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膀胱破裂 bladder rupture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-20 14:33:09


膀胱破裂 bladder rupture英语短句 例句大全

膀胱破裂,bladder rupture

1)bladder rupture膀胱破裂

1.Diagnosis and treatment of traumaticbladder rupture in 33 cases;33例创伤性膀胱破裂的临床诊治

2.Methods The clinical data of 8 patients with spontaneousbladder rupture were analyzed retrospectively.目的探讨自发性膀胱破裂的临床特点、诊断和治疗。

3.Objective To investigate the diagnosis and treatment of traumaticbladder rupture.目的探讨外伤性膀胱破裂的诊断和治疗方法。


1.Value of CT Cystography in the Diagnosis of Bladder Rupture逆行性CT膀胱造影在膀胱破裂诊断中的价值

2.The complications include postoperative fever cutting edge infection, rupture of uterus, injury of bladder and newborn baby complication etc.如术后发热、刀口感染、子宫破裂、膀胱损伤、新生儿并发症等。

3.The treatment of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer by using intravesical instillation with mitomycin after TURBT经尿道电切联合丝裂霉素膀胱内灌注治疗非肌层浸润性膀胱癌

4.Curative effect of alternate mitomycin and bacille calmette guerin (BCG) alternate irrigation of bladder for treatment of superficial bladder tumor丝裂霉素联合卡介苗交替膀胱灌注治疗浅表膀胱肿瘤疗效分析

5.Bacillus Calmette-guerin vaccine and mitomycin C alternation for irrigation of bladder to prevent the recurrence of superficial bladder carcinoma卡介苗、丝裂霉素C交替膀胱灌注预防浅表性膀胱癌术后复发

6.Transurethral resection and intravesical instillation for the treatment of cystits glandularis经尿道电切联合丝裂霉素膀胱内灌注治疗腺性膀胱炎

7.Cystitis: Inflammation of the urinary Bladder.膀胱炎:膀胱的炎症。

8.Bladder cancerz; Malignant tumour of the Bladder.膀胱癌: 膀胱的恶性肿瘤。

9.Inflammation of the urinary bladder.膀胱炎泌尿膀胱的发炎

10.vesical calculus【医】膀胱(结)石

11.Objective: To compare the prophylactic efficacy and toxicity of intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin( BCG) versus mitomycin C( MMC) on recurrence of Chinese bladder cancer.目的:比较卡介苗与丝裂霉素C膀胱灌注预防国人膀胱癌复发的疗效及毒性。

parislin between MMc and THP on postoperative intravesical instillation"s efficacy for transitional cell carcinorma of bladder膀胱移行细胞癌术后应用丝裂霉素和吡柔比星做膀胱灌注的疗效观察

13.A bladder, especially the urinary bladder or the gallbladder.膀胱,泡,囊膀胱,尤指泌尿器官的膀胱或胆囊

14.Prevention of Superficial Bladder Cancer Recurrence with Half Does BCG and MMC Alternate Instillation小剂量卡介苗、丝裂霉素交替灌注预防浅表性膀胱癌术后复发

15.45 cases were finally diagnosed with bladder perfusion,2 were found in urethra reunion operation because of urethra disruption.45例行膀胱灌注试验确诊 ,2例因尿道断裂行尿道会师术时发现。

16.Clinical Research of Preventing the Recurrence of Bladder Carcinoma by Low Dose Mitomycin C during Surgery;低剂量丝裂霉素C术中应用预防膀胱癌复发的临床研究

17.Inhibition of Combining Mitomycin C with Grape Seed Procyanidin Extract on the Growth of Human Bladder Cancer Cell Line BIU87丝裂霉素C联合原花青素对人膀胱癌BIU87细胞的生长抑制作用

18.Between the rectum and bladder, the peritoneum forms a retrovesical pouch.在直肠和膀胱间,腹膜形成膀胱后隐窝。


Traumatic bladder rupture外伤性膀胱破裂


4)vesical schistosomiasis膀胱裂体吸虫病

5)urinary bladder膀胱

1.Shallow tableurinary bladder cancer clinical treatment analysis;浅表性膀胱癌临床治疗分析

2.Paraganglioma of theurinary bladder without typical symptom:a case report and review of literature;无症状性膀胱副神经节瘤1例报道并文献复习

3.Morphological changes of cholinergic nerve fibers in theurinary bladder after establishment of artificial somatic-autonomic reflex arc in rats;人工反射弧建立后大鼠膀胱胆碱能神经的形态学变化(英文)


1.Reconstruction of lower urinary tract using modified neobladder after total cystectomy for invasive bladder cancer;改良全膀胱切除和原位新膀胱术重建下尿路功能

2.Influence ofBladder Function for Rabbit Model with Supersacral Spinal Cord Injury Using Sacral Root Nerve Stimulation.;骶神经根电刺激对脊髓损伤后兔膀胱功能的影响研究


病理性脾破裂病理性脾破裂pathologic rupture of spleen1966年Knoblich首次提出此名称。是指在各种原因引起的病理性脾大的基础上,因轻微创伤或无明确诱因以致脾破裂者。这种病理脾可以在医生的触诊、患者用力排便甚至剧烈呕吐时破裂。绝大多数脾破裂见于病理性脾破裂。如疟疾、传染性单核细胞增多症、白血病、脾血管瘤、脾的良性或恶性肿瘤、戈谢病、系统性红斑性狼疮、霍奇金病等所致的病理性脾大均可致脾破裂。
