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皮下血流 Subcutaneous blood flow英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-01 10:32:04


皮下血流 Subcutaneous blood flow英语短句 例句大全

皮下血流,Subcutaneous blood flow

1)Subcutaneous blood flow皮下血流

1.Subcutaneous blood flow at Yinlingquan(SP9) in the paralyzed rabbits was measured using a laser Doppler blood flowmeter and a Powerlab 16-channel data acquisition system at 20 min before and at 2 hrs,7 days and 13 days after the injury.方法用改良的ALLEN’S致伤法,造成L1脊髓不完全损伤模型,然后按不同组穴(督脉穴组、背俞穴组)进行电针治疗,同时设立对照组、空白组;应用激光多普勒血流仪和Powerlab十六道生理记录仪测定瘫痪家兔阴陵泉皮下血流量,观察时间点为损伤前20min、损伤后2h、第7天及第13天。


1.Influence of Electroacupuncture at Different Groups of Points on Subcutaneous Blood Flow in the Paralyzed Limb of Rabbits with Lumbar Spinal Cord Injury电针不同组穴对兔腰椎脊髓损伤后瘫痪肢体皮下血流量的影响

2.The passage of blood from ruptured blood vessels into subcutaneous tissue, marked by a purple discoloration of the skin.淤血血液从破损的血管中流入皮下组织,使皮肤呈现青紫色斑

3.MR-guided percutaneous sclerotherapy in patients with low-flow vascular malformationMR引导下经皮硬化治疗低流速血管畸形

4.Clinical Studies of Gongxuening Capsules for Treatment of Vaginal Bleeding in Women Using Subdermal Implant宫血宁胶囊治疗使用长效皮下埋植避孕剂后阴道流血的临床研究

5.Defference of Lower Limbs Skin Postocclusive Reactive Hyperemia on Three Occlusion Stress Conditions for Diabetes Patients糖尿病患者足部皮肤反应性充血在三种血流阻断压力下的变化

6.His face was busted open and bleeding.他的脸被打得皮开血流。

7.Fluoride ions can then attack underlying tissues and can be absorbed into the blood stream.接着氟化物离子会侵袭皮下组织,并且会被吸收进血流。

8.A Study on the Expression of HSP70 in Endothelial Cells Pretreated with Ethanol and Fluid Shear Stress;流体切应力作用下乙醇对血管内皮细胞HSP70表达的影响

9.The ecchymotic subcutaneous tissue has been removed.切除了瘀血的皮下组织。

10.a collection of blood under the scalp of a newborn; caused by pressure during birth.再生头皮下出现血液。

11.a treatment in which evacuated cups are applied to the skin to draw blood through the surface.用抽空的罐子吸住皮肤,使皮肤流血。

12.any of several blood diseases causing subcutaneous bleeding.导致皮下出血的血液疾病中的一种。

13.The Effects of Gualoupi Injection on Blood Stasis Syndrome and Endothelin of the Pattern of Blood Stasis Syndrome of Rats;瓜蒌皮注射液对血瘀证模型大鼠血液流变学及血管内皮素的影响

14.The Peripheral Revascularization Establishment Research of bFGF, Ischemic Preconditioning on the Subcutaneous Vascular Net Free Skin;bFGF,缺血预处理对带真皮下血管网皮片周缘血运建立的研究

15.She glimpsed her mother"s sweat-soaked hair and bleeding lower lip, taking notice of her squirming belly and the flies that were fluttering about the room.她看到了母亲汗湿的头发和流血的下唇,看到了母亲可怕地抽搐着的肚皮和满室飞动的苍蝇。

16.Huang Gai was forced facedown to the ground. Not yet at fifty Blows of the rod, his skin was Broken and his oozing flesh was crossed with welts. He fainted several times.武士们把黄盖推倒在地,没打到五十下,已皮开肉绽,鲜血直流,几次晕死过去。

17.Detection and Prevalence of Infectious Hypodermal and Haematopoietic Necrosis Virus in Penaeid Shrimp;对虾传染性皮下及造血组织坏死病毒(IHHNV)的检测及其流行情况初步调查

18.The Effect of Laparoscopic Cholecystomy on Plasma Atrial Natriuretic Polypeptide and Cortison and Thyroid-stimulating Hormone and Hemodynamics;腹腔镜下胆囊切除术患者的心钠素、皮质醇、促甲状腺素及血流动力学的变化


Subcutaneous hemorrhage皮下出血

1.Causes and countermove subcutaneous hemorrhage on the venepunctural location induced by anti-fibrinogen drug for cerebral infarction;降纤药物治疗脑梗塞发生静脉穿刺部位皮下出血的原因及对策

2.Objective To compare the Influence of subcutaneous injection durations with low molecular heparin calcium on subcutaneous hemorrhage.目的比较皮下注射低分子肝素持续注射时间对注射部位皮下出血的影响。



5)Subcutaneous stasis皮下瘀血

6)Wounded and Bleeding皮破血流




本书是瑞典儿童文学作家阿斯特里德·格林伦的童话代表作之一。现已译成45种语言出版。她给患病的7岁女儿卡琳讲故事,1944年,林格伦在女儿10岁的时候把皮皮的故事写了出来作为赠给她的生日礼物。主人公皮皮是个奇怪而有趣的小姑娘。她有一个奇怪的名字:皮皮露达维多利亚·鲁尔加迪娅克鲁斯蒙达埃弗拉伊姆长袜子。她满头红发、小辫子翘向两边、脸上布满雀斑、大嘴巴、牙齿整齐洁白。她脚上穿的长袜子,一只是棕色的,另一只是黑色的。她的鞋子正好比她的脚大一倍。她力大无比,能轻而易举地把一匹马、一头牛举过头顶,能制服身强力壮的小偷和强盗,还降服了倔强的公牛和食人的大鲨鱼。她有取之不尽的金币,常用它买糖果和玩具分送给孩子们。她十分善良,对人热情、体贴入微。她好开玩笑、喜欢冒险,很淘气,常想出许许多多奇妙的鬼主意,创造一个又一个的奇迹……皮皮是非现实世界中的小姑娘,然而她又是真实的。1945年林格伦将它稍作修改,参加拉米和舍格伦出版公司举办的儿童书籍比赛,获得一等奖。书一出版就获得巨大成功。关于皮皮的书共有三本,多次再版,成为瑞典有史以来儿童书籍中最畅销的作品。目前该书已被译成30多种文字,总发行量超过1000万册。 童话
