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教师基本权利 basic rights of teachers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-05 02:53:29


教师基本权利 basic rights of teachers英语短句 例句大全

教师基本权利,basic rights of teachers

1)basic rights of teachers教师基本权利


1.On the Basic Right for PE Teacher in Middle School and Their Protection in Law;论中学体育教师基本权利的法律保护

2.On the Essential Issue of the Teachers Right about Academic Freedom;大学教师的学术自由权:基本问题分析

3.On the Teacher s Rights--Citizenship and the right to education;论教师权利的二重性——公民权与教育权

4.The Right to Receive Education is one Fundamental Civil Right--Talking from the Children Beggars Right to Receive Education;受教育权是公民的基本权利——从儿童乞丐的受教育权谈起

5.Teacher and Stuclent s Course Rights Equality and Realization Strategy in Newly build Four-year Universities;浅析新建本科高校教师和学生课程权利平等及实现策略

6.The Mutation from Teachers" Rights to Powers and Its Regulation教师权利的“权力化”异变及其规制研究

7.To guarantee the citizen s education right-the basic function of government;保障公民的教育权利是现代政府的基本职能

8.Article 2 Basic Rights and Obligations第2条 基本权利和义务

9.Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union欧洲联盟基本权利宪章

10.basic rights and duties of citizen公民基本权利和义务

11.Bill of Fundamental Rights and Objectives [Namibia]基本权利和目标法案

12.Analysis on the basic problem of higher education legal system based the conflict between power and right;权力与权利冲突中的高等教育法制基本问题解析

13.Constitutionalized Human Rights--the Essence of Fundamental Rights;宪法化的人权:公民基本权利的本质

14.The Causes for Teacher Authority Weakening and the Working Foundations for Teacher Authority;教师权威弱化的原因及教师权威的运行基础

15.On Teacher s Right and Its Limit from the Publicness of Teacher Profession;从教师职业的公共性看教师的权利及其界限

16.On the Copyright of Teaching Courseware and Its Rights Ownership论教师教学课件的著作权及其权利归属

17.The Flow of Teacher in Universities:From the Property Right of Human Capital View;对高校教师流动的再认识——基于人力资本产权的视角

18.On a Sound Management System of Teacher Flow in Guangxi Universities--From the Perspective of Property Right of Human Resource广西高校教师合理流动管理浅议——基于人力资本产权的视角


teacher"s right教师权利

3)fundamental rights teaching基本权利教学

1.In this paper, the phenomenon and problems during thefundamental rights teaching are found and analyzed through the description of idealfundamental rights teaching, in order to look for the optimal solutions to deal with these problems.本文的主旨在于通过对基本权利教学应然状态的描述,来反思和分析基本权利教学实践中的问题和现象,从中找出解决这些问题的途径。

4)basic rights基本权利

1.On Relief of Action to the Basic Rights of the Citizen in China;论我国公民基本权利的诉讼救济

2.Lawsuits ofbasic rights: a China way of realizing constitutional government;基本权利诉讼:宪政实现的中国之道

3.On the Right to Food Safety is the Citizens"Basic Rights In China论食品安全权是我国公民的基本权利

5)Fundamental Rights基本权利

1.On rebuilding the fundamental rights system in China;试论中国基本权利体系的重构

2.Discussion about the Protection of citizen"s fundamental rights under the Background of social transformation试论社会转型背景下的公民基本权利保障

3.OnFundamental Rights as Criteria for Invalid Juristic Acts:Review of the 〈approval〉 by the Supreme Court on the Case "Non-liability for Work-related Injuries" in 1988论基本权利作为法律行为无效的判断标准——最高法院1988年“工伤概不负责”案《批复》之检讨

6)Basic right基本权利

1.On Judicial Guarantee of Constitutional Basic Rights;论宪法性基本权利的司法保障

2.Classifying the basic rights theoretically,helps us to understand basic rights more roundly,more concretely and more subtly.对基本权利进行学理分类,有助于我们更加全面、更加具体、更加精细地认识基本权利。

3.In resperting the basic rights of the university students,the human-oriented should be taken as a base;In continuousty satisfying the students` interest,the human-oriented should be regarded as a principle.要在尊重大学生的基本权利中体现以人为本,在不断满足学生的正当利益中体现以人为本,在促进大学生全面发展中彰显以人为本。


