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互作用力 interaction force英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-10 17:15:59


互作用力 interaction force英语短句 例句大全

互作用力,interaction force

1)interaction force互作用力

1.It is pointed out that the interaction energy andinteraction force of a charge system involving image charges equals those of a real charge system respectively and the self energy and total energy of a charge system involving image charges not equals those of a real charge system.指出与象电荷有关的系统的互能、互作用力和真实电荷系统的互能、互作用力分别相等,自能、总能一般分别不

2.This paper has obtained theinteraction force between an line charge and an cylindrical conductor with constant electric potential by electric image method.用电象法导出直线电荷与保持恒定电势的圆柱导体之间的互作用力,以及几种情况下互作用力的变化曲线,并对曲线进行讨论。


1.On Interaction Energy and Mutual Force of Magnetic Dipole and Magnetic Field;磁偶极子与磁场的相互作用能与相互作用力

2.Simple demonstration of friction force beingthe interactive one;“摩擦力是相互作用力”的简捷演示方案

3.Analysis of Frame-Wall Structures (Ⅱ)--Interaction and Drift框架与剪力墙结构分析(Ⅱ)——相互作用力及位移

4.hydrodynamical interaction流体动力学的相互作用

5.hydrodynamic interaction流体动力学相互作用

6.We described this interaction by saying that the bodies exert forces on each other.我们用物体相互施力来描述这种相互作用。

7.The Application of LS-DYNA in Soil-Structure Interaction;LS-DYNA在土—结构动力相互作用中的应用

8.The attraction is due to electrostatic forces.它们之间相互吸引是由于静电力作用。

9.The Research on Analysis Method of Soil-structure Dynamic Interaction;土-结构动力相互作用的计算方法研究

10.Theoretical Study of Adsorption, Diffusion and Dissociation Mechanism on Gas-solid Surface Interaction;气—固表面相互作用动力学理论研究

11.Study Dynamic Response of Structure and Foundation Interaction;结构与地基相互作用的动力响应研究

12.Larger-Scale Siol-Pile Interaction Nonlinear Analysis;大型桩土动力相互作用的非线性分析

13.Research on Characteristics of Rubbing-pairs Reciprocity Damp in Dynamics;摩擦副相互作用阻尼动力学特性研究

14.Numerical Analysis of Pile-Soil-Structure Dynamic Interaction;桩—土—结构动力相互作用的数值分析

15.Static and Dynamic Analysis of Interaction between Large Silo Structure and Its Foundation;大型筒仓与地基静动力相互作用研究

16.Analysis on the Dynamic Soil-Pile-Cap-Machine System Interaction;土—桩—承台—机器系统动力相互作用分析

17.Research on Soil-pile Dynamic Interaction of Sparse Pile Foundation疏桩基础桩—土动力相互作用的研究

18.Dynamic Interaction Between Heavy Vehicle and Pavement重载汽车与路面的动力相互作用研究


Interaction force相互作用力

1.Characteristics of the interaction force between a point charge and a electric dipole;点电荷与电偶极子相互作用力的特点

2.Interaction energy and interaction forceof two stationary current loops;二稳恒电流圈的相互作用能与相互作用力

3.The interaction force between two current elements and a pair of moving point chares is discussed.讨论了两电流元之间及一对运动电荷间的相互作用力,阐明这种相互作用力不满足牛顿第三定律的原因。


1.The magnetic field of a circular current loop and theinteraction between two circular current loops;圆环电流的磁场以及两共轴圆环电流之间的相互作用力

2.The potential distribution in space, charge density, theinteraction between the needle charge and electric sphere when the needle charge exists outside of the electric sphere were discussed.讨论了导体球外存在点电荷时空间的电势分布、导体球表面的电荷密度、点电荷与导体球之间的相互作用力,结果给出即使导体球与点电荷带同种电荷也可以相互吸引。

3.Theinteraction between two circular currents hasn t been analysed in detail in textbooks.两圆电流间相互作用力的计算,在一般书上均未作详细分析。


1.Interaction energy andforce between two coaxial rings are obtained.计算了两共轴均匀带电圆环的相互作用能,并求出它们之间的相互作用力,绘制出电场力的空间分布图,进而讨论了作用力和两圆环半径和中心距离等参量的关系。

2.Interaction energy andforcebetween two coaxial rings are obtained.对于两带电圆环,先计算了其相互作用能,并求出之间的相互作用力,绘制出电场力的空间分布图,进而讨论作用力和两圆环半径和中心距离等参量的关系;对于圆电流,在柱坐标系中根据毕奥-萨伐尔的计算公式,计算出圆电流在全空间的磁场分布,得到了级数形式解。

5)interactive force相互作用力

1.At present paper,we derived the magnetic field of circular current loop by using the Gauss law and Ampere loop law,then got theinteractive force between two common axis circular current loops.利用圆形载流线圈空间磁场的轴对称性,根据安培环路定律和高斯定律,通过不断迭代的方法巧妙地给出了圆形载流线圈空间磁场的级数表达式,并由此计算出了两共轴圆形载流线圈间的径向和轴向相互作用力。

2.This paper aims to prove that theinteractive forces within circuits between any two electric currents agree with Newtonian Third law by applying the method of triple - vector product in mathematics.应用三重矢积的数学方法,证明了任意两电流回路间的相互作用力满足牛顿第三定律。

3.At present paper, we educed the electromagnetic expression of moving charge by using the relativity transformation and calculated theinteractive force between moving charge, then we got the electromagnetic momentum expression consisting in charge from the momentum expression consisting in field and discussed the relation between this interactive foce and electromagnetic momentum.利用电磁场的相对论变换关系,导出了运动电荷的电磁场,计算了运动电荷之间的相互作用力。

6)interactive forces交互作用力

1.The dynamics equation of humanoid robot is highly nonlinear and highly coupled, so analyzing theinteractive forces between different parts is the basis of advanced control methods.拟人机器人的动力学具有高度非线性、高度耦合的特点,分析清楚各组成部分之间的交互作用力是实施高级控制方法的基础。


