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金鸡纳生物碱 Cinchona alkaloid英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-21 04:55:42


金鸡纳生物碱 Cinchona alkaloid英语短句 例句大全

金鸡纳生物碱,Cinchona alkaloid

1)Cinchona alkaloid金鸡纳生物碱

1.I Synthesis of Cinchona Alkaloid Ligands II Synthesis of Derivatives of Gentiopicroside and the Antiviral Effects of Them Against Coxsackievirus B3 and Simian Immunodeficiency Virus in Vitro;I金鸡纳生物碱衍生物的合成方法研究 II 龙胆苦苷衍生物的合成及其对CVB3和SIV的体外抑制作用

2.Six chiral diamine ligands were synthesized from naturalCinchona alkaloids, quinine and cinchonine, under mild conditions.以价廉易得的天然金鸡纳生物碱奎宁和辛可宁为原料,在温和条件下容易地合成了6种手性双胺配体。


1.Studies on Asymmetric Catalysis and Biological Activity of Cinchona Alkaloids金鸡纳生物碱衍生物催化不对称反应及生物活性的研究

2.Investigation on Cinchona Alkaloids and Derivatives-catalyzed Asymmetric "Interrupted" Feist-Bénary Reaction;金鸡纳生物碱及其衍生物催化不对称“中断的”Feist-Bénary反应的研究

3.The Synthesis of Novel Cinchona Alkaloids-derived Phosphite Ligands and Their Application in Asymmetric Catalytic Reaction金鸡纳生物碱衍生的亚磷酸酯配体的合成及其催化性能研究

4.Design, Synthesis and Catalytic Performance of Novel Chiral Catalysts Derived from Cinchona Alkaloids;金鸡纳生物碱衍生的新型手性催化剂的构建及其在催化不对称反应中的应用

5.An alkaloid, C19H22N2O, derived from the bark of various cinchona trees and used as an antimalarial agent.金鸡纳宁,辛可宁一种生物碱,C19H22N2O,由金鸡纳树的树皮中制得,用作抗疟疾剂

6.a bitter alkaloid extracted from chinchona bark; used in malaria therapy.从金鸡纳树中提取的较苦的生物碱;用于疟疾治疗。

7.A brownish - black mixture of alkaloids remaining after extraction of crystalline alkaloids from cinchona bark, used as a quinine substitute.奎诺酊将金鸡纳树皮中提取结晶生物碱之后,剩下来一种黑褐色的生物碱混合物,用作奎宁的替代物

8.Cinchona-Derived Quaternary Ammonium Salts-Improved Asymmetric Cycloaddition of CO_2 to Epoxides金鸡纳碱季铵盐促进的CO_2与环氧化合物的不对称环加成反应

9.Aldol Reactions of α-Keto Acid Esters and Acetone Catalyzed by Cinchona Alkaloid Derived Primary Amines金鸡纳碱衍生二胺催化丙酮和α-酮酸酯的Aldol反应

10.A New Sensitive Chemiluminescence System for Determination of Cinchona Alkaloids with FIA测定金鸡纳碱的流动注射化学发光新体系

11.Study on the Catalytic Properties of the Amino Acid-based Ionic Liquid and Cinchona-derived Quaternary Ammonium Salt in the Coupling Reaction of Carbon Dioxide and Epoxides氨基酸离子液和金鸡纳碱季铵盐催化二氧化碳与环氧化合物的偶联反应研究

12.Peruvian bark【植】金鸡纳(树)皮

13.Effects of Salyly Replacement Aurcomycin on Production Performance and Copper Residue of Broiler甘氨酸水杨醛席夫碱铜配合物替代金霉素对肉鸡生产性能及铜残留的影响

14.lead oxychromate金鸡纳红,铬氧酸铅


16.Influence of Alkali Salts on the Pyrolysis of Biomass Three Components碱金属盐对生物质三组分热解的影响

17.Study on Problems of Alkali Metal during Straw Combustion生物质燃烧过程中的碱金属问题研究

18.Preparation and Application of Magnetic Nano-Solid-Base as Biodiesel Catalyst生物柴油催化剂——磁性纳米固体碱的制备及应用


cinchona alkaloids金鸡纳生物碱

1.Two typical examples, asymmetric hydrogenation of α, β \|ketoesters on nickel catalysts modified with tartaric acid derivatives and on platinum catalysts modified withcinchona alkaloids are introduced and discussed in detail.特别是对最近几年来两个典型的多相不对称催化氢化体系即酒石酸盐修饰镍催化剂催化 β-酮酸酯的不对称氢化反应体系和金鸡纳生物碱修饰铂催化剂催化 α-酮酸酯的不对称氢化反应体系进行了详细的介绍和讨论 ,同时展望了多相不对称催化氢化反应研究的前景。

2.Applications ofcinchona alkaloids as chiral selectors in HPLC and CE are reviewed.综述了金鸡纳生物碱作为手性选择剂在高效液相色谱和毛细管电泳中分离光学异构体的应用。

3.However, in the last two decades, Cinchona alkaloids have become more attractive due to their successful applications in asymmetric synthesis.奎宁等金鸡纳生物碱作为治疗疟疾的主要药物被人们早已熟知。

3)cinchona alkaloid-derived ligands金鸡纳碱衍生物

4)cinchona alkaloid金鸡纳属生物碱

5)cinchona alkaloid derivative金鸡纳生物碱衍生物

1.A novel chiral ligand(cinchona alkaloid derivative) was easily prepared from 1,4-dichlorophthalazine by a two-step reaction.以1,4-二氯-2,3-二氮杂萘为原料,经两步反应合成了一种新的金鸡纳生物碱衍生物手性配体2,其结构经1H NMR,13C NMR和MS表征。

6)Cinchona alkaloid ligands金鸡纳生物碱配体


