studied.按照抛秧法种植水稻的要求,在营养钵育秧的条件下,用几何模拟原理对精量播种器进行了设计研究,并进行了可行性试验。


地理分期播种(见地理播种)地理分期播种(见地理播种)d 11bozhong粼龄燕羁见地理播种。
