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业务指导 professional guidance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-10 13:57:23


业务指导 professional guidance英语短句 例句大全

业务指导,professional guidance

1)professional guidance业务指导

1.This article has discussed how to combine organically supervision andprofessional guidance to serve the filing cause.文章探讨了如何把监督和业务指导有机结合起来,更好地为档案事业服务。

2)operational technology guidance system业务技术指导

1.According to the poll and the quantitative analysis,the existing problem ofoperational technology guidance system of Guangxi is found out.通过一次问卷调查,得到了较详细的定量信息,进一步了解广西业务技术指导体系的现状及存在的主要问题。

3)employment instruction service就业指导服务

1.Onemployment instruction service work under the situation of enlargement of enrollment;论扩招形势下高校毕业生就业指导服务工作


1.On Strengthening of Graduate Employment Guidance Service System;论高校毕业生就业指导服务体系建设

2.Establishing an Employment Service System for University Graduates;构建高校毕业生就业指导服务体系初探

3.On employment instruction service work under the situation of enlargement of enrollment;论扩招形势下高校毕业生就业指导服务工作

4.A Trial and Experience of Structuring the Graduates Employment Guide Service System;构建毕业生就业指导服务体系的尝试与体会

5.On Solutions to Some Employment Instruction & Service Problems of Professional Colleges at Present;高职院校就业指导服务工作面临的问题及对策

6.Employment Guidance and Service of the Agricultural and Forestry College under the New Situation;新形势下农林院校就业指导服务工作探析

7.Construction of Employment Guidance System for University Students;新时期高校学生就业指导服务体系的构建

8.Concentrating on requirement of students: the Analysis of Problems on the Employment Guidance Service of Vocational Schools in Shanghai关注学生需求:上海市职业院校就业指导服务问题探析

parative Study on Operating Machanism of University Students Employment Advisory and Service System in Ningbo and Hongkong;宁波、香港地区大学生就业指导服务体系运行机制的比较研究

10.Human Being Oriented Methods and Improving the Level of In structive Management and Job-hunting Guidance Service for Students;以人为本 提高学生教育管理和就业指导服务水平

11.Analysis of Building the Service Mode to Whole Course University Student s Careers Guidance;建立全过程渗透的大学生就业指导服务模式探析

12.Strengthen employment service system construction, and make good work of“the whole-process employment guidance”;加强就业服务体系建设 做好“全程就业指导”工作

13.College Graduates Employment Counseling and Service Under New Situation;新形势下的高校毕业生就业指导与服务

14.Employment Education of College Students under the Guidance of Scientific Development Conception;用科学发展观指导大学生就业教育服务工作

15.On the Function of Guidance and Service on Students Employment in College;论高校大学生就业工作的“指导”与“服务”功能

16.Investigation of University s Employment Guidance and Service--Taking Guangdong Province as the Example;高校就业指导及服务情况调查——以广东省为例

17.A Study of the Guidance in College Students’Choice of a Career;试论团组织在大学生就业指导中的服务功能

18.Exploiting the Advantages of College and University Libraries and Carrying out Service of Student Employment Guidance发挥高校图书馆优势 开展大学生就业服务指导


operational technology guidance system业务技术指导

1.According to the poll and the quantitative analysis,the existing problem ofoperational technology guidance system of Guangxi is found out.通过一次问卷调查,得到了较详细的定量信息,进一步了解广西业务技术指导体系的现状及存在的主要问题。

3)employment instruction service就业指导服务

1.Onemployment instruction service work under the situation of enlargement of enrollment;论扩招形势下高校毕业生就业指导服务工作

4)archival business instruction档案业务指导

1. The archival administrative executing the law andarchival business instruction constitute the main contents of the archival administrative activities. The article discusses the dialectical relations and main distinctions between them档案行政执法和档案业务指导构成了档案行政管理活动的主要内容。

5)employment service and instruction就业指导与服务

6)employment and creating就业指导和服务体系


