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顾客流失 lost sale英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-19 08:11:36


顾客流失 lost sale英语短句 例句大全

顾客流失,lost sale

1)lost sale顾客流失

1.A single-vendor and single-buyer integrated inventory model is studied in consideration of nonlinear lead time crashing cost andlost sale.研究提前期成本服从非线性函数和存在顾客流失时,单一需求方和单一生产商一体化库存管理问题。

2.According to the defects of the researches dealt with controllable lead time,the authors present a continuous review inventory model with nonlinear lead time crashing cost andlost sale.针对可控提前期领域现有研究的不足,提出基于非线性提前期成本和存在顾客流失情形下,采用连续盘点策略的库存管理问题。

3.The minimum problem of the single-vendor single-buyer\"s total expected cost involving controllable lead time,quality improvement andlost sale with a free distribution was considered.在提前期与质量水平可控且需求分布形式未知的情况下,研究了有顾客流失的单买方单卖方联合期望总成本最小化问题。


1.Research on Relationship between Tourist Switch/Exit Behavior and Damages to Tourist Interest in Traveling Shopping;旅游购物伤害与旅行社顾客流失研究

2.Analysis of Customer Loss Situations on Basis of Delivered Value Comparison;基于让渡价值比较的顾客流失态势分析

3.Study of Customer Service Level Based on Customer Demand Not Lost Completely;顾客需求不完全流失的服务水平研究

4.I am anxious not to disappoint possible buyer in distant city, to whom I write at the same time .为不使我们的顾客失望。

5.Relationship, Trust and Customer Reactions to Service Failures;顾客关系、信任与顾客对服务失败的反应

6.The Impact of Customer’s Loss and Emotion on Recovery Expectation and Complaining Intention under the Service Failure Circumstancevice Failure Circumstance;服务失败情境下顾客损失、情绪对补救预期和顾客抱怨倾向的影响

7.The Study of Classification in the Logistics Corporations Based on Customer Value;基于顾客价值的物流企业顾客分类研究

8.Carried the unemployed customer for90days.让失业的顾客记帐九十天

9.We lost a great deal of customer when that new shop opened.那家新店开张后, 我们失去了很多顾客。

10.Don"t try to shift the losses on to the customers.不要企图把损失转嫁到顾客头上。

11.There is no responsibility on the company "s part for loss of customer " property .公司一方对顾客财产损失没有责任。

12.The customer complained to the manager of the discourtesy of an assistant.顾客向经理控告一个营业员的失礼。

13.A Study on Service Recovery from the Customer and Reason;基于顾客视角的服务失败及归因研究

14.If any customer property is lost, damaged or otherwise found to be unsuitable for use, this shall be reported to the customer and records maintained若顾客财产发生丢失、损坏或不适用时,应报告顾客,并保持记录。

15.Research on restructuring of customer value innovation process based on corporate-customer alliance;基于客户联盟的顾客价值创新流程重塑研究

16.The manager say the shop will provide prime service for its customer.经理说,商店将为顾客提供一流的服务。

17.We have a stream of customer on the first day of the sale.我们开业的第一天顾客就顺流不息。

18.Thank the client for his business and describe the circulation of the directory.感谢客户惠顾,简述指南的流通量.


Flow customer流程顾客


1.By analyzing the performance of nine leading corporations with market orientation in the high- tech industry, the paper reveals that the reason why the performance of companies with the same orientation is different is that the definition of market orientation isn t clear and some of them can t distinguish between lighthouse- customer and mainstream- customer.本文旨在探讨高技术企业应以何种导向来指导企业发展,文章通过对奉行市场导向理念的 9家高技术行业领先企业的成、败分析指出:同样理念却导致不同执行效果的主要原因在于市场导向界定不清、一些企业没有区分出主流顾客与灯塔顾客,进而,提出了灯塔顾客导向理论,并在理论上予以了论证。

4)lost customer失去的顾客

5)customer turnover顾客流动率

6)Helping A Guest To Look For A Lost Article帮顾客寻找失物


