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赔偿范围 scope of compensation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-22 13:05:56


赔偿范围 scope of compensation英语短句 例句大全

赔偿范围,scope of compensation

1)scope of compensation赔偿范围

1.On the Issues of the Scope of Compensation for Pure Economic Loss in Oil Pollution Damage;船舶油污损害中纯经济损失的赔偿范围问题研究

2.Study on thescope of compensation for marine environmental damage caused by ships" pollution;船舶污染造成的海洋环境损害赔偿范围研究

3.From infringement of copyright, article carries on the analysis towards violating the indemnificationscope of compensation and puts forward the adduction punishment indemnification system to carrying on pursuing the sanctions towards violating the behavior of copyright, giving the s.学界应从侵害著作权的行为方式入手,对侵害著作权的赔偿范围进行分析,引用惩罚性赔偿制度对侵害著作权的行为进行追究制裁,同时对赔偿数额的计算方式予以规定。


1.The Defect and Perfection of the Compensation Scope in the China"s State Compensation Law论我国国家赔偿法赔偿范围的缺陷及其完善

2.Rethinking on Perfecting "The State Tort Claims Act"--To the Basis of Improving the Scope of Compensation in "The State Tort Claims Act";《国家赔偿法》完善的再思考——以国家赔偿法中赔偿范围的完善为基点

3.Campus Students Human Body Disservice Indemnification Basis,Indemnification Scope and Indemnification Standard;校园学生人身伤害赔偿依据、赔偿范围及赔偿标准

4.Insurance policies don"t pay out on suicide.保险协议规定 自杀不在赔偿范围内

5.On Some Issues in the Scope of Administrative Compensation;行政赔偿范围中的几个理论问题研究

6.The Damage Caused by the Public Facilities Should be Brought into the Scope of State Compensation;公共设施致害应当纳入国家赔偿范围

7.On Situation and Expansion Trend of National Compensation Scope in China;我国国家赔偿范围的现状及扩展趋势

8.About the Compensation Scope in the Environmental Pollution Resulted from Marine Oil Spills;船舶油污事故中环境损害的赔偿范围

9.Research on the Expansion of State Indemnity to Moral Damage;国家赔偿范围拓展至精神损害之研究

10.Study of the Scope of Spiritual Damage Compensation for Product Liability;产品质量责任精神损害赔偿范围浅析

parative Study on the Scopes of Compensation Causedby Fault Responsibilities in China and Germany;中德过错责任损害赔偿范围比较研究

12.Define and Perfect Legislation in the Scope of the Administrative Compensation of China我国行政赔偿范围的立法界定及完善

13.Study on Nature of Claim Right of Damage Compensation for Wrongful Birth and the Scope of Compensation.;不当出生损害赔偿请求权的性质与赔偿范围研究

14.Shallowly Discusses the Present Situation of Our Country Compensation Scope and Its Development Trend;浅论我国国家赔偿范围的现状及拓展趋向

15.Study for the Recognition of Liabities for Culpa in Contrahendo and the Range of Damage Compensation;缔约过失责任的认定及损害赔偿范围研究

16.Scope of Compensation and Limitation of Liability for Loss of Life or Personal Injury at Sea;海上人身伤亡损害赔偿范围及责任限制

17.On the Compensation Scope and Limitation of Liability Referring to Casualties at Sea;海上人身伤亡损害赔偿范围及责任限制研究

18.Study on the Confimation of the School s Responsibility for Civil Tort and Its Scope of Compensation;学校承担民事侵权责任的认定及赔偿范围研究


compensation scope赔偿范围

1.On the Compensation Scope and Limitation of Liability Referring to Casualties at Sea;海上人身伤亡损害赔偿范围及责任限制研究

2.In China, the definition of thecompensation scope is not clear and contradictory.其中赔偿范围在实践中仍存在较大争议,在纯经济损失、环境损失等方面尤为突出,很大程度上影响了赔偿的顺利进行。

3.The Paper makes an analysis of the causes affecting implementing Compensation Law and makes a study ofcompensation scope, compensation standard, compensation procedure, compensation costs and so on.分析了影响赔偿法实施原因 ,对赔偿范围、赔偿标准、赔偿程序、赔偿费用等方面存在的问题进行了研

3)extent of compensation赔偿范围

1.This dissertation specially studies certain difficulties of this topic,which include the law of oil pollution,theextent of compensation,pure economic loss,damage to the ocean environment and middle or long time fishery resources loss.针对目前油污损害赔偿范围中的几个难点问题加以详细研究,包括:油污事故适用的法律、损害赔偿范围和项目的确定、纯经济损失可否列入损害赔偿的范围、环境污染后引起的海洋资源的中长期损失。

2.In order to prevent environmental tort validly and protect people s legitimate right,the authors suggest that China expand theextent of compensation of environmental tort and establish a standard of spiritual compensation as well as a socialized environmental liability system.建议拓宽我国环境侵权损害赔偿范围 ,确立精神赔偿标准 ,并设立环境责任社会化制度 ,从而有效地防止环境侵权行为 ,维护受害人的合法权

4)the scope of compensation赔偿范围

1.At last,it analyzesthe scope of compensation in medical tort lawsuit.在实践中,由于医患双方对医疗侵权诉讼中的举证责任倒置和赔偿范围等问题认识不清,导致医患双方之间的纠纷激增,引发了诸多社会矛盾。

2.After several years of practice in the post, the author tried to combine the trial practice experience, by exploring the main responsibilities of accident damage,the scope of compensation and other issues, make recommendations for improvement, in order to improve the legislation.在历经几年的实践后,笔者试图结合审判实务中积累的经验,通过探讨交通事故损害赔偿的责任主体、赔偿范围等问题,提出改进建议,以求立法的完善。

5)range of compensation赔偿范围

1.This paper analyses therange of compensation and the way to caculate compensatory damages.文章对我国法律确定的损害赔偿范围、损害赔偿金的计算方法做了简要分析,并对补偿性赔偿与惩罚性赔偿的效果做了对比,认为我国法律应采纳惩罚性赔偿金制度。

6)compensation range and criterion赔偿范围及标准


《核损害补充赔偿公约》《核损害补充赔偿公约》Convention on Supplementary compensation for Nuclear Damage(( Hesunha一Buehong Pe一ehong Gongyue《核损容补充赔偿公约》((介脚vent俪砚S“户户介阴entary‘omPe月店at加了b犷NuclearD口nZage)一项保护因核事故而导致核损害的受害者的国际公约。1997年9月12日通过,9月29日开放供签署。截至1999年3月10日,已有13个签署国家,1个国家批准,但尚未满足《公约》生效条款的要求,迄未生效.前苏联切尔诺贝利核电厂事故使国际社会认识到,在严重核事故的情况下,仅凭一个国家的能力可能难以对所有的受害者给予充分的赔偿,故签订本公约.其主要目的是藉以建立一个补充和加强国家立法所规定的核损害赔偿措施的世界范围的责任体制,以提高核损害的赔偿额.《公约》适用于缔约方领土内和平用途的核装置的运营者依据有关公约或法律负有责任的核损害。《公约》的主要规定为:①对每一核事件所造成核损害的赔偿,先由装里国提供3亿特别提款权(SDR),或对于临时有困难的国家,从《公约》开放签字之日起的l。年内发生的核事件,可减少为至少1.5亿SDR;当应赔额超出上述装里国赔偿额时,则由各缔约方按本公约的规定提供的公共资金来补充赔偿;②公共资金的筹集方案为,绝大部分按缔约国所拥有的核装机容t分摊(每兆瓦热功率为300sDR),小部分按缔约国应缴的联合国会费比率分摊,同时为装机容t大国规定了一个分摊上限,即其分摊额占公共资金总数的百分数不超过其联合国会费比率加8个百分点,③一旦发生核事件,看起来其损害将超过或可能超过装t国应赔额而需公共资金来补充时,装置国即将该核李件通知其他缔约方,后者即应按实际要求的数量和时间提供所分摊的公共资金;④公共资金的50%和装t国的应赔额一起用于装t国内、外所受核损害的索赔,另5。%应只用于装置国领土外所受核损害的索赔;⑤装t国的立法可规定:如果核损害是由运营者方面的过错所造成,可从该运营者那里收回依据本公约提供的公共资金。中国派代表参加了本公约的制订和审议过程,但未签署本公约。
