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个人收益率 private rate of return英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-09 05:00:51


个人收益率 private rate of return英语短句 例句大全

个人收益率,private rate of return

1)private rate of return个人收益率

1.A rational man always makes his investment on theprivate rate of return.同时,学科、性别以及就业地区的选择等因素都将影响个人收益率和净收益值。


1.Individual Return Ratio of Education Investment for Distance Education中国远程教育投资的个人收益率研究

2.Government-Subsidized Student Loans Impact on Private Return Rate of Higher Education;国家助学贷款对高等教育个人收益率的影响

3.Review and Prospect Studies on Private Rates of Retur to Education in China;我国教育个人收益率研究的回顾与展望

4.On the studies of the contributions of our elementary education and higher education to the growth of the national economy, the personal profits of higher education;关于我国高等教育的经济效益和个人收益率的研究

5.Individual Returns to Education in China: Literatures and Policy Implications;中国教育个人收益率研究:一个文献综述及其政策含义

6.On Higher Education Cost from the Angle of Individual Interest Rate of Higher Education Investment;从高等教育投资个人收益率来看高等教育成本分担问题

7.The Research of Rate of Returns to Private Investment in Higher Education in Jiangsu Province;江苏省高等教育个人投资收益率研究

8.Can Individual Investor Sentiment Predict Market Returns?个人投资者情绪能预测市场收益率吗

9.Estimation and Comparison on Individual Returns to Schooling:A Semiparametric Approach个人教育收益率的估计与比较:一个半参数方法

10.A Comparison between Chinese Higher Vocational Education and Individual Investment Revenue;我国高职教育与个人投资收益(率)比较研究

11.The rate of return indication of economic evaluation mainly includes the internal rate of return (IRR), the growth internal rate of return (GIRR), the modified internal rate of return (MIRR).内部收益率、增长内部收益率、修正内部收益率是经济评价的 3个收益率指标。

12.The Quantitative Analysis on the Relationship Between the Rate of Return and the Replacement Rate of Individual Basic Pension Accounts基本养老保险个人账户收益率与替代率关系定量分析

13.Analysis of Factors Influencing Equilibrium Profit Rate of Pension under Systems of Personal Accumulation and Cash Basis;个人积累制和现收现付制下养老金均衡收益率的影响因素分析

14.the yield to maturity"到期率,收益率"

15.A calculating formulation of internal rate of return for constant returns of investment projects;等额收益投资项目内部收益率的一个计算公式

16.Rate of return(or return)on capital资本收益率(或资本收益)

17.Cost-benefit Analysis of School Choosing by Individuals;个人择校行为的成本收益因素分析——基于内部报酬率的估算

18.An Urban Individual Rate of Return to Education in Developed Regions: A Case Study of Chifeng,Inner Mongolia;欠发达地区城镇个人教育收益率——以内蒙古赤峰市为例的研究


private rate of return to education教育个人收益率

3)personal investment yield个人投资收益率

4)individual rate of return to education个人教育收益率

1.Theindividual rate of return to education is regarded highly by all the countries in the world, because it is a very important indicator of formulating and working out policies, such as judging education, employment.个人教育收益率作为制定和衡量教育、就业等政策的重要指标,一直倍受重视。

5)private return rate of higher education高等教育个人收益率

1.In this article,we will research whether and how the Government-subsidized student loans impact on theprivate return rate of higher education under different loan repayment schemes.借助学生贷款完成高等教育将改变个人的教育成本和收益,并影响借贷者的高等教育个人收益率。

6)personal income from tourism个人旅游收益


