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城乡基础教育 the elementary education of town and country英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-26 17:46:19


城乡基础教育 the elementary education of town and country英语短句 例句大全

城乡基础教育,the elementary education of town and country

1)the elementary education of town and country城乡基础教育

1.The elementary education plays an important role of overall situation,foundation and fore-runner in the whole education system,and promoting harmonious development ofthe elementary education of town and country is the key and difficulty of the elementary education,and it\"s also the important expression of education justice.基础教育在整个教育体系中有着全局性、基础性与先导性的作用,推进城乡基础教育和谐发展又是基础教育的重点与难点,是教育公平的重要体现。


1.The Theories and the Substantial Evidence Research of the City-Country Compulsory Education Gap;城乡基础教育差距的理论与实证研究

parison Study on Elementary Educations between Urban and Rural Area in Western Region of China我国西部地区城乡基础教育比较研究

3.On the Current Situation of Urban-rural Gap in Education and Equity-oriented Measures我国城乡基础教育差距的现状及对策

4.The Study of Basic Education Balance Development between Urban and Rural Area in the Process of Urbanization;城镇化进程中城乡基础教育均衡发展问题研究

5.The Research on Planning the Elementary Education of Town and Country as a Whole Development Based on the Coexistence Theory基于共生理论的城乡基础教育统筹发展研究

6.A Study on Unbalance Development of Basic Education between Cities and Towns in Poor Areas;贫困地区城乡基础教育不均衡发展问题探讨

7.The Case Study and Reflection on the Situations of Elementary Education in the Urban and Rural Areas of Poland before and after Education Reform in19991999年教育改革前后波兰城乡基础教育状况个案研究与反思

8.Problem Analysis and Countermeasure Research of the Unbalanced Development of the Basic Education of Huludao City and Country around;葫芦岛市城乡基础教育非均衡发展问题分析与对策研究

9.Booming up Rural Economics: the Fundamental for Reducing the Basic Education Gap between Urban and Rural Areas;壮大农村经济:缩小城乡基础教育差距的根本所在

10.The urban and rural elementary education in west China is difficult to be balanced--Problems and barriers in the implementation of policies and laws西部城乡基础教育:摆不平的跷跷板——政策法规实施中的问题与障碍

11.Study on the Harmonious Development of the Elementary Education between Town and Country During the Process of Urbanization;城市化进程中城乡基础教育和谐发展问题研究——以福建泉州德化镇为例

12.A Study on the Balanced Development of Urban and Rural Teachers for the Basic Eucation in a Cunty Aea县域基础教育城乡师资均衡问题研究

13.The Study on the Differences and Countermeasures of Development of the Basic Education in Urban and Rural Areas of a Couty;县域基础教育城乡发展差异及对策研究

14.The County Territory Elementary Education City and Countryside Teachers Exist Balanced the question and countermeasure;县域基础教育城乡师资均衡存在的问题与对策

15.Coordinating Development of Rural and Urban and the Primary Education Supply in Rural Areas of China;统筹城乡与我国农村基础教育产品供给

16.The City and Countryside Overall Plan to Develop and Explore the Countryside Elementary Education Function城乡统筹:农村基础教育功能的修复和拓展

17.Research on the Difference between Ruraland Urban Basis in college Students Primary Qualityand Educational Countermeasures;大学生基本素质的城乡基础差异及教育对策研究

18.During the transition period, basic education is in an unbalanced situation between urban and rural areas.转轨时期的基础教育在城乡之间、地区之间尚处于不均衡的状态。


the difference in basic education scope between rural and urban areas城乡基础教育差距

3)urban basic education城镇基础教育

1.This paper points out that more and more children of migrant workers receiving compulsory education in cities and the number of students increases every year,which puts great pressure onurban basic education.大量随迁子女进城使城镇基础教育不堪重负,城镇基础教育发展必须与城镇化进程同步,才能满足随迁子女对义务教育的需求。

4)urban and rural education城乡教育

1.From the perspective of historical sociology, the paper discusses the relationship evolution betweenurban and rural education, and the historical causes why the rural education modes come into dilemma:"leaving rural" , "l for rural" .从历史社会学的视角探讨城乡教育关系的演变,以及城乡教育模式陷入"离农"与"为农"两难困境的历史成因。

2.Priority of urban education enhances the unbalance ofurban and rural education, which violates the fair principle of social development and influences the efficiency as well.城市教育优先发展战略强化了城乡教育发展的不平衡,不仅违背了社会发展的公平原则,也在一定程度上损失了效率。

3.Realizing the overall reform ofurban and rural education comprehensively is the key point of realizing fair education and improving education efficiency.教育公平是社会公平的基础和民族振兴的基石,统筹城乡教育综合改革是实现教育公平和提升教育效率的关键环节。

5)fundamental education基础教育

1.Management system of level 3 PE curriculum forfundamental education;基础教育三级体育课程的管理体制

2.A preliminary study of the school-based curriculum development infundamental education;基础教育校本课程开发刍议

3.On how teachers universities face the challenges of curricular reforms offundamental education;高等师范院校如何应对基础教育课程改革的挑战

6)basic education基础教育

1.The summarization ofbasic education research in pingliang city during the first seventeen years when the people’s republic of china was founded;新中国成立十七年平凉市基础教育调查研究综述

2.The Latest Advance of Informationization of Basic Education in South Africa;南非基础教育信息化最新进展

3.The actuality and countermeasures of advanced normal school computerbasic education;高等师范院校计算机基础教育的现状与对策


