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定性研究 qualitative research英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-08 05:37:09


定性研究 qualitative research英语短句 例句大全

定性研究,qualitative research

1)qualitative research定性研究

1.Introduction to the consolidated criteria for reportingqualitative research;报告定性研究个体访谈和焦点组访谈统一标准的介绍

2.Qualitative research on the effects of bio-gas construction to village leaders health related knowledge,attitudes and behavior;沼气建设对农村骨干人群健康相关知识、态度和行为影响的定性研究


1.Qualitative versus Quantitative Research定性研究与定量研究

2.The Positive Issues of the Qualitative and Quantitative Researches in Psychology;心理学研究中定性研究与定量研究的定位问题

3.Researches into the NCS Stability of Certain and Uncertain Time-delay确定和不确定时延的NCS稳定性研究

4.Independence"and Divorce: A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis;“自主性”与离婚:定量与定性研究

5.detailed geotechnical stability study详细岩土稳定性研究

6.Understanding Users: Qualitative Research理解用户:定性研究

7.Study on Inter-Domain Routing Stability;Internet域间路由稳定性研究

8.The Controllability and Stability Research of RX6400 SUV;RX6400型SUV操纵稳定性研究

9.Definiteness of "There+Be" Constructions in English-A Study Based on the BNC Corpus;英语There+Be句型的限定性研究

10.The stability of kolmogorov model are studied;Kolmogorov模型的稳定性研究

11.Quantitative and Qualitative Researches of Psychological Research Methods;心理学研究方法中的定量研究与定性研究

12.A Comparison between Qualitative Research Method and Quantitative Research Method in Education Research;教育研究方法中定性研究与定量研究的比较

13.Study on Stability of SBS Elastomer Modified Asphalt;SBS弹性体改性沥青体系稳定性研究

14.Stability and Stabilization Analysis of Continuous Linear Systems with Proportional Time Delay;连续线性比例时滞系统的稳定性及镇定性研究

15.Researching the Stabilization of Ultra-stable Fabry-Perot Cavities;超稳定Fabry-Perot腔的稳定性研究

16.Study on Analysis of the Probability of Slope Instability in the Stability不稳定概率法分析边坡的稳定性研究

17.Q Methodology: A Bridge between Qualitative and Quantitative Research;Q方法论:一座沟通定量研究与定性研究的桥梁

18.Quantifying, Characteristics and Bioactivities of Tea Polysaccharide;茶多糖的定量、定性及生物活性研究


qualitative study定性研究

1.Aqualitative study on the job choosing attitude among the undergraduate male nursing students;本科男护生择业心态的定性研究

2.Qualitative study on AIDS/HIV related attituds towards sex and sexual behavior among college students;大学生艾滋病相关性观念和性行为的定性研究

3.Qualitative study of EEG in clinical brain death patients;临床脑死亡患者的脑电定性研究

3)Qualitative investigation定性研究

1.A qualitative investigation on sexual behavior of pregnant teenager;妊娠少女相关性行为的定性研究

2.The Analytical Model and the Qualitative Investigation of Injured Event for Contact Lenses Care Solution;隐形眼镜护理液伤害事件分析模型及定性研究

3.Methods: By adopting qualitative investigation half-structure interview, 5 nursing specialists and 9 first-line nurses from a third-grade class-A hospital of Shanghai city were interviewed deeply.[方法]采用定性研究半结构式访谈方法,对某三级甲等医院5名护理专家和9名一线护士进行个人深入访谈。

4)qualitative analysis定性研究

1.It is our opinion that the hypotheses of grammaticalization of Chinese word to affix need to be inspected not only by the methods of quantitative analysis,but also the method ofqualitative analysis.近年来汉语词法研究当中提出的“词缀化”假设,更需要在词缀的定性研究上展开论证分析,否则,当前的“词缀化”定量分析方法就失去了可靠的理论依据。

2.At present,it is a main orientation to unify the quantity analysis of scientism and thequalitative analysis of humanism on pedagogic research,which is established on the dialectic conformity of these two methodologies of research on pedagogy.立足科学主义定量研究与人文主义定性研究二者之间对立互补的辨证关系 ,探求教育研究方法论的整合之路 ,是当代教育研究方法论构建的主导方向。

3.Qualitative research have a wide range of theoretical basis,often using with quantitative research and having some relations with the popularqualitative analysis."质的研究方法"具有广泛的理论基础,与量的研究方法交相辉映,又与通常使用的定性研究方法有着一定程度的联系,因此不同学者对其有不同看法。

5)Stability study稳定性研究

1.So the stability study of the Dongsha sandbank is very helpful to the analysis of the stability of the whole radial submarine sand ridges system and the neighboring tidal flat.东沙是江苏岸外辐射沙脊群中的第二大沙洲,具有独特的地形地貌和水动力条件,对它进行稳定性研究为揭示整个辐射沙洲及其邻近岸滩的动态演变都非常有益。

2.Providing a right model for controlling system by use of kinematical analysis, dynamics analysis and stability study of traveling system, made it more flexible and stability movemwnt in various complex road condition.本课题旨在研究优化关节履带式移动机器人的行走系统,对其进行运动学分析、动力学分析和稳定性研究,为将来控制系统设计提供一个良好的实体模型,使其能更好地在各种复杂环境情况下灵活和稳定的运动。

6)Stability research稳定性研究

1.The technical requirements of quality and stability research指导原则解读系列专题(七) 仿制药品质量研究及稳定性研究的技术要求


