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排放法规 emission regulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-22 03:11:45


排放法规 emission regulation英语短句 例句大全

排放法规,emission regulation

1)emission regulation排放法规

1.Review on Emission Regulations and Technical Routes about Heavy-duty Vehicle Diesel Engine重型车用柴油机排放法规及技术路线综述

2.With the domesticemission regulation of the agricultural vehicle being more and more strict,how to control agricultural diesel engine emission pollution effectively becomes a realistic question before people.随着国内农用车的排放法规日趋严格,如何有效地控制农用柴油机的排放污染就成为一个摆在人们面前的很现实的问题。


1.Study on Diesel Engine Exhaust After-treatment Technologies Meeting Euro Ⅳ/Ⅴ Standards满足欧Ⅳ/Ⅴ排放法规的柴油机排气后处理技术

2.Design of the coach aftertreatment system based on emmission of EPA07满足EPA07排放法规客车后处理系统设计

3.EU and Taiwan Regulations on Exhaust Emissions from Motorcycles and Technical Countermeasures for Reduction欧盟和台湾摩托车排放法规及降低排放技术对策

4.Cold Starting HC Emission Control Technology for Vehicular Gasoline Engines to Meet EuroⅡand EuroⅢEmission Regulations满足欧Ⅱ及欧Ⅲ排放法规的车用汽油机冷起动排放控制技术

5.The Features of Emissions Control Technology of Light-duty Gasoline Vehicles in Different Regulation Stages不同排放法规阶段轻型汽油车排放控制技术特征

6.The Resolution for Motorcycle Emission Control by Means of EEI According to Euro III基于欧Ⅲ排放法规的摩托车电喷系统解决方案

7.Development of Car Pollution Regulations & Gasoline Standardsin California, U. S. A.美国加州汽车排放法规和汽油标准的发展

8.Understanding and countermeasure for Euro Ⅲ Emission Regulation on medium and heavy-duty engines中重型柴油机满足欧Ⅲ排放法规的认识与对策

9.New Generation Euro-Ⅵ-compatible Heavy-duty Diesel Engine达到欧洲Ⅵ排放法规的新一代车用重载柴油机

10.Review on Emission Regulations and Technical Routes about Heavy-duty Vehicle Diesel Engine重型车用柴油机排放法规及技术路线综述

11.A Primary Discussion on Emission Regulations of Off-road Diesel Engines and Countermeasures of Loader Manufacturers浅谈非道路柴油机排放法规及装载机企业应对方法

12.Investigation of Fuel Injection Strategies on a Low Particulate Combustion Development Programme for Tier 4 Legislation基于满足Tier 4排放法规的低颗粒排放燃烧系统开发的喷油策略研究

13.Analysis of the latest Europeang asoline vaporizing emission regulation--comparison of the 4~(th) test of the Euro 3 and Euro 1欧洲最新蒸发排放法规分析——欧Ⅲ、欧Ⅰ第Ⅳ型试验的比较

14.Approaches to Efficient Forecast of Total Emission of SO_2 in Environmental Planning环境规划中SO_2排放总量预测方法研究

15.Regulations on and Measurement of Vehicle Emissions: A Comparative Analysis;汽车排放控制法规(标准)及测量方法对比分析

16.Application of Carbon Dioxide Emission Audit to the Planning of Low Carbon Cities碳排放量评估方法在低碳城市规划之应用

17.Graphical optimization approach to carbon-constrained energy sector planning碳排放限制的能源规划问题的图表优化法

18.Introduction on foreign Emission Standards and Regulations for Motorcycles国外摩托车排放标准及法规的介绍与研究


emission regulations排放法规

1.To raise enterprises\" consciousness to theemission regulations,the motorcycleemission regulations in China was analyzed combined with the study of WMTC Test Cycle and Euro auto emission STD.为提高企业对排放法规的重视,加强对排放控制技术的研究,对我国摩托车排放法规现状进行了分析,结合对WMTC测试循环及欧洲汽车排放标准的研究,预测未来第IV阶段排放法规标准。

3)emission legislation排放法规

1.US,Europe and Japan implemented newemission legislations during and which resulted in the upgrade of corresponding fuels and lube oils.美国、欧洲和日本相继在~实施新的排放法规,相应的燃料与润滑油均升级。

2.The Euro Ⅵemission legislation,which will be carried out in EU in ,of heavy-duty diesel engine was introduced.概括介绍了将在欧盟实施的车用重载柴油机欧洲Ⅵ排放法规;讨论研发新一代高性能、低燃油消耗、长寿命、达到欧洲Ⅵ排放法规的车用重载柴油机时,在机械开发、燃烧系统、喷油设备、增压和废气再循环系统及排气后处理系统等方面可以采用的先进技术。

3.Therefore,rigid marineemission legislations have been established and implemented in many countries and areas in the world.跟踪船用燃料与发动机技术以及船用润滑油的发展对于我国排放法规的制定具有现实意义。

4)Tier 4 legislationTier4排放法规

5)Euro IV/V standards欧Ⅳ/Ⅴ排放法规

1.It is pointed out in the paper that after-treatment technologies must be adopted in order to meetEuro IV/V standards,and several after-treatment devices are introduced,such as LNT(Lean NOx Trap),SCR(Selective Catalytic Reduction),DOC(Diesel Oxidation Catalyst) and DPF(Diesel Particulate Filter).从车用柴油机的欧Ⅳ/Ⅴ排放法规出发,指出满足该法规必须采取排放后处理装置,介绍了用以处理NOx排放的稀NOx吸附器(LNT)和选择性催化还原装置(SCR),及控制颗粒物(PM)排放的氧化催化器(DOC)和PM过滤器(DPF),分析了这些后处理装置的主要技术特点及应用情况,并认为今后的后处理装置的发展趋势是不同后处理装置的综合使用。

6)National 3rd stage emission regulation国Ⅲ排放法规


打假的法律、法规和法规性文件打假的法律、法规和法规性文件laws, rules and regulation documents against counterfeit工作的决定》。
