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生地黄 Radix Rehmanniae英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-30 23:45:06


生地黄 Radix Rehmanniae英语短句 例句大全

生地黄,Radix Rehmanniae

1)Radix Rehmanniae生地黄

1.Effect of Rhizoma Coptidis andRadix Rehmanniae with different ratio on pharmacokinetics of berberine in rats;黄连与生地黄不同比例配伍对小檗碱在大鼠体内药动学的影响

2.Preparation and purification of oligosaccharide fromRadix Rehmanniae;生地黄中低聚糖的提取和纯化研究

3.Analysis of monosaccharides inRadix Rehmanniae by GC气相色谱分析生地黄多糖的单糖组成及其含量


1.An Experimental Study on the Treatment of Diabetese with the Combination of Astragalus Root, Dried Rehmannia Root and Red Sage Root;黄芪、生地黄、丹参配伍治疗糖尿病的实验研究

2.shrubby annual of the Mediterranean region with yellowish-white flowers.地中海地区一年生灌木,黄白色花。

3.Formation and Evolution of the Middle Reaches of the Yellow River Since Late Cenozoic黄河中游晚新生代地貌演化与黄河发育

parison of Growth Performance between Angus×Yellow Crossbred F_1 and Local Yellow Cattle安×黄F_1代牛与当地黄牛生长性能的比较

5.Meso-Cenozoic North Yellow Sea:Residual Basin or Superimposed Basin?北黄海中、新生代盆地:残留盆地还是叠合盆地?

6.Phenolic compounds accumulation in continuously cropped Rehmannia glutinosa soil and their effects on R.glutinosa growth.重茬地黄土壤酚酸的动态积累及其对地黄生长的影响

7.Study on the Protection Skill of Zoology and Environment Aimed at Slope in the Collapse Loess Area;黄土地区路基边坡生态防护技术研究

8.Technologies for Separation of Catalpol of Rehmannia Glutinosa Root and Determination of Bioactivities;鲜地黄中梓醇的分离与生物活性测定

9.Groundwater Dynamic and Its Ecological Effects in Yellow River Delta;黄河三角洲地下水动态及其生态效应

10.Molecular Phylogeny and Biogeography of Pseudotsuga;黄杉属的分子系统发育与生物地理学

11.Study on Grain Productivity of Arable Land in Yellow River-Huaihe River-Haihe River Plain;黄淮海平原区耕地粮食生产能力研究

12.Strategies on Ecotourism Exploitation in the Loess Plateau;黄土高原地区生态旅游开发策略研究

13.Evaluation on ecological security of land use change of Huangshi;黄石市土地利用变化的生态安全评价

14.Distribution of wetland Landscape And Ecological Construction in North-Huanghai;北黄海沿岸湿地景观与生态经济分区

15.Construction of Ecological Sericulture Base Countiesin the Loess Plateau;黄土高原生态蚕业基地县建设的探讨

16.Study of Microbial Remediation for Oil Contamination in Loess Region黄土地区石油污染的微生物修复研究

17.Validation of Method for Microbial Limit Test of Liuwei Dihuang Pills六味地黄丸微生物限度检查方法验证

18.Biodiversity and Its Protection in the Yellow River Delta Wetland黄河三角洲湿地生物多样性及其保护


Wild Chinese foxglove野生地黄

3)Decoction of Radix Rehmanniae and Coptis生地黄连液

1.Experimental Study onDecoction of Radix Rehmanniae and Coptis AffectingFasting Blood-Glucose,Serum Insulin in Mice with Alloxan Diabetes;生地黄连液对四氧嘧啶小鼠影响的实验研究

4)Cladosporium digitalicola毛地黄生枝孢

1.Cladosporium digitalicola Z.本文报道一新种毛地黄生枝孢(CladosporiumdigitalicolaZ。

5)the extract of Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch生地黄提取物

1.Anthrone-sulfuric acid colorimetric methods for determination of total sugar content inthe extract of Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch;蒽酮-硫酸法测定生地黄提取物中总糖的含量

6)Liuweidihuangtang Biological preparation六味地黄汤生物制剂

1.Objective To study the effect ofLiuweidihuangtang Biological preparation(PSB) on T cell subsets in kidney-yin deficiency mice.目的观察六味地黄汤生物制剂对实验肾阴虚小鼠脾T淋巴细胞亚群的影响,并与传统六味地黄汤进行比较。


