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农村教师队伍建设 construction of rural teaching team英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-02 18:14:40


农村教师队伍建设 construction of rural teaching team英语短句 例句大全

农村教师队伍建设,construction of rural teaching team

1)construction of rural teaching team农村教师队伍建设

1.Currently,there are some contradictions and problems with the rural teaching team construction in our underdeveloped areas such as difficult employment of university graduates and difficult leaving of unqualified teachers,over-employment and vacancies,and high diploma rate and low actual teaching level,which makes theconstruction of rural teaching team cornered.当前,我国欠发达地区农村教师队伍建设中普遍存在着诸如大学毕业生难进与不合格教师难出、超编与缺编、学历达标率高与教师实际水平低等矛盾和问题,使农村教师队伍建设陷入了结构性困境。


1.Policy Analysis and Suggestion for the Construction of Rural Teacher Troops in China;我国农村教师队伍建设的政策分析与建议

2.On the Problems of Rural Teaching Team Construction--From the Perspective of the Professional Development of Rural Teachers;农村教师队伍建设面临的问题透视——农村教师专业化发展视角

3.Investigation and Thought on Teacher Contingent Construction in Less Developed Rural Areas;对欠发达地区农村教师队伍建设的调查与思考

4.The Reasons and Countermeasures of Cultivating Rural Teachers Difficulties;四川农村教师队伍建设的困境成因与对策分析

5.Research on Existing Problem & Countermeasure of Development of Teachers in Rural Areas;当前农村教师队伍建设存在的问题及对策研究

6.Problems and countermeasures of the construction of rural teaching staffs农村教师队伍建设存在的问题及其对策

7.Rural Teaching Team Construction:the Foundation Stone of Developing Rural Compulsory Education--From the Perspective of the Professional Development of Rural Teachers;农村教师队伍建设是发展农村义务教育的基石——农村教师专业化发展视角

8.Research on the Construction of the Countryside Junior School Teacher Staff in Jiangxi Province;江西省农村中小学教师队伍建设研究

9.Problems and Countermeasures on Rural Compulsory Educational Teachers Team in China;我国农村义务教育教师队伍建设:问题及其破解

10.The Training of the Teachers for the Compulsory Education in the Countryside of Yunnan Province关于云南农村义务教育教师队伍的建设

11.Researchs on Construction of Elementary and Middle Schools Teachertroop in the Rural of Backward Areas;落后地区农村中小学教师队伍建设研究

12.A Research on the Construction of Rural Primary School Teacher Stuff in Shouxian County, Anhui Province;安徽省寿县农村小学教师队伍建设研究

13.The Study of the Standard Problem of Rural Teacher Construction in Compulsory Education Stage;义务教育阶段农村师资队伍建设标准问题研究

14.Research on the Construction of Teacherstroop in Compulsory Education Stage of Our Countryside;我国义务教育阶段农村师资队伍建设问题研究

15.The Problems and Countermeasures in Construction of Rural Primary and Secondary School Teachers;农村中小学教师队伍建设中存在的问题与对策

16.Research on the Construction of the Contingent of Teachers of Primary and Secondary Schools in Underdeveloped Rural Areas;欠发达地区农村中小学教师队伍建设研究

17.Probing into the Criterion for Establishing a Contingent of Rural Teachers in the Stage of Compulsory Education;义务教育阶段农村师资队伍建设标准初探

18.Improvement of Faculty Team Reconstruction--A Key to Development of English Teaching in Rural Primary Schools;加强师资队伍建设,促进农村小学英语教学发展


Construction of teachers troop in countyside农村师资队伍建设

3)rural teaching staff农村教师队伍

1.Problems and countermeasures of the construction ofrural teaching staffs农村教师队伍建设存在的问题及其对策

4)Teacher Team Construction教师队伍建设

1.Scientific construction of stereo-channel for professional development of the teachers of colleges and universities——Research into Three-Horizontal-Three-Vertical Model for teacher team construction of Chongqing Education College;科学构建高校教师专业发展的立体通道——重庆教育学院教师队伍建设“三横三纵”模式研究

5)Teachers team construction教师队伍建设

1.This paper talks about the guidelines for the teachers team construction and discusses the idea of "Comprehend All".本文提出将教师队伍建设列为民办院校事业发展的战略性任务,要制订长远规划分步实施,明确教师队伍建设的指导思想,体现"多元集纳"的理念,并进一步提出教师队伍建设的具体途径,强调了建设、管理并重和人本主义的管理思想。

6)teaching staff construction教师队伍建设

1.Meanwhile, the cultivation and education of the young teachers is very important aspect of theteaching staff construction.高校青年教师队伍建设是高校教学改革的关键。


关于加强农村能源建设的意见关于加强农村能源建设的意见recommendations strengthening rural energy developmentguanyu iiaqiang nongeun nengyuan iianshe de yi」ian关于加强农村能源建设的意见(二co~ndationss既ngthening rural ene卿development)国务院关于加强农村能源建设的重要政策性文件。中国农村能源建设,在1981~1985年期间,通过贯彻执行“因地制宜、多能互补、综合利用、讲求效益”的方针,取得了显著的成绩。5年间,薪炭林、小水电、沼气、省柴节煤炉灶、风力发电、太阳能和地热的开发利用等都取得了较大的进展。但全国仍有许多地区,农村能源供应仍不能满足农村生产和生活的需要,严重制约着农村经济的发展和人民生活的改善。为此,国务院节能工作办公会议于1986年ro月4日召开了第三次会议,专题研究农村能源工作,审议讨论通过了国家经委提出的《关于加强农村能源建设的意见》。并经国务院同意,由国家经委以“经农【1986」8肠号”文件下发全国,文件要求贯彻8条意见:①编制发展农村能源的长远规划;②研究制定农村能源的技术经济政策;③加强农村能源科技攻关和开发示范工作;④抓好农村的节能工作;⑤建立和发展农村能源产业;⑥建立农村能源技术服务体系;⑦加速培养农村能源技术人员;⑧加强对农村能源工作的领导。每条意见都提出了近期要组织开展的工作和政策意见。 (邓可蕴)
