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村民参与 villagers participation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-13 08:22:57


村民参与 villagers participation英语短句 例句大全

村民参与,villagers participation

1)villagers participation村民参与

1.Only by setting up farmers main position consciousness,bringing their self-consciousness into full play,greatly promotingvillagers participation,and letting them actively plunge into the construction of the.只有树立农民的主体地位,充分发挥其自主性意识,大力推进村民参与,积极投身自己村庄的建设,我国的新农村建设才能取得突破性的发展。


1.The Inquiry of the Influence Factor of Villagers Participation in Electing the Villagers Committee;村民参与村委会选举影响因素的研究

2.A Study on the Villager Participation in Advancing Poverty Alleviation for a Whole Village论整村推进扶贫中的村民参与——以甘肃W村为例

3.The village service publicizes with the villagers participation must integrate the coordinated development;村务公开与村民参与需一体化协调发展

4.Studying on Villager of Minority Village Participation in the Toumism Development--Taking Zhenshanchun as An Example;少数民族村寨村民参与旅游开发实证研究——以贵州镇山村为例

5.Rural Society and the Village Election--On the Factors Affecting Villagers Participation in the Election;乡村社会对村民选举的回应——对影响村民参与选举的因素的考量

6.On Villagers’ Participation in Community Construction in New Socialist Countryside新农村社区建设中的村民参与问题研究

7.On Peasants Political Participation in the Course of Villagers Autonomy;村民自治进程中的农民政治参与研究

8.Research on the Farmers Political Participation under Villager Autonomy;村民自治背景下的农民政治参与研究

9.Research on the Institutional Change of the Rural Women s Participation in the Village Autonomy;支持农村妇女参与村民自治的制度变迁研究

10.Under the Basic Unit Countryside Autonomous Background Villagers Politics Participates in the Analysis;基层农村自治背景下村民政治参与分析

11.Encourage Rural Women to Participate in Villagers Autonomy;认真履行职责 切实推进农村妇女参与村民自治

12.Actuality of Country Women Participating Village People Autonomy and its Relative Analysis;农村妇女参与村民自治的现状及相关分析

13.The Context of the Autonomy of Villagers in XiangTan County Rural Women"s Political Participation in Research村民自治背景下湘潭县农村妇女政治参与研究

14.The Process of Urbanization Research on Political Participation of Non-agricultural Villages城市化进程中“城中村”村民政治参与研究

15.Plan of Action for People"s Participation in Rural Development人民参与农村发展行动计划

16.People"s Participation Task Force on Integrated Rural Development综合农村发展人民参与工作队

17.Study on the Participation of Private Capital in the Reform of Rural Finance;对民营资本参与农村金融改革的思考

18.Analysis of Non-government Organization Participating in the Supply of Rural Public Product民间组织参与农村公共产品供给探析


village national minority participates power农村少数民族参与权

3)participation in village affairs村务参与

1.As a social mainstay, rural women sparticipation in village affairs is to be the development of grass-roots democracy.农村妇女是农村发展中不可忽视的重要力量,尤其是实行村民自治以来,作为农村社会主体,农村女性的村务参与是基层民主政治发展的必须,也是建设社会主义新农村和构建和谐社会的基本要求。

4)village"s participation村落参与

5)civic participation公民参与

1.At present,China scivic participation in public policy making mainly base theoretical basis and actual basis in life.公共政策中的公民参与就是指当政府做出与公民具有利害关系的决定和政策时,公民个人或团体通过一定的方式、途径和程序直接或者间接进入政府的决策过程,了解相关的政策信息,并对决策发表意见和看法,以此来影响政策结果的行动过程。

2.Cancivic participation really actualize virtual democracy? Traditionally, the monopoly of "discourse" was held by the close administrative system,in which even if citizens participated, being a type of "fake democracy".公民参与是否必定能够实现实质的民主?传统封闭的行政系统掌握着"话语"的垄断权,即使公民参与,也至多是一种"伪民主"。

3.The Interest Representative Model stresses the issue on the function ofcivic participation in the control administrative discretion,but this model being a universal project has some efficiency.行政法的利益代表模式是由美国著名行政法学家斯图尔特针对行政法的传统模式而在《美国行政法的重构》一书中提出来的,该模式强调公民参与在行政自由裁量权控制中的作用。

6)Citizen participation市民参与

1.The Main Obstacles and Countermeasures of Citizen Participation in Urban Planning——An Analysis Based on the Investigation Data of Yangzhou and Suzhou市民参与城市规划的主要障碍及对策——基于苏州、扬州的调查数据分析

2.This paper firstly analyzes the current condition and problems of citizen participation in the urban planning of China.首先分析了当今中国城市规划领域中市民参与的现状及存在的主要问题;然后探讨了计算机互联网技术的功能特点及其给市民参与的深入发展所带来的契机;同时研究了其在(1)情报信息提供(2)意向意见收集(3)双向交流(4)多方参与研讨会(5)规划方案模拟等方面的强大优势和具体支持手法;随后以日本佐贺市居住区居住环境规划的市民参与支持系统的开发和应用为例进行了实例研究;最后从物、人和情报三个方面探讨了今后基于计算机和互联网技术支持的市民参与的发展空间和课题。


