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文物展示 exhibition of cultural relics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-06 18:18:05


文物展示 exhibition of cultural relics英语短句 例句大全

文物展示,exhibition of cultural relics

1)exhibition of cultural relics文物展示


1.Object Reflectance Modeling and Applying in Relic Exhibitions;一种物体表面反射参数获取方法及其在文物展示中的应用

2.The Exploration and Research of National Culture in the Display of Museum;博物馆陈列展示中民族文化的探索与研究

3.Research and Utilization of Three Dimensional Exhibitions for Bamboo Relics;简牍文物三维虚拟展示平台的研究与实现

4.While the museum"s first phase mainly displays cultural relics unearthed from the Guan kilns of the Southern Song Dynasty, the second phase will showcase the whole history of China"s ceramic development.博物馆一期主要展示南宋官窑出土的文物,二期则将展示整个中国陶瓷的发展历史。

5.To display or present a manifest of(cargo).出示货单展示或出示(货物)的清单

6.Cairo" s long history and rich heritage11 are revealed in its many museums.开罗众多的博物馆展示着它悠久的历史和丰富的文化遗产。

7.Cairo"s long history and rich heritage are revealed in its many museums.开罗诸多的博物馆展示着它悠久的历史和丰富的文化遗产。

8.This type of work principally involves two Internet technologies: -Image-based Virtual Reality technology and Hypermedia technology.本文企图以实务面来探讨博物馆网路展示教材的开发过程。

9.Exploring on Design Approach of Combin-ing Cultural Context--Thinking on the New Venue of Nantong Museum;文脉同构设计方法初探——南通博物苑新展馆的若干启示

10.Silence for Heritage Sites--Re-unscramble on the Protective Exhibition Hall of Hanyangling Outerburial Pits为文物古迹而静默——再读汉阳陵帝陵外藏坑遗址展示厅

11.On the Culture Foundation of the Northern Minorities Production and Lives from the National Culture Relics Displayed in Our Museum;从黑龙江省民族博物馆展示的民族文物看北方少数民族生产、生活的文化底蕴

12.Materials are presented in HTML.所有资料均以超文件标示语言(HTML)展示。

13.An article or product used in a demonstration.示范品,样品用于展示的物品或产品

14.Implication to Brand Management by Darwinism;品牌生态环境与品牌发展——达尔文生物进化思想对品牌发展演进的启示

15.In order to tap the cultural relics value,also we will provide pictures and object for researchers. [对于研究者 ,也将提供图片或展示实物等服务 ,以期充分发掘和利用其文物价值。

16.By lectures, excavations and other contacts, I took the museum into the highways and byways of Wales.通过演说,展示文物以及其它方面的接触,我把博物馆收藏的一切传遍威尔士的各个角落。

17.I wonder how many readers of this article have viewed this panorama of the face of living things as pictured in that inspiring museum.我不知道这篇文章的多少读者看过这个生动的博物馆所展示的逼真事物的壮观景貌。

18.The Cultural Representation and Imagination in Tsun-chai Museum--Take Lang-de Shang Zhai in Leishan County,Guizhou As an Example村寨博物馆中文化的展示与想象——以贵州雷山上郎德村寨博物馆为例


botanical garden cultural interpretation植物园的文化展示

3)cultural presentation文化展示

1.The article,using the theory of folklore and anthropol- ogy of tourism,analyzes what influencecultural presentation and finds approaches to it, which is of positive significance for maintaining and developing folk culture under the current tourist environment.运用民俗学与旅游人类学的理论方法分析影响文化展示的因素,并在此基础上找到文化展示的方法,对当前旅游环境下民俗文化的保存与发展具有积极的意义。

4)presentation file展示文件

5)Animals" exhibition动物展示

6)The exhibition of plants植物展示


