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α-萘乙酸钠 α-Naphthylacetic sodium salt英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-14 06:27:57


α-萘乙酸钠 α-Naphthylacetic sodium salt英语短句 例句大全

α-萘乙酸钠,α-Naphthylacetic sodium salt

1)α-Naphthylacetic sodium saltα-萘乙酸钠

2)α-Naphthylacetic acidα-萘乙酸

1.A new method, micelle-stabilized room temperature phosphorimetry (MS-RTP) after cloud point extraction (CPE) using Triton X-100 as the extractant, has been proposed for the determination of trace α-naphthylacetic acid (NAA) in water samples.提出了用非离子表面活性剂TritonX100作萃取剂的浊点萃取胶束增稳室温燐光法测定痕量α-萘乙酸的新方法。

2.A new method for preparing α-naphthylacetic acid from α-naphthylmethyl chlorde as a main reaction material is provided by one step of catalytic carbonylation.提出了一种以α-氯甲基萘为主要原料,经过一步催化羰化反应合成α-萘乙酸的新方法,并研究了催化反应体系的组成及反应条件对反应活性和选择性的影响。

3.α-naphthylacetic acid is a imortant phytohormone irritant.α-萘乙酸在农业上是一种重要的植物生长刺激剂[1,2],有关其生理活性和作用机理的研究引起了人们的普遍重视。


1.Study on Synthesis of Methyl α-Naphthylacetate with Phosthotungstic Acid Catalyst;硫酸钛催化合成α-萘乙酸甲酯的研究

2.A Study on Catalytic Carbonylation Synthesis of α-naphthylacetic Acid from the 1-naphthylmethyl Chloride;1-氯甲基萘催化羰化合成α-萘乙酸的研究

3.Studies on Polarographic Catalytic Prewaves of Eu(Ⅲ) with α-Naphthaleneacetic Acid铕(Ⅲ)-α-萘乙酸极谱催化前波的研究

4.Method for Determing Physiological Effect of α-Naphthaleneacetic Acid by the Rooting of Excised Cotyledon of Luffa cylindrica测定α-萘乙酸生理效应的丝瓜离体子叶生根法

5.Application of multivariate calibration to simultaneous fluorescence determination of α-naphthylaceticacid and indole-3-aceticacid;多元校正荧光法同时测定α-萘乙酸和吲哚-3-乙酸

6.Effects of Binding the Stem Tops after Topping with Tampons Soaked with α-NAA Solution on Nicotine Content and Sugar-nicotine Ratio in the upper Leaf of Fluecured Tobaccoα-萘乙酸棉球扎顶对烤烟上部烟叶烟碱含量及糖碱比值的影响

7.The Synthetization of α-Naphthaleneacetic Oxygen Acid Through a New Type of Phase Shift Catalysis;用新型相转移催化合成α-萘氧乙酸的研究

8.Chemical Modification of Poly (styrene-co-maleic anhydride) by α-Naphthylamine;α-萘胺改性聚苯乙烯马来酸酐及其荧光性研究

9.④Dto induce α-naphthyl acetate esterase activity;④可诱导α-萘酚醋酸酯酶反应阳性;

10.Catalytic Synthesis of Methyl 1-Naphthylacetate with p_Toluene Sulfonic Acid;对甲苯磺酸催化合成1-萘乙酸甲酯

11.Chlordiazepoxide dibunate双二甲乙基萘磺酸氯氮卓

12.Medazepam dibunate双二甲乙基萘磺酸美达西泮

13.The Effects of NAA on Senescence of Potted Malus Spectabilis;萘乙酸(NAA)对盆栽冬红果衰老的影响

posing 1-phyomone methylester with Modified Catalyzer;改性催化剂催化合成1——萘乙酸甲酯

15.Synthesis of the Perfume of 2 - Ethoxynaphthalene with P-Methyl - Benzene Monosulfonic Acid as the Catalyst;对-甲苯磺酸催化合成香料β-萘乙醚

16.Synthesis of Polyethylene Naphthalate and Its Copolymer聚萘二酸乙二醇酯及其共聚物的合成

17.Study on flower and fruit thinning effectiveness of NAA for Chinese scholartree萘乙酸对国槐疏花疏果作用研究分析

18.Thermal Decomposition Mechanism and Kinetics of N-(phenylacetamido)-N"-(α-naphthylaceto) ThioureaN-(苯乙酰氨基)-N"-(α-萘乙酰基)硫脲的热解机理及热动力学研究


α-Naphthylacetic acidα-萘乙酸

1.A new method, micelle-stabilized room temperature phosphorimetry (MS-RTP) after cloud point extraction (CPE) using Triton X-100 as the extractant, has been proposed for the determination of trace α-naphthylacetic acid (NAA) in water samples.提出了用非离子表面活性剂TritonX100作萃取剂的浊点萃取胶束增稳室温燐光法测定痕量α-萘乙酸的新方法。

2.A new method for preparing α-naphthylacetic acid from α-naphthylmethyl chlorde as a main reaction material is provided by one step of catalytic carbonylation.提出了一种以α-氯甲基萘为主要原料,经过一步催化羰化反应合成α-萘乙酸的新方法,并研究了催化反应体系的组成及反应条件对反应活性和选择性的影响。

3.α-naphthylacetic acid is a imortant phytohormone irritant.α-萘乙酸在农业上是一种重要的植物生长刺激剂[1,2],有关其生理活性和作用机理的研究引起了人们的普遍重视。

3)α-naphthaleneacetic acidα-萘乙酸

1.Methyl α-naphthaleneacetate was synthesized by usingα-naphthaleneacetic acid and methanol as raw materials and solid superacid TiO2/SO42- as a catalyst.以固体超强酸TiO2/SO42-为催化剂,研究了α-萘乙酸与甲醇的酯化反应,探讨了催化剂种类、用量及活化温度等反应条件,发现固体超强酸TiO2/SO42-对α-萘乙酸与甲醇的酯化反应具有较高的催化活性,并使后处理简化。

2.Paraquat was mixed with gibberellin,α-naphthaleneacetic acid and 3-indleancetic acid respectively.将百草枯水剂分别与植物生长调节剂赤霉素、α-萘乙酸、3-吲哚乙酸进行复配,测定3种复配制剂的毒力及田间小区试验药效。


1.The cuttings and seeds were treated with different concentration ofNAA,GA and IAA to investigate the effects on germination and rooting rate of cuttings and germination rate of seeds.用不同浓度的α-萘乙酸(NAA)和赤霉素(GA)处理火棘插条,不同浓度的α-萘乙酸、赤霉素及吲哚乙酸(IAA)处理火棘种子,插条和种子分别栽培在黑沙壤及河沙壤中,观察插条的发芽率、生根率以及种子的萌发率。

2.Investigated the effect ofNAA on root growth of Platanus acerifolia Willd,NAA with four concentration of 50、100、200、300 mg/kg,three treatment of 5、10、15 s,were applied to Platanus acerifolia Willd.利用α-萘乙酸(NAA)处理二球悬铃木插条,NAA不同的浓度处理分别为50、100、200、300 mg/kg,时间处理分别为5、10、15 s,以此比较NAA不同浓度不同处理时间对扦插的二球悬铃木生根率和生长量的影响。

3.Effects of α-NAA and UV-B radiation on photosynthetic pigments and activities of protective enzymes in greenhouse-grown Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim leaves were investigated.0 2 9J/( m2·s) )和外施 α-萘乙酸 ( α- NAA) ( 2 mg/L)对栝楼叶片光合色素及保护酶活性的影响。

5)1-Naphthylacetic acidα-萘乙酸



