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顾客信任 customer trust英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-13 21:46:07


顾客信任 customer trust英语短句 例句大全

顾客信任,customer trust

1)customer trust顾客信任

1.Study ofcustomer trust and the drivers ofcustomer trust for service enterprises;服务企业顾客信任及其驱动因素探析

2.What\"s more, in the field of relationship marketing, the impact ofcustomer trust on loyalty has generally demostrated while such research in tourism sector is rare.在关系营销研究领域,顾客信任对顾客忠诚的作用已经得到广泛证实,但是在旅游行业相关研究却是凤毛麟角。

3.This paper builds a structural equation model which takes Customer Retention as leading variables,does customer value,customer trust and customer satisfaction as intermediary variables,and does customer loyalty as the results variables from Customer perception Perspective.从顾客感知的视角出发,构建了一个以顾客维系策略为前导变项,以顾客价值、顾客信任、顾客满意为中介,以顾客忠诚为结果的结构方程模型。


1.Customer Trust in a Tourism Destination and Its Impacts on Customer Loyalty旅游地顾客信任及其对顾客忠诚的影响

2.Cybersellers have to develop an environment of trust.网上销售人员要让顾客信任网上购物。

3.Study of customer trust and the drivers of customer trust for service enterprises;服务企业顾客信任及其驱动因素探析

4.Consumer Trust and Its Influence to Consumer Loyalty in Large Supermarket大型超市的顾客信任及其对顾客忠诚的影响研究

5.Empirical Research on the Factors of Online Purchase Intention--The Mediating Effect of Customer Trust网络顾客购买意愿影响因素实证研究——顾客信任的中介作用

6.Empirical Study in Factors Influencing Online Trust in Tourism e-Commerce;旅游网站顾客信任感影响因素的实证研究

7.Antecedents of Consumer Trust During Lasting Period in C2C Internet-based TransactionC2C网络交易中维持阶段顾客信任前因研究

8.Zhengzhou City Medical Industry Model of Customer Trust and Empirical Analysis;郑州市医疗行业顾客信任模型的构建与实证分析

9.To Analyse on the Risks Controlling Straegy and Customers Trust Model Based on Medium and Small Enterprises SaaS Application Model中小企业SaaS应用模式下的风险管控策略及顾客信任模型浅析

10.Factors Influencing Customer Trust of C2C Electronic Commerce:Based on Empirical Study of ShanghaiC2C电子商务顾客信任的影响因素——基于上海市的实证研究

11.Relationship, Trust and Customer Reactions to Service Failures;顾客关系、信任与顾客对服务失败的反应

12.The Empirical Testing of the Relationships between Customer Value, Satisfaction and Trust;顾客价值、满意和信任关系的实证研究

13.The Empirical Analysis about the impact of Customer Retention on customer loyalty-- Based on intermediary effect of customer value,trust and satisfaction顾客维持策略对顾客忠诚度影响的实证分析——基于顾客价值、信任与满意的中介效应

14.With our sincerity and simple we win the trust of customers.我们以特有的真诚和质朴赢得顾客的信任。

15.A Study of the Relationship between Customer Perceived Value and Trust under the Internet Environment;互联网环境下顾客感知价值与信任关系研究

16.The Antecedent of Cognition and Emotion Trust and Their Influence to Consumer Loyalty;认知与情感信任的前因及对顾客忠诚的影响

17.The study of customer trust in a property salesperson;顾客对销售人员信任程度影响因素分析

18.The Study on the Influence Factors of Customer Relationships in Wealth Management财富管理中顾客关系信任的影响因素研究


customer trust顾客信任感

1.Relationship between causal attribution and service justice,and the one between service justice andcustomer trust were exmained.通过对广州市内几家餐馆的顾客进行问卷调查,探讨顾客归因、服务公平性及顾客信任感之间的关系。

3)Customer Cognition Trust顾客认知信任

4)Customers Emotion Trust顾客情感信任

5)customer satisfaction and loyalty顾客满意和信任

6)Customer relationship confidence顾客关系信任


